Y&R: Phyllis Takes on Victor, Billy Confronts Chelsea About ‘That Night,’ and Sally Demands the Truth From Adam

Y&R: Phyllis Takes on Victor, Billy Confronts Chelsea About ‘That Night,’ and Sally Demands the Truth From Adam

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Adam, Chelsea, Sally, and Billy.

Newman Enterprises

Audra is back from Paris and tells Victor she has lots of updates for him. She’s surprised Victor wants to meet at his office and assumes his part in Glissade is still to be kept a secret, to which Victor agrees. Audra believes it will be helpful for her to know the cover story for her being at Newman Enterprises.

Audra and Victor.

Victor instructs Audra to tell people Victor wants to know why her partnership with Kyle at Glissade prompted Summer to sue for sole custody of Harrison.

Audra acknowledges that is a plausible cover. Victor insists it’s more and wants an answer.

Kyle enters the office and has the same question.

Kyle, Audra, and Victor.


Summer meets with Phyllis and needs her support. Phyllis agrees and asks for an update with details.

Summer tells Phyllis that Chance calmed her down, but Phyllis thinks Summer is not in a calm space. Summer says she somehow trusts Kyle less now.

Summer and Phyllis.

Summer explains how Victor spoke with Kyle and felt he got through to him. Kyle was willing to negotiate, and Summer thinks she had the upper hand.

Phyllis points out that it’s odd that Victor can order Kyle. She asks Summer if Kyle offered a compromise, and Summer says Kyle offered to keep their joint custody as is.

Phyllis says Kyle has put Summer through so much lately.

Summer thanks her for understanding. She says she told Kyle he must cut Audra out of his life.


Chancellor Park

Sally and Billy approach Adam and Chelsea from behind as they discuss their one-night stand. Chelsea hopes Connor doesn’t sense it.

Sally and Billy.

Adam agrees that’s the last thing they need right now.

To Adam and Chelsea’s shock, Connor walks up and greets Sally and Billy.

Adam, Chelsea, and Connor.

Newman Enterprises

Audra is insulted by Kyle’s unflattering “welcome home.

Kyle urges Audra to answer the question.

Audra respectfully informs Victor and Kyle she has no idea what they are referring to. She tells the gentlemen she’s done nothing and has barely seen Summer because she’s been working in Paris. She asks Kyle why Summer would mention her in his custody disagreement.

Audra and Kyle.

Kyle says Summer feels Audra is a danger to everyone.

Audra finds it laughable that she is a danger to a child she has never met. Kyle notes her reputation, and Audra instructs Kyle to sort out his family drama and leave her out.

Victor wants assurance that Audra has done nothing to provoke Summer. Audra agrees there isn’t anything besides what he already knows. Victor calls a halt and demands they get to work.

Audra can’t wait to fill Victor in on her productive trip.

Kyle feels slighted because Audra didn’t know he would be there.

Audra and Kyle.

Chancellor Park

As Connor and Adam look on, Chelsea asks Sally and Billy what they are doing there.

Billy says they came to surprise the family.

Sally and Billy say how well Connor looks and don’t bring up the conversation they overheard.

Billy, Sally, Adam, Chelsea, and Connor.

Connor is tired and wants to go home.

Adam tells Connor and Chelsea he will go with them, but Connor insists Adam doesn’t need to come with them. Adam asks Connor to humor him.

Chelsea and Adam leave with Connor and don’t show any affection towards their partners. Billy and Sally agree they heard the same thing.

Sally thinks BIlly may be right about something between Adam and Chelsea.

Billy and Sally.


Phyllis is proud of Summer for sticking up for herself. She wonders if Summer was bluffing to Kyle about disassociating himself from Audra.

Summer insists she wasn’t.

Phyllis agrees it would be ideal if Kyle cut himself off from Audra but informs Summer that’s not realistic. She points out that Kyle has cut all ties at Jabot and it won’t be easy for him to leave Glissade.

Phyllis and Summer.

Summer’s solution is for Kyle to force Audra out of the company.

Phyllis says that won’t be easy because Audra is the one who brought Kyle in.

Summer claims that is Kyle’s problem to solve.

Phyllis continues to listen and wants to know how Kyle responded and finds his tantrum a bit extreme. She wonders if Summer believes Kyle and Audra are having a personal relationship.

Summer doesn’t know if they are and wants to know why that matters.

Phyllis says she wants to figure out whether this is about Harrison or about Kyle moving on with someone else.

Phyllis and Summer.

Newman Enterprises

Audra points out that she and Victor have remained in touch while she was in Paris, and Kyle has been distracted with personal issues.

Victor stops their bickering and demands to hear an update.

Kyle, Audra, and Victor.

Kyle and Audra compete to take credit for the work, and Victor orders them to prepare the launch party.

Audra wants to make a big splash. Kyle disagrees and doesn’t want flashy. Audra says being the opposite of Jabot is best. Kyle doesn’t want to appear immature. Audra claims Glissade isn’t a tool Kyle can use to stick it to his parents.

Victor interrupts them again and orders them to figure out their differences or face the consequences.

Chancellor Park

Billy and Sally continue to discuss what they heard from Adam and Chelsea. They try to rationalize it until they can’t. Sally says Billy is right.

Now that Sally is on board with his paranoia, Billy stops it. He doesn’t want to imagine the worst until he talks with Chelsea.

Sally wonders if Adam and Chelsea will give them the answers they deserve.

Sally and Billy.

Crimson Lights

Adam and Chelsea have dropped Connor off, and he’s upstairs napping.

Chelsea is stressed to the hilt. They both wonder if Sally and Billy heard their conversation. Adam says not to panic yet.

Chelsea points out the look on Billy and Sally’s faces. She can tell Billy and Sally both had hurt in their eyes and knows Billy and Sally are kind, decent people who don’t deserve this.

Adam tries to calm her down as her breathing rate escalates. He says they can’t make a mistake now.

Chelsea says Billy and Sally are already there; she has to say something to Billy because he won’t drop this now… She doesn’t think she can do this anymore.

Adam and Chelsea.


Summer tells her mom she is concerned for Harrison.

Phyllis insists she is not judging Summer and that jealousy is no big deal.

Summer and Phyllis.

Summer can’t believe her mom is insinuating she is jealous of Audra.

Phyllis does damage control. She knows Summer doesn’t want Kyle back, and she’s happy about that.

Summer thinks they’ve gotten off track. She wouldn’t be thrilled to see Kyle with someone, but it wouldn’t kill her. She insists she’s not trying to get Kyle back.

Summer and Phyllis.

Phyllis has done things in her past that hurt people she loved and doesn’t want to see Summer do the same.

Summer reminds Phyllis that she is not her.

Phyllis says this Audra thing is asking a lot of Kyle. She wants to know if this was a test Summer gave to Kyle so she could see where he stood and how he would react to it based on his still-lingering feelings for her.

Summer and Phyllis.

Newman Enterprises

Audra assures Victor that she and Kyle are clear on their employment terms.

Victor reminds them not to blow this opportunity he’s given them.

Audra and Kyle.

Audra promises they will find common ground. She goes to leave, but Kyle wants to speak with Victor. Now, the shoe is on the other foot, and Audra believes she should hear what Kyle has to say.

Kyle says it’s personal and is regarding his custody suit with Summer.


Audra thanks Victor and leaves, claiming she has much work to do. She closes the door behind her at Victor’s request.

Kyle wastes no time assuring Victor he has Audra handled.

Victor instructs Kyle not to make him regret his decision to hire him.

Victor and Kyle.


Adam begs Chelsea not to break now, and insists there are millions of topics they could have been talking about. He’s all about spinning this.

Chelsea doesn’t want to spin it and reminds him this isn’t corporate drama. She knows this is real life with real consequences.

Adam suggests she refer to the night he made up concerning the fake fight, and Chelsea notices the lies are compounding and claims it’s wrong.

Chelsea feels she’s wasting too much time and energy on this. She says the focus should be on Connor. Adam agrees and advises her to forget about the rest. Chelsea says it’s all become too much as Adam stares down at the table.

Billy enters and tells Chelsea they must talk.

Billy, Adam, and Chelsea.

Jazz Lounge

Nate is excited to see Audra and welcomes her with a kiss.

Audra questions what that was for, and Nate says he’s happy to see her. He says it was difficult for him to resist flying to Paris and take her for a romantic dinner.

Audra reminds him they agreed to keep it casual. Nate knows and that’s why he stayed put in Genoa City.

Audra and Nate.

Audra does appreciate the gesture and says she was on fire in Paris and had no need for Kyle to get the work done. She says all Kyle does is bring her down.

Nate says if Audra tells him who the mystery investor is, he can help figure out their motives. Audra refuses and claims the investor isn’t the problem; Kyle is.

Audra and Nate.

Newman Enterprises

Kyle promises Victor that he will never make him regret hiring him.

Victor wants to know about the custody situation.

Kyle says he met with Summer as Victor requested, but it did not go well. Kyle shares that Summer ordered him to cut Audra out completely.

Victor wonders if getting rid of Audra was Summer’s idea or Kyle’s.

Kyle and Victor.


Summers exclaims that it is unbelievable how Phyllis is turning on her as she vents.

Phyllis says she never accused Summer of pining after Kyle.

Summer is ready to stop discussing this; everyone from Phyllis to Chance is twisting things!

Phyllis points out it is not wise to share issues about a former relationship with a current boyfriend, and says they are all worried about Summer. She tries to reaffirm what Chance said to her by saying Summer must take a step back and think.

Summer goes to leave, but Phyllis refuses to allow it. Phyllis wants to talk about anything else.

Summer is done and insists she must think alone. She leaves, and Phyllis’ mind races.

Summer and Phyllis.

Newman Enterprises

Kyle tells Victor this is all Summer’s idea. He reminds Victor that working with Audra wasn’t by choice.

Victor is glad to hear Kyle is devoted to Glissade. Kyle says there’s only so much he can do to appease Summer with this.

Victor acknowledges Kyle’s dilemma and believes Kyle needs allies.

Kyle and Victor.

Jazz Lounge

Nate wonders why Audra isn’t at the meeting with Kyle, and Audra says that Kyle claims it’s something personal.

Nate asks why there would be a business discussion without her.

Audra and Nate.

Audra insists Kyle will do whatever it takes to undermine her, and Nate advises her to play this smart, stay calm, and focus. Audra thanks him for reminding her.

Nate warns her that he will continue to listen and be helpful in this non-relationship. He agrees to buy Audra an early dinner.

Crimson Lights

Adam tells Billy he doesn’t believe now is a good time to talk to Chelsea.

Billy shuts Adam down and says he has to speak with Chelsea in private.

Chelsea can’t hide her worried look and turns to Adam. She tells him it’s okay and urges him to go home to Sally. Adam leaves and agrees to check in later about Connor.


Chelsea immediately wants to explain to Billy. Billy sits, holds his palms toward her, and orders her to stop.

Chelsea is beyond worried now.

Billy and Chelsea.

Billy says he’s not there for a confrontation, but he needs to get some answers. He’s tried to back off, but things have changed. Billy overheard Chelsea at the park and wants details on “That One Night.”

Chelsea gets it. Billy says she must tell him what it is.



Victor enters, and Phyllis rushes over to him. She thanks him for talking to Kyle. She says she isn’t stupid and knows Victor never does anything out of the goodness of his heart.

Victor wants to know what this is about.


Phyllis begs Victor not to enlist her daughter in some scheme or “grandmaster plan,” but warns him if he does, he must go through her first.

Victor says Phyllis is being ridiculous with her accusations, and he only did a favor for Summer.

Phyllis says Victor never does anything that doesn’t benefit him.


Victor insists his family’s well-being is in his interest, and that’s the end of the story!

Phyllis knows no contract with the devil will do Summer any good and wants to know what Victor said to Kyle. She knows Victor has some power over Kyle and wants to know what it is.

Victor insists it’s none of her business. He wishes her a good day and walks away.

Victor and Phyllis.

The GCAC Dining Room

Audra promises Nate she will try not to discuss work so they can enjoy their evening, and Nate promises he will do his best to distract her.

Audra wonders what a relationship would look like if they had one of those.

Nate says they would talk, dine, and listen to each other, and Audra notes they’ve done that.

Nate says they will continue to, and he wants to be there for her. Things turn sour when Kyle enters the club, and Nate suggests they ignore him.

Audra says no such luck as Kyle approaches.

Nate and Audra.

Audra doesn’t believe Kyle that his meeting with Victor was personal and wonders what they talked about… How badly did Kyle threw her under the bus this time?


Adam’s Apartment

Sally stands alone, gazing out the window as Adam enters the apartment.

Adam tells her how well Connor is doing and that the family had a wonderful day together. Adam says things seem to be getting back to normal, to which Sally says she’s happy for them all.

Adam asks if Sally is okay.

Sally says she’s not okay, and it’s time for Adam to be honest with her.


Next Week on The Young and the Restless

Billy fires Lily from Abbott-Chancellor!

Billy and Lily.

Diane suggests she and Jack think like Victor!

Jack and Diane.

Sally demands a yes or no from Adam about whether he slept with Chelsea in Baltimore!

Sally and Adam.

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Last Episode Newman Enterprises Audra is back from Paris and tells Victor she has lots of updates for him. She’s surprised Victor wants to meet at his office and assumes his part in Glissade is still to be kept a secret, to which Victor agrees. Audra believes it will be helpful for her to know…