‘The Young and the Restless’ Jack Stops Being Nikki’s Sponsor to Save his Marriage; Alan Doesn’t Remember Ashley’s Call in Paris, He was Elsewhere; Kyle Keeps Summer Calm as Claire Begins her Nanny Job

‘The Young and the Restless’ Jack Stops Being Nikki’s Sponsor to Save his Marriage; Alan Doesn’t Remember Ashley’s Call in Paris, He was Elsewhere; Kyle Keeps Summer Calm as Claire Begins her Nanny Job

‘The Young and the Restless’ (Y&R) spoilers here and we’re all set to dive into some fun spoilery goodies for Thursday, May 30.

There’s some good emotional moments in this episode as well as a piece to the puzzle for Ashley Abbott (Eileen Davidson)’s struggle.

With so much being set for future or continuing storylines, we’re curious what to expect in the coming days as things continue to fall into place.

It looks like Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) is going to get some serious pushback from Diane Jenkins (Susan Walters) on being Nikki Newman (Melody Thomas Scott)’s sponsor again.

‘The Young and the Restless’ Spoilers expected something to happen, but we expected it to mainly come from Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) since Jack’s shown Victor can’t do everything.

We suspect Diane will threaten to leave Jack if he continues as Nikki’s sponsor, as we can’t blame her since he nearly died to save her and didn’t think of Diane or his family.

Waiting around to hear if he’ll have an overdose again isn’t how anyone should live their life.

‘The Young and the Restless’ Spoilers For Thursday, May 30: Ashley’s memory disturbs Alan

Things are going to get interesting when Alan Laurant (Christopher Cousins) sits down with Ashley in her apartment in Paris and they start talking.

She’ll be nervous and that makes sense, but the real interesting part will come when they start talking about what happened after her fight with Tucker McCall (Trevor St. John).

She’ll tell Alan that she called him, but he didn’t get her call. He was out of town, and that could be where the break happened.

‘The Young and the Restless’ Spoilers for Friday, May 17: Victor Tortures Jordan; Kyle Ignores Summer and Tells Harrison Claire can be his Nanny; Nick Talks Phyllis Down

‘The Young and the Restless’ Spoilers For Thursday, May 30: Keeping Summer calm

The big day is here as Claire Grace (Hayley Erin) will officially begin her first day as Harrison Abbott (Redding Munsell)’s nanny, and Summer Newman (Alison Lanier) will have a healthy dose of nerves to contend with.

She’ll have the usual nerves we’d expect her to have at allowing Harrison out with someone else, even if they have to stay on the Abbott’s property.

Kyle Abbott (Michael Mealor) will step up and keep her calm as he’ll take her for coffee to let Claire do her thing. It’ll be a good moment for them, but we don’t think they’ll get together.

It may just be us, but we think Kyle has his eyes on Claire.

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‘The Young and the Restless’ (Y&R) spoilers here and we’re all set to dive into some fun spoilery goodies for Thursday, May 30. There’s some good emotional moments in this episode as well as a piece to the puzzle for Ashley Abbott (Eileen Davidson)’s struggle. With so much being set for future or continuing storylines, we’re…