Home and Away Spoilers – Romance for Remi as he gets a taste of Hollywood

Home and Away Spoilers – Romance for Remi as he gets a taste of Hollywood

sights on Remi, while Kirby reveals all to Justin about Theo’s risky new habit.

Last week, Cash brought Stevie back to his and Felicity’s (Jacqui Purvis) humble Saxon Avenue abode after it became apparent that her stalker had discovered which hotel she was staying at in the city.

The plan was for Stevie to move on to another hotel, but once one secure enough had been found, Stevie instead asked if she could stay on at the Newman house, explaining that she felt safe there and would enjoy the company.

Stevie finds something else to enjoy about the place next week, after she spots neighbour Remi (Adam Rowland) returning home on his motorbike whilst having her morning coffee in the front garden.

Stevie briefly met Remi last week when he came to the house seeking Eden (Stephanie Panozzo). Whilst Stevie took an immediate shine to him and introduced herself, Remi was too worked up in his annoyance at Eden to take much notice of the global superstar, other than to casually say that he loved the soundtrack to her last movie Death Throes.

Stevie commented to Cash as Remi left that she could think of something that would take her mind off her stalker, with Cash quickly retorting “Don’t even think about it.

Back in the front garden, Stevie’s busy admiring the view until Cash breaks her out of her reverie, scolding her for being out in the open where anyone could see her. She should stick to the backyard where it’s safer.

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sights on Remi, while Kirby reveals all to Justin about Theo’s risky new habit. Last week, Cash brought Stevie back to his and Felicity’s (Jacqui Purvis) humble Saxon Avenue abode after it became apparent that her stalker had discovered which hotel she was staying at in the city. The plan was for Stevie to move…