Y&R: Billy and Sally Overhear Adam and Chelsea’s Private Chat, While Sharon Feels Pressure From Cameron’s Presence

Y&R: Billy and Sally Overhear Adam and Chelsea’s Private Chat, While Sharon Feels Pressure From Cameron’s Presence

Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs in the USA on Thursday, August 15, 2024, and airs one day ahead in Canada. We post our Y&R recaps every weekday!

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Summer, Nikki, and Claire.

Chancellor Park

Adam, Chelsea, and Connor spend family time at the park playing ball. All is fine until Connor is distracted by something.

Adam and Chelsea wonder how they will ever know the right thing to do for their son and his OCD. They try to get Connor’s attention but he is hyperfocused on the distraction.

Adam, Chelsea, and Connor.


Billy approaches Sally at her table. It’s morning in Genoa City now, and breakfast is everyone’s priority.

Sally mentions a notable weight has been lifted from Adam’s shoulders. She and Billy are both relieved about Connor’s progress.

Billy still believes something is bothering Chelsea besides Connor.

Billy and Sally.

Sally says he has to let this go.

Billy agrees and says he’s trying. He offers to fill Sally in on the decision he’s made regarding Chelsea.

Crimson Lights

Daniel and Nick run into each other at the coffee shop and exchange greetings. Daniel is happy the accidental meeting happened and doubles the order so the two men can talk. He asks Nick about Sharon and shares that she’s been on his mind.

He feels bad that he could be the reason for Sharon’s current state and hopes the Cassidy First tribute game hasn’t upset Sharon.

Nick questions why Daniel would talk to Sharon if he thought it would set her off.

Daniel and Nick.

Sharon’s House

Sharon sits at the desk shuffling through papers as Faith enters the room.

Faith curiously asks if Sharon is working.

Sharon claims there’s too much happening at Cassidy First, and she must delay going on her retreat.

Sharon and Faith.

Faith doesn’t understand because Mariah is set to handle work while Sharon is gone.

Sharon says she was asking too much of Mariah.

Cameron lies on the sofa, reading a magazine. He congratulates Sharon on her smooth lie to Faith and points out that the old Sharon couldn’t have pulled that off. Cameron suggests Sharon convince Faith she will get her “Me Time” later.


Sharon stares past Faith at the Sofa in astonishment as she straddles two worlds.

Cameron tells Sharon she can’t leave Genoa City because all the answers she needs are there.


Chancellor Park

Connor snaps back to reality and wonders if his parents want to get back to the game.

Chelsea says that a lot has changed since he’s been gone, and they remind Connor that he has the tools to deal with whatever happens.

Connor knows and insists he can’t stop living.

The ball game is back in action.

Adam, Chelsea, and Connor.

Adam and Chelsea notice how mature Connor is acting and sounding. Chelsea claims their baby is all grown up.

Adam and Chelsea trust that Connor will tell them if he needs them.


Connor calls out that they don’t do fun stuff together as a team that often, and Chelsea says it’s never too late to start.

Connor worries that this is all because of his OCD and thinks they wouldn’t hang out as a family if he didn’t have the diagnosis.

Crimson Lights

Daniel tells Nick he knew visiting Sharon might upset her, but he hoped the game project could provide something positive for them all. Daniel shares that he’s talked with Lucy about the incident.

Nick knows that Daniel’s conversation with his daughter could not have been easy. He likes Daniel’s idea of creating the video game and hopes it will work one day. For now, Nick thinks it best for Daniel to keep his distance from Sharon.

Nick and Daniel.

Daniel apologizes and agrees to avoid Sharon if Nick thinks it’s best, and Nick thanks him. Daniel feels he must apologize for Lucy’s behavior at the concert with Faith.

Nick is clueless and wonders what Daniel is talking about.

Daniel gives Nick the cliff-notes version of the story: Lucy is grounded, and Daniel says the situation is disturbing.

Nick and Daniel.

Nick believes Faith is permanently scared of alcohol because of the accident she had,.

Daniel says he can’t say the same for Lucy and doesn’t believe this embarrassment will deter her determination to grow up fast.

Sharon’s House

Faith calls Sharon out of her moment with Cameron. She asks where her mom went to.

Sharon looks at the sofa and notices Cameron is now gone. She quickly recovers with Faith and says she remembered an email she had to send.

Faith believes Sharon needs the trip to the retreat right now and that Mariah can handle Cassidy First.

Faith and Sharon.

Sharon gets loud with Faith as Mariah enters behind Sharon and listens in.

Sharon yells, telling Faith she will go after she finishes everything at work. She turns around and greets Mariah.

Mariah wants to know why Sharon thinks she can’t handle Cassidy First effectively during her absence.

Cameron peeks out from behind the mantle. He can’t wait to hear how Sharon will handle this one.

Sharon and Mariah.


Billy tells Sally that he’s decided to back off on his paranoia. He knows his pressure on Chelsea will not be helpful or productive.

Sally knows Billy has left some wiggle room in there, but she’s happy to hear his decision. She says she’s impressed if he means it; she wants to believe him but finds it difficult.

Sally admits Billy’s suspicions started to get in her head. She couldn’t help but worry Billy was right. Sally says her bonding with Adam over the loss of Ava helped a lot.

Sally and Billy.

Billy is glad Adam was there for Sally and can see the relief in her eyes.

Sally knows Billy wants to say more and advises him to proceed.

Billy notes that he can’t be the only reason for Sally’s doubts. He says Sally must have some reasons of her own; he can’t be the only one who lies awake at night wondering what Adam and Chelsea are hiding from them.

Billy and Sally.

Sharon’s House

Sharon faces Mariah and Faith and insists she trusts Mariah. She says she’s delaying the trip to deal with some issues at work.

Sharon names two issues but Mariah informs Sharon she’s already handled them both last week.

Sharon, Faith, and Mariah.

Faith and Mariah want to know what’s going on, and Faith offers to join Sharon if traveling alone is what she’s afraid of.

Sharon gets upset, drops her laptop on the floor, and demands her daughters to “Stop it!”

Sharon wants to know why they treat her as if she is about to fall apart.

Sharon’s tantrum doesn’t do anything to resolve Mariah and Faith’s fears.



Sally admits to Billy that she momentarily thought Adam was keeping something from her, but her worry is a far cry from Billy’s relentless paranoia.

Billy admits to the paranoia but not being relentless. He questions if Sally believes Adam isn’t keeping anything from her.

Sally mentions office politics, and Billy is curious but insists he doesn’t want to know.

Sally and Billy.

Sally says she wouldn’t divulge the information to Billy if she had it.

Billy says that’s the type of secrecy he can support with Chelsea, but not if the secret is supporting Adam.

Sally thinks Billy is backsliding on his promise to Chelsea already. She suggests Billy focus on Connor because he is the priority.

Sally and Billy.

Sharon’s House

Mariah and Faith apologize to Sharon; they never intended to upset her. The sisters were caught off-guard by her sudden change of plans.

Sharon, Faith, and Mariah.

Sharon hears Cameron’s voice telling her to reign it in; the idea is for them to worry less about her, not more.

Cameron insists they will never back off if Sharon keeps this attitude up.


Sharon takes Cameron’s advice and changes her tone from spiteful to sweet on a dime. Sharon apologizes in a soft voice and claims she didn’t mean to get angry with them; the entire situation is stressful, and going back on her meds has its highs and lows.

Sharon, Mariah, Faith, and Cameron.

The daughters say Sharon needs to get away for a while. Mariah offers to drive Sharon to the airport immediately.

Sharon claims that’s extreme and not required. She’ll rebook her travel plans today!

Sharon, Faith, and Mariah.

Faith makes Sharon promise.

Sharon does and crosses her heart.

Sharon, Mariah, and Faith.

Chancellor Park

Adam tells Connor to recall their time playing ball in the park before.

Connor remembers Chelsea not being there and says he’s okay if his OCD has led to this. He notes that Chelsea and Adam seem almost like each other. He leaves to get them drinks.

Adam and Chelsea hope Connor doesn’t sense anything besides them getting along.

Adam, Chelsea, and Connor.

Sharon’s House

Nick pops in and finds Sharon with Mariah and Faith. He’s glad to see the gang is all there.

Sharon points out that Nick’s follow-up visits are becoming a regular thing.

Nick and Faith.

Faith receives a message from Lucy and says this must be message seventeen from her.

Mariah wants to know what Lucy wants.


Faith explains to Mariah about Lucy, her obsession, and what happened at the concert.

Sharon figures Lucy must look up to Faith.

Faith and Cameron.

Cameron appears behind Faith and suggests Sharon sounds calm and rational.

Faith continues talking as Cameron takes a seat. Sharon zones out but shakes her head to jolt back to realization.

Nick believes Daniel will speak to Lucy.


Sharon says it must come from Faith, and she should be kind but straightforward simultaneously.

Mariah agrees as Cameron gives Sharon two thumbs up for her handling of the group.


Crimson Lights

Heather and Daniel meet at Crimson Lights.

Heather informs Daniel that Lucy is still home moping around and only comes to the kitchen occasionally to get food.

Daniel chuckles that she is eating again, and they laugh that this was the world’s shortest hunger strike. He mentions that Lucy isn’t returning his texts, and they both hope she’s learning a lesson from this. Daniel says he knows the dire consequences of this type of mistake and wants to have a serious talk with Lucy.

Heather and Daniel.

Heather agrees but says it must wait until after the grounding. The parents agree they must not push Lucy to rebel.

Daniel remembers that Phyllis said he could never lose her love for him.

Heather says that’s why she will always respect how Phyllis loves him and reminds him that this isn’t about him or Cassie; this is about Lucy.

Chancellor Park

Adam tells Chelsea that there’s no way for Connor to jump to any conclusions about them.

Chelsea says she feels strangers on the street can tell.

Adam and Chelsea.

Adam claims that’s guilt and says she must get it under control. The parents remember their good times and watching the Outsiders together. Adam agrees that their night together was a mistake, but it doesn’t have to be a catastrophe.

Chelsea knows he’s right but says it’s hard.

Connor returns with the drinks. Adam and Connor agree to a chug race, and Chelsea joins in.

Adam, Chelsea, and Connor.


Billy says he received Sally’s memo loud and clear about focusing on Connor.

Sally hopes he means it. She redirects the conversation and reminds Billy he should likely return to work.

Billy and Sally.

Billy thinks they should go to the park to help support Adam and Chelsea with Connor.

Sally likes spontaneity and tells Billy to lead the way.

Chancellor Park

Connor asks his parents what he was like when he was little.

Chelsea and Adam think he’s asking if he showed signs of OCD then. The parents say he held his head up early and was always curious.

Connor reminds them that OCD can’t be cured and he will have it for the rest of his life.

Connor, Adam, and Chelsea.

Adam and Chelsea say they know and are happy Connor has the tools to have a happy life.

Connor says he’s lucky to have them as parents. He gets up and leaves to recycle their soda cans.

Adam and Chelsea say they did something right and they hold hands. Neither of them pulls away as they notice.

Adam and Chelsea.

Sharon’s House

Sharon reiterates that Faith can be confident and kind with Lucy about her stance.

Faith hopes it doesn’t create more drama.

Sharon laughs and claims drama is the last thing they need.

Nick questions Sharon about when she’s leaving for her trip, and Mariah says there’s been a delay.

Sharon, Nick, Faith, and Mariah.

Sharon takes the lead and says that taking her medicine makes her not be herself. She doesn’t want anyone worrying about her.

Nick believes Sharon should stay home and not take the trip. He wants her close so he and the girls can check on her.

Cameron gloats that “the prince” delivers again, and Sharon thanks Nick and says it means a lot to hear him say that.

Nick says Sharon should never do anything that makes her feel uncomfortable.

Mariah and Faith feel awful about pressuring Sharon. Sharon claims all is perfect now.

Sharon, Nick, Mariah, and Faith.

Nick and Mariah go to leave. Mariah asks Sharon if she can handle Cassidy First while Sharon rests.

Cameron appears and suggests Sharon must say yes to that because she’s got some things to work through.

Nick wants to know if Sharon heard what Mariah said as Sharon stares down Cameron.

Mariah and Sharon.

Chancellor Park

Adam and Chelsea unlock their hands. They are both happy about today’s events. Adam questions if their connection is different since their night together.

Chelsea would rather Connor sense them working as a team versus details about that mistake of a night.

Billy and Sally walk up behind the parents just in time to overhear Chelsea’s comments.

Adam, Chelsea, Billy, and Sally.

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Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs in the USA on Thursday, August 15, 2024, and airs one day ahead in Canada. We post our Y&R recaps every weekday! Last Episode Chancellor Park Adam, Chelsea, and Connor spend family time at the park playing ball. All is fine until Connor is distracted by something. Adam and Chelsea…