Belle Clashes with Miss Abbott Regarding Tucker’s Demise, Billy Coaxes Lily, and Devon Extends an Invitation to Tessa. – Teyiz

Belle Clashes with Miss Abbott Regarding Tucker’s Demise, Billy Coaxes Lily, and Devon Extends an Invitation to Tessa. – Teyiz

Belle Clashes with Miss Abbott Regarding Tucker’s Demise, Billy Coaxes Lily, and Devon Extends an Invitation to Tessa. – Teyiz


Fri April 26, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Traci Encounters Ashley’s Latest Persona, Belle; Audra Vows to Tucker; Devon Keeps a Step Ahead of Billy.

Thursday’s recap: Victor Falsely Claims Jordan is Dead, Secretly Keeps Her Alive in a Dungeon as Claire Pleads for Rescue

(This day ahead recap episode airs in the USA on April 26. Expect spoilers! Recaps go live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

Mariah arrives at Society and discovers her wife radiating happiness. Tessa is humming, expressing how beautiful her life is.

Eager to add even more beauty to their lives, Mariah suggests that she could sing at local music festivals, especially since she’s not on tour. Tessa is fond of the idea.


She longs to perform for an audience again. Just as Mariah is about to ask Devon and Abby about organizing a music festival, Abby interrupts, calling her a genius regarding her collaboration with the fish guy.

Devon, missing Tessa’s presence at the label, prompts Mariah to approach him with the idea of a music festival for Tessa.


Tessa explains she’s not looking to leave her job and Devon admits they’re putting together a festival.

She’s perfect for it.

Tessa’s pumped.

Devon and Abby seat themselves and Mariah and Tessa embrace.


Devon gets a text from Nate, in appreciation of his vote.

They discuss Lily’s vote and how Devon feels she voted against him.


Abby says that’s not what happened. In time, she may be persuaded to see things his way.

Maybe Lily feels she has a lot to prove and doesn’t want to make decisions based on emotion.

She didn’t want to vote to make her brother happy.

Still, Devon believes there’s more to her voting against Nate.

He thinks she’s letting Billy under her skin. He likes having Abby on the board but doesn’t love the company anymore.

He dreads work and complains about Billy.


Billy arrives at Crimson Lights and spots Lily ending a business call. Why does she always run into him? He shrugs.

She doesn’t want to revisit his discussion about running the company together.

He backs off but believes she’ll come around on her own.


She sighs and tells him about her meeting with Mamie and they agree she was rude of her auntie to think Lily was too emotional about the Daniel case, though she clarifies that she doesn’t think her aunt is trouble.

Billy brings up taking over the company and when Lily becomes upset, he apologizes and offers to get her a drink.


In Tucker’s room at the Athletic Club, Audra and Tucker discuss a business deal and disagree on where they should divert the capital to.

Tucker thinks her ideas are dumb. “You’re dumb,” she mutters. She jokes that he’s the weakest link in their relationship.


They talk about building up their products and marketing them. Audra calls him cold-blooded and ruthless. He thanks her.

She thinks they can be the biggest cosmetic entity out there.

She wants to dominate the market but thinks his motivation is Ashley.

He denies it but he’d love to crush her sanctimonious brother. Tucker says her drive and ambition gives him “certain sensations.”


She thinks everything does that. He moves in on her with a kiss.

They get frisky and wind up making love before they get back to discussing business.

They decide to get dinner downstairs.


Downstairs at the Athletic Club dining area, Belle and Traci dine.

Belle covers her accent and tells her sister she’s not that hungry but wants a shot of tequila. Traci’s mouth drops open.

She doesn’t think Ashley needs more to drink.


Belle uses her Southern Belle accent as she thinks to herself, “Bless her heart. I’ll just humor the poor thing.”

She says Traci’s right. Traci asks if she has been getting her calls.

Belle lies that she’s been doing a cell phone detox to get rid of the stress she’s under.


Traci understands but asks her to turn it on.

They become anxious when they can’t reach her. She fills her sister’s alt in on Harrison being found. Belle is glad “that precious little boy is okay.”

Traci thinks it’s time to concentrate on her. ‘Son of a bitch’, Belle thinks to herself, with the accent.

Traci assumes it was daunting going into therapy with someone new. Belle thinks to herself that Traci hasn’t a clue.


She blurts, “I panicked.” She got skittish and couldn’t go. Traci wishes she’d have told her.

Belle says coming there did the trick and she suggests they both do shots of tequila.

Traci refuses and thinks whatever is going on with her is spiraling out of control.

Even the way she’s talking to her is confusing to Traci. She demands Ashley get the help she needs.

Belle agrees to reschedule the appointment.


They get up to leave and run into Audra and Tucker. Belle flatters Audra and insults Tucker, causing Audra to comment that this is a change for her.

“If I were you, I’d ditch this daddy issue for good,” Belle says with a smile.

She takes off to the powder room and Tucker comments that this is a new Ashley.


Traci doesn’t know what he means and calls this a private family matter.

She begs him to let it go and wanders off. Audra says this isn’t funny anymore. Something is really wrong with her. “You called it.”

Audra’s freaked out by these mood swings and she’s had her fill.

“I want you to stay away from her.” They go dine.


Billy and Lily arrive at Neil’s lounge. They relax and make small talk.

She calls him charming as always but as a friend, she thinks he’s trying too hard.

He knows it’s the pitfall of knowing someone too well and opens up about Ashley going through a rough patch.


Lily doesn’t think it sounds like Ashley at all.

Billy’s afraid for his sister. He’s always been afraid of her.

Lily laughs and pops an olive into her mouth. Seeing her adrift is tough.

Lily thinks if it can happen to her, what about “us mere mortals?”


She’s glad Ashley has him and her other siblings. Billy wishes his dad was around.

Lily understands too much what that’s like.

She’ll always miss Neil. Billy knows he’ll never be John Abbott though and thinks Neil would be proud of Lily.

They talk about Billy’s kids and Johnny’s game that his daughter watched.


It was incredible that she stood up for his son since they used to be in each other’s face.

Lily recalls. Billy reminisces about her giving him ‘the look’.

It’s a reminder to stay on her good side. She chuckles and drinks.


Traci and Belle arrive home and when Traci goes to make tea, her alt asks her what she’s doing and says to get back there before she ruins everything.

Belle closes her eyes and sits a moment before she’s inside her head in the white room with the three beds.


She says, “Well, well, well Miss Abbott, where’s that sweet child, Ash.” Ashley sleeps on the middle bed.

Miss Abbott says she sent her away.

She’s more trouble than she’s worth.


She asks if she made a mistake letting Belle come out and play.

Belle says she’s a lot of things but not a mistake.

Miss Abbott rolls her eyes and says she wants to eliminate Tucker permanently.


Belle sits on the bed. “Homicide. Are you coo-coo crazy?” They don’t do that. Then Miss Abbott suggests she step aside and let her do it. Belle calls it ill advised and she won’t have it.

They do agree Tucker spells trouble for Ashley but “ew” the blood and mess is a step too far.

She doesn’t want to go to prison. “Stripes are not my thang.”

Miss Abbott struggles with being cuffed to the bed and calls Belle a “stupid slut.”

Belle thinks they just need to find Ashley someone new to love.

And from the talent she’s seen in Genoa City, that’s not going to be hard.

Miss Abbott finds that ridiculous but Belle reminds her that she’s in control and “ain’t lettin’ go.”


Miss Abbott growls. Belle wakes up when Traci returns and suggests they bring her French psychologist to Genoa City.

Belle thinks he’ll be just fine since he’s good looking and intelligent.

Ashley would have to say ‘Tucker who’? Belle says she loves the idea and Traci admits she already put the call in. The embrace.


Back at the restaurant, Audra wishes they didn’t have to bump into Ashley everywhere.

She won’t become a recluse.


Tucker comments that it’s a small town and says there’s another way around it.

He produces the engagement ring from his pocket and shows it to her.


She clutches at hear head with a sigh.

Tucker grins and reminds her she knows what to do.

She asks if he carries it around everywhere.


He thinks it’s worth the risk of losing it. Audra doesn’t think he wants or needs the marriage any more than he does.

He jokes about being Mr. Charles and pretends he’s introducing himself as Mr. Tucker Charles.

She laughs and he jokes that if he gets mugged, it’s her fault! He talks about how they could have the wedding of the century.


She admits she thought of arriving in a horse-drawn carriage. They can do that without a marriage.

He figures they can marry in private then. It’s about a promise to each other.

She says yeah, one people break constantly.


She agrees to go to any island he wants and will decorate a suite overseas for their special meetings.

Or she can remind him daily that she loves him.

He makes her say it again. “I love you,” she says.


Next week’s Y&R spoilers!

Dr. Alan Laurent (Christopher Cousins) arrives in Genoa City and has a sit down with Belle.


“We’re friends. Just like we were in Paris,” he tells her.

Jack sits at the bar drinking as Belle says, “But there’s an agenda.”


Victoria and Cole are at the red door motel holding the Victorian doll.


“Hold on a second here,” Cole says. “There’s something inside here.”


Jack tells Nikki not to make him push in the door so she lets go.

She’s in a suite at the Athletic club and says fine.


“You asked for it.” She lets him into her room which has been trashed.

“My God. What happened here?” He asks, taking it all in.


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Belle Clashes with Miss Abbott Regarding Tucker’s Demise, Billy Coaxes Lily, and Devon Extends an Invitation to Tessa. – Teyiz   Fri April 26, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Traci Encounters Ashley’s Latest Persona, Belle; Audra Vows to Tucker; Devon Keeps a Step Ahead of Billy. Thursday’s recap: Victor Falsely Claims Jordan is Dead,…