Y&R Recap – Thu May 15: Jordan Begs Victor to Release Her, Diane Tells Jack She Needs Time Apart, and Phyllis Digs for Summer’s Feelings About Claire

Y&R Recap – Thu May 15: Jordan Begs Victor to Release Her, Diane Tells Jack She Needs Time Apart, and Phyllis Digs for Summer’s Feelings About Claire

Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs in the USA on Thursday, May 15, 2024, and airs one day ahead in Canada. We post our Y&R recaps every weekday!

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The Genoa City Athletic Club

Phyllis tells Summer she seems tired and run down. She asks how Harrison is.

Summer Newman and Phyllis Summers sit and talk over coffee.

Summer says Harrison is doing pretty well. She’s keeping an eye on him for any signs of trauma, but he seems okay so far! She says she’s still a bit on edge, though.

Phyllis understands. She says she’d be cautious, too.

Summer says they’re keeping Harrison out of school for another day to ensure he’s okay. She says Kyle is spending some one-on-one time with Harrison.

Summer talks to her mom.

Phyllis thinks that’ll be good for both of them.

Summer wants things to go back to normal.

Phyllis says that’ll take time.

Phyllis talks to her daughter.

Summer says unfortunately, Harrison keeps asking about Claire, and Kyle is doing nothing to discourage it.

Phyllis asks if Summer wants Kyle to discourage it. She heard that Claire was as much a victim as Harrison was.

Summer asks if her mom is siding against her on this.

Summer Newman.

Phyllis would never side against Summer, but she doesn’t think Claire is to blame for any of this.

Summer says Claire may not be directly responsible, but in Summer’s mind, Claire will never be innocent.

Chancellor Park

Victoria and Claire walk through the park.

Victoria Newman talks to her daughter, Claire.

Claire says she saw a plaque stating that the park was named after Katherine Chancellor. Did her mom know her?

Victoria says that everyone in town knew Katherine; she was loved and respected, and she was Victoria’s godmother, too!

Claire wants to know all about Katherine and everything else she missed.

Claire Grace talks to her mom.

Victoria says they have all the time in the world to talk.

Claire isn’t sure… She loves spending time with her mom, but she’s been thinking of getting a job of her own, and thinks her mom should get back to work now, too, since Jordan is out of their lives.

The Abbott Mansion

Kyle calls out to Harrison to come downstairs… He has the duck feed ready, and he should remember that this is his last day before returning to school!

Kyle Abbott talks to Diane.

Diane smiles and says it sounds like Kyle is in a good mood; hearing him happy and relieved almost helps her own mood.

Kyle says it doesn’t look like she got much sleep; he guesses she’s still upset about Jack not coming home the other night. He asks what happened; it feels like he’s missing something.

Diane says Jack was gone all night… Does there need to be anything more?

Diane and Kyle Abbott.

Kyle figures that the friend that Jack was helping was Nikki, and that’s why Victor came over the next morning, furious at Jack, and that’s probably why Diane is still upset about it. He doesn’t want to ask but has to… Jack and Nikki are just friends, right?

Diane says Jack didn’t cheat on her with Nikki, but what he did was just as bad… Maybe even worse!

Kyle talks to Diane.


Victor walks into the restaurant and pauses when he sees Jack sitting at a table. He ignores him and takes a seat at the bar.

Jack walks up to Victor and says he knows he’s angry with him, and he’s not there to argue about it. He asks Victor to tell him how Nikki is doing.

Victor Newman talks to Jack Abbott.

The Abbott Mansion

Diane tells Kyle what happened with Jack the night he didn’t come home.

Kyle is incredulous… His dad contacted his old dealer, Kieren, who was Kyle’s former friend, and got some pills that he used to be addicted to?!

Kyle talks to his mom.

Diane nods. It was Jack’s ridiculous plan to save Nikki, who was on a drunken bender. She says she’s tried to see things from Jack’s point of view, but she’s not just upset… She’s furious! It’s outrageous, and she can’t stop thinking about what could have happened!

Kyle can see where she’s coming from, to an extent.

Diane says his father risked everything; their marriage, their future, his sobriety, and his life! She says she’s so happy that because of Jack’s foolishness, Nikki is okay and is finally getting the help she needs. Jack’s actions showed that he thought of nothing else; how could he have put them through this?

Diane talks to Kyle.

Kyle says it’s clear that Jack saw it as an extreme situation, so he did what he had to do.

Diane says Jack mixed pills with vodka; would anyone in their right mind do that?

Kyle says Jack knows Nikki in a way they don’t.

Kyle and Diane talk.

Diane doesn’t care; Jack could have suffered fatal consequences, and what he did was selfish and stupid.

Kyle asks how she could think it was selfish if he did it to save Nikki’s life. Jack could have died, and that’s horrible to think about, but it wasn’t selfish.

Diane asks why Jack would do something so reckless when he has a family that needs him. How would Kyle feel if he found out that Jack had died from an overdose? What he did was selfish and he put everything at risk.

Diane Abbott talks to her son.


Victor tells Jack that it’s none of his business how his wife is doing.

Jack says he’s Nikki’s sponsor; of course it’s his business.

Jack talks with Victor.

Victor says Jack’s one hell of a sponsor… His actions drove her into hell, and she didn’t think she’d come back from it!

Jack says she did return and got the help she needed.

Victor asks if Jack is giving himself credit for it; Nikki had to call the paramedics to save Jack’s life, but he’s turning it around like he saved her life!

Victor shakes his fist as he talks to Jack.

Jack says he’s not going to argue it with him; Nikki made her own decision about going to rehab.

Victor says it was up to him to convince her.

Jack says nobody decides when Nikki gets sober… Only she can make that decision, and she did, which is what matters! His conscience is clear about it.

Victor says Jack is delusional. Is his ego so fragile that he can’t admit he made a mistake?

Jack Abbott.

The Abbott Mansion

Kyle tells Diane that Jack had to do what he did for the sake of his friend, though it may not have been the best choice from their point of view. He can see how it came from the right place, though.

Diane laughs. She says if Jack had died, at least she could have said his heart was in the right place!

Diane talks to Kyle.

Kyle says they went through hell with Jordan, and he wasn’t thinking straight. He had promised his parents that he wouldn’t go after Jordan alone, but if he’d seen Jordan going into that motel instead of leaving it, he would have gone after her to save Harrison.

Diane says it’s completely different. He can’t compare the two things! Harrison was in danger, and Nikki was drunk, and not for the first time! Eventually, Nikki might have drank herself to death, but she wasn’t in immediate danger. She says Jack overreacted; they could be planning Jack’s funeral right now all because he had to rush in and save Nikki from herself… He just had to be her hero!

Kyle wonders if Diane is jealous of Nikki. Doesn’t she know how much Jack loves her?

Kyle talks to Diane.

The GCAC Dining Room

Summer tells her mom that she doesn’t understand why Kyle has so much sympathy for Claire. She says Claire may not be directly responsible for Harrison being stolen from his bed, but she’s part of it! Claire was Jordan’s way into town to begin with!

Phyllis says Jordan was an obsessed psycho who would have found her way to Genoa City with or without Claire.

Phyllis talks to her daughter.

Summer says Jordan could have never pulled off the horrific things she did without Claire, who was her willing accomplice, but everyone seems to forget that! Claire poisoned almost the whole Newman family, but everyone is perfectly okay with it now!

Phyllis says nobody is perfectly okay with it.

Summer asks what that says about Claire’s level of psychosis… She was willing to murder five people! How do they know that Claire won’t get there again?

Summer Newman.

Chancellor Park

Victoria tells Claire she took time off work to spend time with her, and when her other children come home from school, spending time with the three of them will be her priority! She says they can talk to Reed, maybe visit him, and have a summer adventure!

Victoria smiles.

Claire says Victoria could be doing so much more… She could be running Newman Enterprises!

Victoria says she just got Claire back and wants to focus on getting to know her.

Claire wonders if she misses being the head of the company.

Claire and Victoria sit and talk.

Victoria says she grew up in Newman Enterprises, but these last few months have given her perspective, and she has enough excitement in her life that she doesn’t want to get bogged down in office drama.

Claire can understand that.

Victoria says she thinks Claire is trying to push her out of the nest because she’s ready to fly herself!

Victoria smiles at Claire.

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The Abbott Mansion

Diane laughs at Kyle’s idea that she’s jealous of Nikki. Jack could have died, but she’s jealous??

Diane is incredulous.

Kyle says Jack thought Nikki’s life was at risk, and pills or not, it’s Jack’s perception of the moment that really matters. What if Jack had done what he did for Kyle’s sake? What then?

Diane says it’s not the same thing. Jack would have come to her and they would have worked together to get him the help he needed because he’s their son. She says Nikki has her own husband and children to come to her rescue!

Kyle says Nikki is one of Jack’s closest friends… He can’t be expected to simply walk away! As scary as it is, Jack must have thought he had the situation under control; he doesn’t act recklessly!

Kyle Abbott.

Diane says that’s why she’s shocked by it all.

Kyle says she needs to think about the positives… Harrison is safe, Nikki is safe, and Jack is safe. He can’t imagine that Jack will get hooked on pills again; they should just appreciate the moment!

Diane can’t believe Kyle wants her to forget about it; an addict who just took pills again promises he’ll never take them again… Really? She wonders if Kyle is just trying to find a way to take the opposite position from Diane.

Diane Abbott.

Kyle doesn’t know what she’s talking about.

Diane says Kyle has been disagreeing with everything she’s said at work for the past few months… And now that’s this? It’s like Kyle won’t even try to see things from her perspective!


Jack tells Victor that it’s not about his giant ego… It’s more like it’s Victor’s giant ego! Victor didn’t know how far gone Nikki was, and that’s why he’s going after Jack.

Jack leans on the bar and talks to Victor.

Victor tells him not to turn things back on him.

Jack says the only thing that matters to him is that Nikki survived; had he not stepped in, Nikki would be drinking herself to death! He knows that Victor loves her, and says that the important thing is that Nikki found the help she needs.

Victor says he wants Nikki to get help from professionals, not amateurs like Jack.

Victor points his finger as he talks to Jack.

Jack says he never claimed he was a professional; he’s a friend who helped someone he cares about.

Victor says Jack put Nikki’s life in jeopardy. She was petrified and had to call the paramedics for Jack! He could have died! He warns Jack never to put Nikki at risk ever again, or he’ll wish he had died in that hotel room!

Jack talks earnestly with Victor.

Chancellor Park

Claire tells Victoria she’s not trying to push her out of the nest… She doesn’t want to see Victoria hold herself back for her! If Victoria doesn’t want to go back to Newman right now, maybe there’s something else she could get involved with to focus her drive and ambition!

Claire talks to her mom.

Victoria says her ambition is to get to know Claire and make sure she feels secure and loved. She asks whether Claire is ready to “fly” on her own soon.

Claire says she’s getting there. She feels optimistic about her future, even though she doesn’t know what it holds.

Victoria says she’ll be there to cheer her on.

Victoria and Claire sit and talk in the park.

Claire says she wants to cheer Victoria on, too. She wants her to get back to the normal life that she used to have.

Victoria says this is her normal life. She’s never felt better than she does now!

The Abbott Mansion

Diane says that Kyle second-guesses everything she does at the office and looks for ways to undermine her at every turn, even though her work has been exemplary! She says it’s bad enough that he does it at Jabot, but he’s brought that attitude home now and won’t even consider seeing her side.

Kyle says he considers her viewpoint but doesn’t have to agree with it.

Kyle talks with Diane.

Diane says he hasn’t agreed with her lately at all.

Kyle thinks she sounds paranoid. He thinks it’s ridiculous that she thinks he’s always trying to undermine her at the office.

Jack walks in and figures they’re arguing about him.

Jack Abbott.

Victor’s Secret Wine Cellar

Victor walks into the cellar and turns on the light.

Jordan looks sadly at Victor.

Jordan wakes up and drops the empty vodka bottle she had been holding. She sits up in the bed, bleary and hung over.

Victor sits down and smiles at her. “I see you followed my suggestion!” He wonders how many bottles he’ll have to bring her before the world is rid of her. He says she’s poison.

Victor smiles as he talks to Jordan.

The Abbott Mansion

Diane asks Kyle to give her and Jack some privacy.

Kyle says he and Harrison were going to the park anyhow. He tells Jack that he hates that he had to take things so far, but he understands why he had to take such desperate measures. He leaves the room.

Kyle talks to Jack.

Jack figures Diane told Kyle what happened with Nikki.

Diane says Kyle knows that Jack is Nikki’s sponsor and that something terrible had happened and started putting the pieces together.

Jack wishes she hadn’t filled in the blanks for him.

Diane says, “Too bad.” She says Jack might need to keep Nikki’s secrets, but he can’t expect her to keep his secrets when he almost killed himself.

Diane talks to Jack.

The GCAC Dining Room

Phyllis tells Summer she understands why she’d have concerns about Claire, but Victoria, Nikki, and even Victor have accepted her. She says Summer should take that into consideration and talk to them to find out their perspectives.

Summer says she wants to protect her son, and she’s afraid Kyle will let Claire into Harrison’s life. She says that Claire stopped by the Abbotts to “check-in” on Harrison and wants to see him more often now. She says Kyle was willing to let Claire do it until Summer put her foot down. She says there’s no reason for Claire to see Harrison, even though Kyle claims that Claire and Harrison have a special bond. Just the thought of Claire being near Harrison makes her sick.

Summer looks at her mother in disbelief.

Chancellor Park

Cole shows up at the park and gives Victoria and Claire some cold drinks.

Claire says she was just telling Victoria that she needs to get back to work. Claire feels guilty that they’ve both neglected their careers because of her.

Victoria and Claire talk to Cole.

Cole says his writing isn’t going anywhere. He can resume writing anytime! He asks if she’s trying to get rid of him.

Victoria says that’s what she was afraid of!

Cole says Claire has to grin and bear them hovering over her right now… They were terrified when she was missing!

Harrison and Kyle enter the park, and Harrison runs over, calling Claire’s name. Harrison gives Claire a big hug.

Harrison and Claire hug.

The GCAC Dining Room

Phyllis tells Summer she knows what it’s like not to want someone dangerous around her kid, but she wants Summer to take some time to think about it.

Phyllis Summers.

Summer says time won’t change how she feels about it.

Phyllis thinks Summer is being a bit overprotective.

Summer says that’s funny coming from the most overprotective mother on the planet.

Summer Newman.

Phyllis knows she is, but she knows what it’s like to want a second chance… She’s begged everyone in town for a second, third, fourth, or even fifth chance!

Summer says she knows her mom’s done insane things and probably more things that Summer doesn’t know about, but if Phyllis tried to kill five people and was willing to watch them die, that’s news to her! Her son was kidnapped; she’s allowed to feel this way!

Phyllis doesn’t understand why Summer won’t forgive Claire even though everyone else has.

Phyllis talks with Summer.

Summer says they forgave Claire because they feel sorry for her; it doesn’t change the fact that Claire could still be dangerous!

Phyllis says the Newmans may be many things, but they’re not pushovers. The fact that Victor has Claire living at the ranch and that even Summer’s father, Nick, has forgiven her should make Summer think about it. She says Summer needs to talk to them about it. She asks if Summer has noticed any sign of psychosis in Claire.

Summer says it doesn’t matter; she won’t take a chance when it comes to her son. She can’t believe Kyle wants Claire to be Harrison’s nanny… In what world does that make sense?

Summer looks intense as she talks to her mom.

Phyllis is surprised that Kyle wants Claire to be Harrison’s nanny. She says that would be taking things too far.

Summer is happy her mom agrees with her; the only way she’d ever let that happen is over her dead body!

Chancellor Park

Victoria and Cole say hello to Harrison.

Victoria and Cole.

Harrison asks Claire if she wants to see the ducks with him.

Kyle says that Claire is hanging out with her parents right now.

Victoria tells Claire it’s fine… Go with Harrison!

Harrison smiles at Claire.

Kyle says they brought some treats for the ducks… They have peas and oats! He tells them to go ahead… He’ll watch.

Claire and Harrison go to feed the ducks.

Victoria loves that Harrison has taken to Claire; she’s great with kids.

Victoria and Cole smile.

Kyle smiles. Apparently so!

Victoria says the kidnapping left a “lasting impression” on Summer.

Kyle nods. He says Summer is worried that Claire will be a reminder of the trauma that Harrison went through, but he hasn’t seen any signs of it. If anything, Harrison seems more reassured around Claire!

Kyle talks to Cole and Victoria.

Cole says that makes sense… They both went through a scary situation and made it out the other side; it’s a strong bond for two people to share.

Victoria suggests that Summer and Kyle try Claire out as Harrison’s nanny. It’d be wonderful if it worked out!

Victoria and Cole talk with Kyle.

Victor’s Secret Wine Cellar

Victor sits and plays chess with himself outside Jordan’s cell. He asks if she’s good at chess; it’s all about figuring out your opponent’s next move!

Jordan tells him to shut up and let her out.

Jordan throws a shoe.

Victor says she played the long con by raising Claire so she’d gain access to his family.

Jordan says he has to let her out; she can’t take it anymore!

Victor says she walked right into his trap.

Victor looks at his disturbed chessboard with amusement.

Jordan takes off her shoe and throws it through the bars, hitting his chessboard and knocking the pieces over.

Victor laughs.

Chancellor Park

Kyle tells Victoria and Cole that he agrees that Claire would be a good fit for Harrison’s nanny, but Summer needs more time… Her feelings about Claire are still pretty raw, and she’s having problems getting over that Claire wasn’t involved.

Kyle talks to Cole and Victoria.

Victoria says Summer knows that Claire wasn’t involved. They were horrified when Claire disappeared, too.

Kyle says Summer needs to be completely comfortable and on board in order to hire Claire.

Cole nods. No decisions need to be made today; Claire and Harrison are just two pals feeding ducks together, which is more than they could have expected.

Victoria and Cole.

Victoria says he’s right.

Cole says he has to leave; he’ll talk to them later. He says he couldn’t be happier that Kyle’s child is home safely. He leaves the park.

Victoria says she’ll do anything to put Summer’s mind at ease about Claire; they’re family, and she wants them to get along.

Victoria smiles at Cole.

Kyle says Summer will have to get over it on her own, and he can’t guarantee that she will ever do so.

Phyllis and Summer enter the park. Phyllis says Summer told her that Kyle was spending time with Harrison.

Summer says they were supposed to be feeding the ducks.

Summer and Phyllis.

Claire and Harrison come back with an empty bag. Claire says they found the hungriest ducks.

Summer glares at them.

Claire, Harrison, Kyle, and Victoria.

The Abbott Mansion

Jack tells Diane that he knows she’s upset, but there’s nothing else he can say… He’s sorry, and promises that nothing like this will ever happen again.

Diane hopes not; next time, he might not be so lucky as to survive it!

Diane talks to Jack.

Jack says he realizes he may have pushed things too far.

Diane doesn’t think he does realize it. He hasn’t grasped the severity of what happened. Diane agreed to let Jack be Nikki’s sponsor, even though she didn’t like it and was worried about Jack’s sobriety. She’s bitten her tongue every time he ran out because Nikki called him, but she can’t ignore the alarm bells ringing anymore!

Jack says he understands that she’s hurt and angry.

Jack talks to Diane.

Diane says he doesn’t get it. She’s not just hurt and angry about an argument; he risked everything they have and worked for. They went through hell to be together, and he was willing to throw it away!

Jack says he had things under control.

Diane says he had things under control until he didn’t. She says it’s really made her question his judgment and made her question everything she thought they had. He has no idea how she feels; what he did was a betrayal of their love and trust! She’s not even sure she can get past it!

Diane Abbott.

Jack asks what she means by that.

Diane says she needs time on her own away from him so she can sort things out.

Jack says there’s nothing to sort out… What’s done is done, and he promised her that nothing like it would happen again!

Diane asks if he can really promise her that. She needs distance for both of their sakes. If she’s hurt and angry around him, it could send him back to the pills! She’s hurt and confused, and doesn’t know what to do.

Jack Abbott.

Victor’s Secret Wine Cellar

Victor approaches Jordan’s cell and tells her that taunting her jailer isn’t a good idea… Does she want some more booze? Maybe he should feed it to her intravenously like she did to Nikki!

Jordan says he’s satisfying his God complex by keeping her locked up. He can gloat all he wants, but he could have ended her life by now… And he hasn’t! Why not? Does he think there’s a chance she might escape?

Jordan looks at Victor through the bars.

Victor asks if she thinks she has a chance.

Jordan tells him to let her out and put her in an actual prison. She asks him what she has to do.

Victor says he has an idea.

Victor smiles at Jordan.

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Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs in the USA on Thursday, May 15, 2024, and airs one day ahead in Canada. We post our Y&R recaps every weekday! Last Episode The Genoa City Athletic Club Phyllis tells Summer she seems tired and run down. She asks how Harrison is. CBS Summer says Harrison is doing…