Y&R Recap – June 14: Victor’s Plot to Destroy Jabot Unfolds as Audra Reveals Her Secret Investor, While Kyle Gets a Job Offer Amid His Tensions With Diane

Y&R Recap – June 14: Victor’s Plot to Destroy Jabot Unfolds as Audra Reveals Her Secret Investor, While Kyle Gets a Job Offer Amid His Tensions With Diane


Lily is working on her laptop when Billy comes into her office. She stares off into space for a minute before noticing he’s there. She tells him she doesn’t have time to go for a drink… She’s too busy.

Billy says he brought Happy Hour to her… He holds out a tray with chips, pretzels, and a couple of cans of beer. “Let me buy you a drink!”

Billy Abbott presents Lily Winters with a snack tray.

Tucker’s Paris Hotel Room

Tucker is incredulous… Audra gathered the money to purchase Glissade and she convinced the board to go along with the buyout?

Tucker McCall talks with Audra Charles.

Audra says she did… And it went as well as she hoped!

Tucker asks where this is coming from… Hasn’t she heard a word he said to her? He’s never stopped loving her and has made peace with Ashley. He’s ready to move on with her; they can have the life and future that they want!

Audra says she’s going to have the future she wants, and the best thing about it is that it won’t include Tucker!

Audra talks to Tucker.

Tucker says what they have doesn’t just go away.

Audra agrees, it doesn’t… It gets chipped away by a selfish man until there’s nothing left but ashes! He burned her so many times, and it took her too long to realize that there was no room in their relationship for anything other than what Tucker wanted.

Tucker doesn’t know what to say. He’s ready to commit to her!

Tucker looks upset.

Audra says she’d love to believe it, but he said the same thing time and time again before. She’s not angry, but he’s making her angry; this is business.

Tucker begs her to listen to him… He loves her and wants a life with her. She’s all he wants.

Audra says it might be true in this moment, but who knows after that… In a few days, there will be a shiny new object to capture his attention, and they have her sincere sympathies. She tells Tucker that this is what losing feels like, and it’s only going to get worse.

Audra talks to Tucker.


Jack is on the phone and says he’ll always be there for her and she can call him any time. He ends the call.

Diane looks on as Jack talks on the phone.

Diane walks up and overhears him on the phone. She sighs in exasperation, thinking he was talking to Nikki. She asks who he was talking to.

Jack says he was talking to Traci.

Diane asks how Traci and Ashley are… Are they okay?

Diane talks to Jack.

Jack figures she thought he was talking to Nikki.

Diane says she did.

Jack says he’s a man of his word; he won’t be Nikki’s sponsor, but he will continue to talk to his friend as he always has… Whether Diane and Victor like it or not!

Jack talks to Diane.

The Genoa City Athletic Club

Kyle walks into the dining room and says hello to Victor, who’s having a drink at the bar.

Kyle Abbot stands at the bar talking with Victor Newman.

Victor asks him to join him for a drink.

Kyle says he would, but he’s there to get some takeout; he needs to get back to Harrison.

Victor asks how Harrison is doing after his terrible ordeal.

Victor talks to Kyle.

Kyle says he’s doing great; he’s a resilient kid!

Victor’s glad to hear it; he says a parent’s relationship with their child is one of the most important things in life!

Kyle agrees and says he has to go.

Victor says he’d like to discuss something with him first.

Kyle talks to Victor.


Lily asks Billy if he’s always had the skill of ignoring people’s subtle hints to go away.

Billy says he’s capable of ignoring all hints, subtle or not.

Lily smiles at Billy.

Lily says she doesn’t have time for this.

Billy brings over a bag of salt and vinegar chips… Her favorite!

Lily laughs and says he’s “ruthlessly charming.” Does he expect to give her a bag of chips, and in exchange, she’ll help him make Chancellor-Winters into his image?

Billy says he’s hoping to convince her that what he proposes is right for Chancellor-Winters and maybe Lily, too. He may pressure her, but it’s nothing she can’t handle.

Billy talks to Lily.

Lily wonders why he even bothers.

Billy says she knows that his proposals are the right way to go. He opens the bag of chips and offers it to Lily.

Lily laughs. “Just one!”

Lily eats a chip.

Tucker’s Paris Hotel Room

Audra tells Tucker she has the board’s votes and Glissade will be hers by the end of the day tomorrow!

Audra talks to Tucker.

Tucker can’t believe she’d do such a thing.

Audra says she doesn’t care; he should just hang onto his delusions, and the shock of it all will be that much worse!

Tucker sits down. He asks if she found an angel investor to back her and her buyout.

Tucker looks disheveled.

Audra says she wouldn’t call them an “angel.”

Tucker asks who the investor is.


Diane apologizes. She thought he was talking to Nikki; she shouldn’t have reacted the way she did. She understands how important Jack’s friendship with Nikki is, and she wouldn’t do anything to get in the way of it.

Diane talks to Jack.

Jack is skeptical and figures Diane would be supportive until Nikki calls him too often or wants to go to a meeting with him too many times.

Diane says she respects his and Nikki’s relationship. There’s visible tension between her and Jack. She asks what Traci said; are there any updates on Ashley?

Jack says Ashley is settling in at the new clinic with Alan’s help.

Jack and Diane sit and talk.

Diane nods. They make some uncomfortable small talk and she says that she asked Kyle to join them, but he turned her down again.

Jack suggests Kyle might have had plans.

Diane thinks the only “plans” Kyle has lately are to either avoid her or irritate her by going behind her back at work.

Diane Abbott-Jenkins.

Jack asks why it’s still going on… Why hasn’t Diane resolved her issues with Kyle by now?

Diane says she’s tried, but their son refuses to meet her halfway. She thinks Kyle doesn’t want to resolve the conflict at all.

The GCAC Dining Room

Kyle asks what Victor would like to discuss.

Kyle Abbott.

Victor says he was pleased to see Claire and Harrison getting along when he dropped by the house the other day. He asks how she’s doing as a nanny.

Kyle says Claire’s great; she’s engaged, energetic, and always one step ahead of Harrison’s needs, and Harrison adores her.

Victor asks how Summer is dealing with it.

Victor talks to Kyle.

Kyle says Summer sees how happy Harrison is.

Victor nods. Good. He says it’s important to know that Claire is at a place where she feels comfortable.

Kyle says it’s nice that Victor is looking out for Claire. He says Cole is looking out for her, too; Cole asked him to join him for a beer, which surprised him, since they hardly know each other, but Claire figured that her dad was just being protective of her.

Kyle talks to Victor.

Victor says that’s what parents do, and since they’re on the topic of parents… How’s Kyle’s family doing?

Kyle grins and says his family puts the “fun” in “dysfunction.”

Victor hmphs; he understands that Kyle still has to answer to his mother at Jabot, even though she’s still learning the job.

Victor smiles at Kyle.

Kyle says that’s just more “fun.”

Victor says he’s told Kyle before, and he’ll say it again… He’s wasting his time at Jabot; he’s much too capable, and he has the feeling that Kyle’s not happy with his job at the moment… Perhaps it’s time to consider a change!

Kyle looks interested. “What do you have in mind?”

Kyle looks intrigued.


Jack says the tension between Diane and Kyle isn’t just confined to work… They can’t even be in the same room at home!

Diane asks if Jack would like to talk to Kyle about it.

Diane and Jack.

Jack says he did talk to him, but Kyle downplayed the tension and said he was on Diane’s side and wants to help any way he can.

Diane knows Kyle admitted to Jack that he resents Diane for having his job; the only “help” he wants to give is to help her out of the position so he can have it for himself.

Jack says it’s up to Diane and Kyle to find a way to work through it.

Jack and Diane.

Diane doesn’t know how. Kyle undermines her at every turn and speaks down to her; she thinks he’s trying to break her and force her to quit.

Jack thinks she’s being a little dramatic.

Diane says she has an example… The Jasper/Foley deal. She saw the benefits of licensing Foley’s products so she reached out and made the deal, but Kyle went behind her back and negotiated his own deal with Foley!


Jack asks if she’s sure it wasn’t a misunderstanding.

Diane says it wasn’t a misunderstanding. Kyle contacted Foley before the meeting she’d arranged with him, and Kyle had the gall to tell her that Foley thought Diane didn’t “have the chops” to make the deal… Which wasn’t true.

Jack says that’s troubling… But the deal closed?

Jack looks uncomfortable.

Diane says it did close under the best terms possible because of the deal she had made, and in spite of Kyle’s interference. She says Kyle goes to great lengths to show her up even after he’s been called out for it; she knows when someone is out to get her!

Nikki walks into the restaurant and glances at Jack and Diane’s table.

Diane looks at Nikki and sighs.

Nikki Newman enters the restaurant.


Billy pours drinks as Lily munches on chips.

Lily asks if he talked to Jill about how she’s doing.

Billy and Lily sit and talk.

Billy says he’s been in touch with her every day, and he talked with Snapper, who told him that she’s been going through some difficult treatment, but she’s doing well.

Lily’s glad to hear it. She figures Jill doesn’t know that she knows about her heart problem.

Billy says that’s correct; he decided not to tell Jill that he’d told Lily… Jill had sworn him to secrecy and would be unhappy if she knew he betrayed her, even if it was to Lily. He doesn’t want to add any more stress to what his mom is going through.

Billy hands Lily a drink.

Lily thinks he shouldn’t have broken his promise.

Billy says he told her because he knows how much she cares about Jill and hopes Lily understands why he wants to add Abbott to the Chancellor-Winters name.

Lily guesses she’s still not allowed to tell Devon about Jill’s condition.

Lily talks to Billy.

Billy nods. That’s how it has to be right now.

Lily doesn’t like keeping secrets from her brother. She figures that it’ll be that way until Billy can use it to get what he wants.

Billy asks Lily if she has any idea of how to honor Jill’s legacy to the company other than adding the Abbott name.

Billy Abbott.

Lily says he should be honest with Devon; there’s nothing wrong with total transparency.

Billy says it’s what his mother wants; he won’t argue with her.

Lily says Devon can be discreet.

Lily Winters.

Billy says the timing isn’t right.

Lily says the best chance of convincing Devon and the board is to tell everyone what’s going on, especially since Devon and Nate already shot the idea down.

Billy says Nate doesn’t have voting power, and nobody hates change more than Devon. He says adding the Abbott name to the company is the right thing to do and takes nothing away from Lily and Devon; he hopes she understands how important it is for him to make this happen.

Billy talks to Lily.

Tucker’s Paris Hotel

Audra asks Tucker why she’d tell him who the investor is when it would be so much more fun for him if he was surprised.

Audra talks to Tucker.

Tucker says he’s offering her Glissade. Why would she work for someone else when she could own it outright, scot-free?

Audra says she’ll be working with someone else, not for them, and there’s no such thing as scot-free with Tucker; there’s always a catch! She’s fine with taking some help to take control of the company without any magnanimous gestures on Tucker’s part!

Tucker thinks she’s enjoying it, but it won’t work.

Tucker McCall.

Audra says she’s loving it. It is already working, and there’s nothing he can do about it! She tells him to accept it; he’s failed in every way possible. She’s going to live her life on her terms, and taking Glissade away from him is payback for all the hell he put her through! She stomps out of the room.

Tucker follows her into the hallway. He says she’s put him in his place… Can they move on now?

Audra says she’s tired of repeating herself; she wanted Tucker to lose and for her to win… And she did win.

Tucker follows Audra  into the hall.

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Chancellor-Winters Lily is working on her laptop when Billy comes into her office. She stares off into space for a minute before noticing he’s there. She tells him she doesn’t have time to go for a drink… She’s too busy. Billy says he brought Happy Hour to her… He holds out a tray with chips,…