Y&R Recap: Ashley Has a Breakthrough as Martin and Alan Fight to the Death and Tucker is Exonerated

Y&R Recap: Ashley Has a Breakthrough as Martin and Alan Fight to the Death and Tucker is Exonerated

Alan’s Townhouse

Traci walks into the living room with a tray of coffee. She looks around and wonders where Alan and Ashley are, calling out their names, but there’s no response.

Traci Abbott

In a closet, Alan lies on the floor, unconscious, with his hands zip-tied behind his back and a gag covering his mouth.

Alan tied up on the floor

Traci runs around, frantically looking for Ashley and Alan. There’s a knock at the door; Traci is relieved, thinking it’s Ashley and Alan, but when she opens the door, it’s Tucker. She’s surprised and asks what he’s doing there… What does he want?

Tucker looks around curiously. He didn’t know Traci was in Paris and was at Alan’s; what’s she doing there? Are Ashley and Traci staying with Alan?

Tucker and Traci

Traci asks what he wants to see Alan about.

Tucker says he has some questions for him. He asks if Ashley is there, too.

Traci says she’s not at liberty to talk about Ashley right now.

Traci and Tucker

Tucker says he spoke to her on the phone earlier, and she did not sound okay.

Traci says she understands his concern, but he said he’d respect Ashley’s privacy; can he do that now?

Tucker says he can’t do that if the fear in Ashley’s voice was real. He asks if he can come in.

Tucker and Traci in the doorway

Traci says it’s kind of late.

Tucker shrugs. He’s kind of jet-lagged. He walks in.

Traci asks how he got Alan’s address.

Traci talks to Tucker

Tucker doesn’t answer, but asks again… Where’s Ashley? Is she with Alan?

Traci says he can ask her the same question all night, she’ll give him the same response.

Tucker nods and has a seat. He says that they’ll have to come back at some point if they went out.

Tucker talks to Traci

Traci asks what he wants to talk to Alan for.

Tucker says he wants to know why Alan acted like he’d never seen him before in his life when he bumped into him earlier, and why Ashley, his “pseudo-patient,” sounded terrified on the phone. He asks if Traci is absolutely sure that Alan can be trusted.

Martin drags an unconscious Ashley down the hall.

Martin drags Ashley.

Traci says Ashley trusts Alan completely, and so does she.

Tucker asks why she thinks Alan acted like he didn’t know him when he bumped into him on the street.

Tucker talks to Traci.

Traci shrugs. No idea!

Tucker doesn’t believe her; she seems rattled and anxious!

Traci laughs and thanks “Dr. McCall.” She suggests he and Alan set up a practice together.

Traci talks to Tucker.

Tucker says Ashley must be hunky-dory, then, and making good progress with Alan.

Traci says she’s trying hard to be patient with him and believes his intentions are good for Ashley.

Tucker says she needs to talk to him, then… If she believes his intentions are good, there’s nothing she can’t tell him!

Traci says this is a private family matter, and she’s respecting Ashley’s wishes, so she won’t tell him.

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Alan’s Townhouse Traci walks into the living room with a tray of coffee. She looks around and wonders where Alan and Ashley are, calling out their names, but there’s no response. CBS In a closet, Alan lies on the floor, unconscious, with his hands zip-tied behind his back and a gag covering his mouth. CBS…