Home and Away Spoilers – Tane faces his day in court

Home and Away Spoilers – Tane faces his day in court

After a false start last week, the time has come for Tane (Ethan Browne) to learn his fate as he appears in court over his kidnap of baby Poppy.

Tane had taken the child, who he’d found on the beach and nicknamed ‘Maia’, from Northern Districts Hospital after learning that some emergency foster carers had been found in the area.

Tane had believed that he should be the one to take care of her, and had enlisted Roo (Georgie Parker) to help make it happen when he discovered he was ineligible to become a foster carer.

The plan was for Roo to apply to be a foster parent whilst Tane applied for permanent residency, but Tane hadn’t banked on the authorities finding an alternative placement in the meantime.

Tane had already been barred from the hospital after the police issued him with an AVO, but when Tane asked Nurse Dana (Ally Harris) if she would allow him onto the ward to say goodbye, he took advantage of her brief absence by fleeing the hospital with the baby.

With Tane hiding out at cousin Kiri’s house, it was down to Mali (Kyle Shilling) and social worker Harper (Jessica Redmayne) to talk him into giving himself up.

Tane was swiftly bundled into a cell at Yabbie Creek police station charged with kidnapping, and it was down to Rose to decide whether Mali and Harper should also face charges for not coming forward as soon as they learned of Tane’s whereabouts.

In the end, she decided against it, and Tane was bailed with the help of his legal aid lawyer.

In the weeks afterwards, Tane continued to be his own worst enemy as he sulked about the situation. Originally refusing to talk to his lawyer, figuring there was no point in fighting against the charges, Harper and Tane’s ex-wife Felicity (Jacqui Purvis) ambushed him and tried to make him see sense.

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After a false start last week, the time has come for Tane (Ethan Browne) to learn his fate as he appears in court over his kidnap of baby Poppy. Tane had taken the child, who he’d found on the beach and nicknamed ‘Maia’, from Northern Districts Hospital after learning that some emergency foster carers had…