Y&R Recap: Alan Meets With Tucker About Ashley and Decides to Stay in Town, Jill Confirms Billy’s Power, and Devon Seeks Tucker’s Help

Y&R Recap: Alan Meets With Tucker About Ashley and Decides to Stay in Town, Jill Confirms Billy’s Power, and Devon Seeks Tucker’s Help


Daniel walks into Lily’s office and says Esther told him that Lily might have time between meetings to talk to him.

Lily says Esther was wrong; she doesn’t have time for whatever Daniel wants.

Daniel Romalotti

Daniel says he wants to discuss the lawsuit, since the arbitration date is coming up.

Lily says there’s nothing to talk about; Daniel is suing Chancellor-Winters, and they’re going to fight back.

Daniel says he’s not asking for everything, he just wants the pieces of OmegaSphere that are closest to his heart.

Lily Winters

Chancellor Park

Abby and Devon watch as Dominic plays in the playground. Abby says that Dominic has really taken to the monkey bars.

Devon agrees. He says Dom has fallen, dusted himself off, and got right back on again. He wonders whether Dominic’s stubbornness comes from him or from Abby.

Devon Hamilton-Winters talks to his girlfriend, Abby Newman.

Abby thinks it must come from Devon… He can take stubbornness to a whole new level! She says Devon mentioned something was going on at work… Was it something to do with Mamie?

Devon says it’s Billy, actually… He told Lily and Devon that Jill had handed over all her power at Chancellor-Winters to him.

Abby’s surprised. All of her power? That doesn’t make any sense!

Devon says it doesn’t make sense… That’s why he doesn’t think Jill made the call on her own. This feels like a move by Billy to assert his control over them, and Devon won’t stand for it!

Abby talks to Devon.


Audra sits alone at a table, drinking a cup of coffee, when Ashley (Belle) walks into the restaurant.

Ashley runs over to Audra’s table and says hello.

Ashley Abbott

Audra grins uncomfortably… Look who it is!

Ashley hopes Audra has “wised up” about Tucker.

Audra groans. They’re back to that?

Audra Charles smiles at Ashley.

Ashley says she can’t help it; she can’t understand why Audra is so taken by Tucker. She says Audra must have a blind spot regarding to him.

Audra is confused… She’s the one with issues?

Ashley says Audra is a lone woman ready to take on the world… Maybe she has ditched “that snake.”

Ashley talks to Audra.

Audra says she’s sorry to disappoint, but she and Tucker are solid. In fact, they’re leaving town for a bit.

Ashley loves travel… Where are they going?

Audra says Ashley knows where.

Ashley laughs and says they must be going to Paris… Because Tucker’s relationships work out so well in Paris.

Audra listens to Ashley.

The Genoa City Athletic Club

Tucker walks into the club’s dining room and meets Alan. They shake hands, and Tucker notices that Alan has luggage beside him. He asks if Alan is leaving soon.

Alan says he is… He has business elsewhere.

Alan Laurent talks with Tucker McCall.

Tucker asks if he’s going to leave Ashley in the lurch. He says Ashley needs help, and Alan needs to do something about it.

Alan asks what kind of help Tucker thinks he could offer Ashley.

Tucker shrugs. Alan’s the psychologist and Ashley’s friend, and he thinks Alan should stay on top of the situation; he shouldn’t just leave.

Tucker and Alan talk.

Alan nods. He figures Ashley means a lot to Tucker.

Tucker says it’s not about him; he wants Alan to give Ashley guidance and insight. He asks him to give her some advice… Just do something.

Alan doesn’t think Ashley would be comfortable with him discussing her with her ex.

Alan and Tucker.

Tucker says Alan should consider him a concerned friend.

Alan asks why Tucker thinks Ashley needs psychological help… Were there signs that he’s seen to come to this conclusion?

Tucker says he could give Alan a play-by-play of all her disturbing and bizarre behavior since their honeymoon in Paris. It didn’t end well, and Ashley had convinced herself that Tucker had behaved violently toward her. It took her months to realize she was mistaken, and ever since, it’s been one wild personality swing after another.

Tucker and Alan.

Alan says people are entitled to their emotions.

Tucker says it’s deeper than that, and Alan must have noticed since he knows Ashley so well and is a psychologist. Tucker says Ashley’s family is terrified for her; has Traci or Jack approached Alan about it?

Alan doesn’t answer the question. He asks if Tucker has considered that what Ashley is going through might be because of Tucker’s behavior.

Alan Laurent

Tucker admits he wasn’t the “perfect husband” while they were married and he’s sorry for the ways they hurt each other. He probably could have been more supportive.

Alan asks if he told Ashley that.

Tucker says whatever is going on with Ashley isn’t going to be solved by a kind word from him. He says Alan can catch his flight, or he can stick around and do something to help Ashley. He doesn’t think Ashley will get well if she’s left on her own.

Tucker McCall


Audra asks Ashley if she finds this entertaining; Audra doesn’t… She finds it boring.

Ashley says she’s just trying to make friendly conversation.

Ashley smiles at Audra.

Audra says Ashley should find someone else to have a conversation with… Someone she hasn’t insulted a dozen times!

Ashley gets it.

Audra says she doesn’t see the point… What does Ashley want from her?

Audra Charles

Ashley says she doesn’t want anything from Audra; she just thinks she can do better. Tucker’s not worth the trouble!

Audra nods. Obviously, he’s not worth the trouble for Ashley, but he’s not trouble for Audra… They have something that’s real, and it’s unlike anything she’s ever had before.

Ashley asks if that’s a good thing.

Ashley Abbott

Audra says Ashley doesn’t want to see how solid she and Tucker are. Audra says she doesn’t give up on Tucker when things are tough, and she doesn’t give him mixed messages or patronize him.

Ashley says that’s wonderful… Love should be cherished and celebrated; she only wishes Audra the best.

Audra wonders if the visit from Ashley’s therapist friend is helping… Ashley seems to be on a more even keel.

Audra talks to Ashley

Ashley smiles. Alan is a charmer.

Audra says she should be careful… It might not be the best idea to get involved with her therapist.

Ashley laughs and says it’s adorable that Audra would give her dating advice.

Ashley smiles at Audra.

Chancellor Park

Abby tells Devon she understands why he’d be suspicious of Billy… The timing of the announcement is pretty strange.

Devon agrees—especially because Jill hadn’t mentioned any of it to them! They’ve been calling and meeting with her about Daniel’s lawsuit and Mamie, and she hasn’t said a word.

Devon and Abby talk.

Abby asks what Jill’s explanation is.

Devon says they haven’t heard anything from Jill yet… Billy told them that she was unreachable while she was traveling.

Abby nods. That is odd. Billy drops a bomb on them, but Jill isn’t even around to corroborate it!

Abby and Devon.

Devon says it’s “classic Billy” to do something underhanded with an ulterior motive.

Abby wonders if Billy might be telling the truth; Jill might have done it so she can focus on her personal life instead of business… She has earned the right to do that.

Devon says she has earned it, but she wouldn’t do it without talking to him or Lily about it first… They’re her partners.

Devon and Abby.

Abby says that would have been a better way to handle it instead of having it come through Billy.

Devon wonders why Jill would do it if it blindsided him and Lily; Jill and Lily are close… She put Lily in charge of Chancellor Industries; why would she pull the rug out from under her?

Abby figures Jill must have a good reason for it.

Abby looks at Devon.

Devon says Jill is aware of the tension between him and Billy and wouldn’t drop something on them like this without warning him.

Abby agrees that Jill is smarter than that.

Devon thinks that either Jill is being careless or she wants to go to war.

Devon talks to Abby.


Lily tells Daniel that she’s not sure why he’s not getting it… OmegaSphere belongs to Chancellor-Winters, not to him.

Daniel says OmegaSphere wouldn’t exist without him; it was his vision and direction that made it successful.

Daniel talks to Lily.

Lily says it was successful because of Chancellor-Winters’ money and their offices.

Daniel says he made Princess Louisa for his daughter; isn’t Lily sympathetic to that?

Lily says just because he wants something doesn’t mean he’s entitled to have it.

Lily talks to Daniel

Daniel was hoping she’d changed her mind, as time might have let things cool off between them.

Lily asks if he’s asking if things had cooled off after he cheated on her. She was gone taking care of her daughter in California while he was sleeping with Heather behind her back… And now Daniel wants Lily to do him a “very expensive” favor? Why would she do that?

Daniel asks if she wants to punish him by taking away everything he made.

Daniel Romalotti

Lily says he didn’t make it on his own, and he doesn’t get to keep it.

Daniel nods. Okay. He says he’s sorry that he hurt her, but they need to keep this separate.

Lily says it is separate.

Lily Winters

Daniel doesn’t think it feels that way. He thinks Lily won’t be happy until she crushes him; this is all about revenge!

Lily says they shouldn’t be talking without lawyers present.

Daniel asks what it’s about if it’s not about revenge.


Lily says Daniel wants to retain a portion of OmegaSphere, and she’s not going to allow it for the good of the company. There’s nothing personal about it. He signed a contract!

Daniel says he’s not hurting the company by asking for what he deserves.

Lily says he is… They’ve invested a lot of time, money, and resources into OmegaSphere, and the game is of great value to the company. The contract says that Chancellor-Winters owns the Intellectual Property. If they give Daniel pieces of it back for free, it undercuts their bottom line.

Lily smiles at Daniel.

Daniel says that’s what it’s all about, then… The bottom line.

Lily says that if he got what he wanted, it would decimate what he’d created. She’s looking after the company; it’s her job.

Daniel says Lily’s hiding behind her job. He says they’ve almost known each other their entire lives, and they’ve always had each other’s back and have been there for each other. He’s coming to her as a friend and as someone who adored her and is begging her. He asks her not to take it from him.


Chancellor Park

Abby tells Devon she doesn’t think they should jump to conclusions or make assumptions about what Billy and Jill are up to.

Devon says it’s hard not to… He knows that Jill has no reason to give up control.

Devon and Abby.

Abby asks what Devon is going to do if it is true, and Jill is handing all her power over to Billy.

Devon says he’s not thinking about it until he and Lily have a conversation with Jill about it.

Abby knows Devon is frustrated; there have been a lot of changes at the company lately, and it’s been chaotic.

Abby and Devon.

Devon says it all started when Lily left town; Billy and Chance were brought in, and Mamie started causing issues… It seems they’ve lost their footing.

Abby says that at least Chancellor-Winters has remained profitable through it.

Devon wonders how long that can last; it’s hard to do business when management is unstable.

Abby asks Devon how he thinks Neil would have handled this.

Devon talks to Abby.


Audra tells Ashley that she has no desire to interfere in her romantic life, but she thinks it’s inappropriate for a therapist to be involved with his client.

Ashley says Alan isn’t her therapist; they’re friends.

Ashley talks with Audra.

Audra says she saw them together and it looked like they were more than just friends.

Ashley leans in. “You think so?”

Audra says she does, and she thinks she knows what Ashley is after… She’ll try to lure Alan in, charm him, flirt with him, and maybe even get him to fall in love with her, but it’ll all be a distraction since she knows he’ll be too busy crushing on her to focus on her psychological problems.

Audra talks with Ashley.

Ashley thinks it’s “quite the juicy plot” Audra has cooked up.

Audra rolls her eyes. She says it can’t be easy to hide whatever is happening to Ashley with a psychologist hovering over her.

Ashley says that Alan is brilliant and attractive, but they’re not involved in a professional way, so there’s nothing to be concerned about.

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Chancellor-Winters Daniel walks into Lily’s office and says Esther told him that Lily might have time between meetings to talk to him. Lily says Esther was wrong; she doesn’t have time for whatever Daniel wants. CBS Daniel says he wants to discuss the lawsuit, since the arbitration date is coming up. Lily says there’s nothing…