The Young and The Restless Nikki Fights with Jordan and Claire Nearly Shoots Her Aunt Before the Cops Arrive to Arrest Her

The Young and The Restless Nikki Fights with Jordan and Claire Nearly Shoots Her Aunt Before the Cops Arrive to Arrest Her

At the ranch, Victoria and Nick run in and her father informs them that he has his people looking for Nikki.

The kids are sure nothing else would keep their mom away at Christmas.

Victor admits she might be drinking again.

His children refuse to believe this but Victor explains that Nate told him he suspected Nikki was drinking again.

Nick thinks Nate is just a punk, but Victor is inclined to believe it.

He spotted Nikki slipping away when she saw him speaking to Hastings.

His son is still sure that this is all because of Jordan.

Victor checks the vodka bottle and realizes it’s mostly water.

Cole joins them and they go over what they know.

They fill him in on Nikki possibly drinking again.

Victoria is sure her mom would never have taken a drink again if it wasn’t for that evil woman.

Victor gets a call from his security detail complaining they don’t have enough people to find Nikki.

He barks at them to find more and hangs up.

Victoria suddenly notices her mom’s purse behind a pillow. She goes through it. They find a flask and an address.

Cole recognizes it. He’s been to that address.

It’s a rental cabin his mom used to take him to.

They wonder if Jordan has her there or if it’s just a decoy.

Victor recognizes the writing as his wife’s and Nick calls the police.

Cole and Victoria decide to stay there in case Nikki shows up and Victor suggests that his wife could be off looking for Claire.

His daughter finds that hard to believe given how Nikki feels about her but Victor reminds her how much her mom cares about her.

Once he and Nick depart, Cole wonders if Claire was relieved to be broken out of the mental hospital.

They still don’t know anything about her.

He reminds Victoria that their daughter worked with Jordan for years.

After speaking to her, Victoria refuses to believe that Claire would ever turn back after all she’s been through.

He’s not even sure that Claire can act of her own free will.

The one thing that he is certain of is that Nikki can outsmart Jordan and wouldn’t have gone in without a plan.

She hopes so. She can’t stop thinking about what kind of life they could have given their daughter was and what a sister she would have been.

She would have had so much love and would have been a part of their family.

Cole can’t see it. He may be too numb to imagine it or to risk losing her again.

She says they may be able to spend the next holiday together.

He tells her that it will be okay. Nikki is one hell of a fighter and will protect herself and Claire.

Victor and Nick drive. He’s sure that the police will make it to the cabin before they do.

Victor says that if his wife has been hurt in any way, there will be hell to pay.

Nikki says she followed all her directions to get there.

She’s alone and no one followed her.

Jordan thinks she’s a pathetic, slopping drunk.

The gossip magazines always talked about how good she was at hiding her drinking.

“Shut up and take me to Claire,” slurs Nikki. Jordan is surprised she cared enough to come.

Nikki says Claire is just another victim of her insanity. “Look who’s talking lady!” Jordan shoots back.

They continue to argue and Nikki insists she is doing this for her daughter. She would do anything for her children.

“Even die for them?” asks Jordan.

She mocks how the Newmans stick together with limits.

Nikki starts goading her and Jordan reminds her that she’s calling the shots here.

They bicker about Claire and Nikki admits that they got confirmation that Claire is a Newman.

Jordan says this proves she’s not crazy but Nikki thinks it only makes her as “crazy as a loon.” Hasn’t she had enough revenge? She’s already turned her into a drunk. Claire deserves more.

Nikki urges her to let Claire go.

Jordan just thinks she’s pathetic, trying to make a deal in her drunken state.

She wishes she’d thought to get this all on camera.

Nikki says that Eve was a failure. She got back at the Newmans decades ago.

She probably wouldn’t even want her getting revenge after all this years.

Cole said they were estranged and she never even mentioned her. Jordan claims she and her sister had a falling out over Victor. If Eve hadn’t fallen for a narcissist like him, she’d probably still be alive.

When Nikki brings up her sister, Jordan laughs in her face and says they can’t bond over that.

The Newman tells her the past is the past. She can’t right any wrongs or bring her sister back. If she doesn’t end this now. she’ll just die alone.

Jordan says that watching her die will be payment enough, Plus, watching Victor, Victoria, and her “idiot son” in grief will be great.

It’s a trade. Claire’s life for hers.

Nikki groans that she needs a drink. Jordan figured that would happen so pulls out a bottle and tells her to drink up.

After Nikki takes a swig, Jordan tells her how pitiful she is. Nikki asks if Claire is even there or if this is all a set-up.

Explaining that her niece’s loyalty has been put to the ultimate test, she says that Claire has risen to the occasion.

Nikki wonders if Claire came willingly. Jordan finds this tedious.

Ordering Nikki to take another drink, she walks into the other room and returns, wheeling Claire in.

She’s been sedated.

Jordan orders Nikki to drink up so this can end.

As soon as she turns her back, Nikki smashes the bottle over her head.

With Jordan down, Nikki snaps out of faking being drunk and tries to get Claire out of her wheelchair.

Claire can hardly move. Jordan leaps up and lunges at Nikki.

As they wrestle, Jordan complains that she can’t even die the way she’s supposed to.

She calls her a fake and a liar.

Nikki clobbers her and they strangle each other.

Claire finally gets up and levels the gun at them. Her aunt tells her to choose wisely.

Claire orders her to step away from Nikki.

When she does, she tells Claire that she’s not her enemy and she’s letting the Newmans mess with her mind.

She reminds her that they are family and urges her not to turn on her now.

Claire reminds her that she abandoned her in the lake house and Jordan points out she rescued her from the psych ward while the Newmans would have left her there.

She urges her to wake up and forget the idea that the Newmans will let her into their lives. If she’s that naive, she’s in for bitter disappointment.

Nikki tells her that Jordan has lied to her her whole life.

Jordan yells at her to shut up.

The Newmans would have left her in a padded room.

If she puts down the gun, they can walk away together.

Nikki tells Claire that Cole and Victoria’s hearts were broken when she thought she’d died.

Jordan says that she can’t believe these people will ever love her.

Nikki says they will come to love her.

Crying. Claire says they she could have been loved and smart but Jordan poisoned her whole life.

She doesn’t deserve to live.

They hear a siren. Jordan tells her this has all been a trick.

Nikki tells her that Jordan isn’t worth it. She came to rescue her and they put Jordan away.

Jordan urges Claire to pull the trigger. When she can’t, she mocks her for being too weak.

“Will you just shut up!” Nikki yells, shoving her.

Jordan’s head smashes into the fireplace and she hits the floor.

Nikki gets Claire to put the gun down

The police arrive and take away Jordan.

She tells Claire that she broke her heart.

Claire says she broke her entire life and Nikki orders the cops to get her out of their sight.

Nikki gives Claire some water.

Victor and Nick arrive.

He holds his wife.

She tells him it’s over and asks him to take them home.

Nick asks if they are taking Claire.

Nikki says they certainly are because she saved her. Victor says the owe her a debt of gratitude.

When Claire asks what will happen to Jordan, Nikki assures her they won’t let her hurt her ever again.

Claire cries that she sorry for everything and Nikki strokes her hair.

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At the ranch, Victoria and Nick run in and her father informs them that he has his people looking for Nikki. The kids are sure nothing else would keep their mom away at Christmas. Victor admits she might be drinking again. His children refuse to believe this but Victor explains that Nate told him he…