Y&R Recap – Fri May 3: Victor Finds Nikki and Jack Post-Binge; Claire Makes a Surprise Visit to Kyle, Harrison, and Summer

Y&R Recap – Fri May 3: Victor Finds Nikki and Jack Post-Binge; Claire Makes a Surprise Visit to Kyle, Harrison, and Summer

Last Episode

Nikki Newman and Jack Abbot.

On the last episode of Y&R, a desperate Jack relapsed and resorted to pills in Nikki’s hotel room as he joined her on a bender.


Nick and Victoria sit at a table, talking over drinks.

Victoria says she finally slept through the night. She has to keep reminding herself that Jordan is dead and there’s nothing she can do to hurt them; it’s hard to break the habit of being on high alert. She asks how Summer is.

Victoria and Nick Newman sit and talk.

Nick says Summer is “like a coiled spring” and doesn’t think it’s really over yet, either.

Victoria hopes Summer knows that Claire didn’t have anything to do with Harrison’s kidnapping.

Nick figures Summer knows, but they all had their doubts about Claire, so it’s understandable.

Nick Newman.

Victoria admits that she doubted Claire for a bit as well. She wondered if she’d missed something and Jordan had managed to get to Claire… She spoke with Cole, and he talked her through it; he was a rock in a storm.

Nick laughs. He says that every time that Victoria talks about Cole, she gets a “look in her eye.”

Victoria scoffs. “Shut up!”

Victoria Newman.

Nick tells her to shut up. He says it’s like a dopey look of affection… How long until they move in together?

Victoria laughs and admits that she and Cole had a very slight romantic reconnection, but that was it; nothing else! She says Cole has been there for her in so many ways.

Nick says she doesn’t have to sell him on Cole; he’s a good guy. He says it couldn’t have been easy for Cole to deal with their family and his newfound fatherhood. If something romantic happens between them and it’s what Victoria wants, Nick is happy for her!

Victoria smiles and thanks him.

Nick talks to Victoria.

Victor walks up to their table and asks if either of them have seen their mother this morning.

Victoria and Nick shake their heads… They haven’t; why?

Victor says that Nikki never came home last night.

Victor Newman talks with Victoria and Nick.

Nikki’s GCAC Suite

Jack is passed out on the couch and EMTs are attending to him.

Nikki hovers anxiously and asks if Jack will be alright.

Jack lies on the couch and is attended to by paramedics as Nikki looks on.

The EMT tells Nikki that they gave Jack a shot to counteract the opioids, but he’ll need to follow up with his doctor.

Nikki nods. Of course.

The EMT asks Nikki if she’s taken anything.

Nikki says she didn’t have any pills, but she’s been drinking.

Nikki talks to the paramedic.

The Abbott Mansion

Kyle is on the phone to a restaurant, asking if they’ve seen Jack Abbott, but they say he hasn’t been there. Kyle ends the call, and the doorbell rings, and he answers.

Kyle Abbott answers the door to Claire Grace.

It’s Claire. She asks if it’s a bad time for her to drop by.

Kyle says it’s fine and invites her in. He asks if she’s all right to be out and about.

Claire says she’s a bit shaky, but she’s okay.

Claire Grace.

Kyle’s glad to hear it. He doesn’t know much about what happened to her, but he’s glad she’s home safe, and Harrison will be, too.

Claire says she dropped by to make sure Harrison was okay, or as okay as could be expected after what Jordan put him through.

Kyle says Harrison’s holding up better than he could have hoped. It was traumatic, but Harrison’s a tough little kid; he’s getting a lot of love and reassurance, and they’re making sure he has everything he needs to get through this.

Kyle smiles at Claire.

Claire says loving parents make a big difference. She says that’s all she dropped by for and asks that Kyle give Harrison a big hug from her.

Kyle says it’s a short visit.

Claire figures it’s best if Harrison doesn’t see her. The last thing she wants is to remind him of what happened with Jordan.

Claire talks with Kyle.

Kyle thinks it’d be good for Harrison to see Claire; Harrison kept asking about her and wanted them to find and save her. He says Harrison is sleeping right now, but should be up pretty soon. He tells Claire it wasn’t her fault; she was a victim of Jordan’s madness as much as Harrison was, and everyone knows it now.

Claire doesn’t feel any less guilty.

Kyle asks why she feels guilty… She had nothing to do with it!

Kyle talks to Claire.

Claire says she had everything to do with it; she figures Jordan followed her and went after Harrison because of Claire.

Claire says Jordan is pure evil and wanted to do as much damage as possible.

Claire nods. She says it’s true, but she was Jordan’s gateway to terrorize his family and her family, and she won’t ever forgive herself for that.


Nikki’s GCAC Suite

The EMTs pack up. As they’re leaving, the EMT tells Nikki to make sure Jack doesn’t take any more pills; he might not be so lucky next time.

Nikki nods. She’ll make sure. The EMT leaves, and Nikki sits beside Jack on the couch. She tells him to wake up.

Nikki talks to Jack.

Jack twitches and awakens. He holds his head and groans. “What happened?”

Nikki says he passed out from the pills and alcohol.

Jack is confused… Pills?

Nikki says the paramedics gave him something to counteract the pills; it was touch-and-go for a while… She’s so glad he’s okay! She curses and asks him what he was thinking.

Jack Abbott holds his head as he awakens.


Victor sits down with Victoria and Nick and says he called everywhere but couldn’t find Nikki.

Nick winces and says he doesn’t want to say it, but he has to ask… Is there a chance that Jordan survived the fall and somehow got to their mother?

Nick Newman.

Victoria tells him not to even think such things.

Nick says they never found a body, and Jordan has a thousand lives!

Victor says that Jordan is dead, and there’s no way she has gotten ahold of Nikki. He doesn’t know what to do… He thinks Nikki is still suffering from what Jordan had done to her.

Victoria Newman.

Victoria asks if Nikki is drinking again.

Victor nods. She is. His phone pings, and he checks his messages and says his security team found out where Nikki is. He says he has to go. He gets up and leaves the restaurant.

Victor Newman.

The Abbott Mansion

Kyle tells Claire he’s not going to let her beat herself up over this… A lot of people tried to stop Jordan, but they couldn’t! Jordan is a monster, and Claire was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Claire says she could have done something.

Claire talks with Kyle.

Kyle says he wasn’t there when Claire and Harrison were taken… Jordan got into the house and got Claire and Harrison out without Kyle even noticing! Maybe he’s the one who should feel responsible!

Claire thinks that’s ridiculous.

Kyle says it is ridiculous… There’s only one person to blame, and that’s Jordan. He says justice finally found her; how does Claire feel about Jordan’s death?

Kyle and Claire sit and talk.

Claire says she couldn’t believe it at first, but then she was relieved, which turned to fright. She was scared that it wasn’t true, and somehow Jordan had managed to escape death again so she could punish Claire and everyone else. She says Jordan took her and Harrison so that people would believe Claire was in on her plan; Claire turned her back on Jordan, so Jordan wanted everyone to turn their backs on Claire. She assumes Kyle believed it at first.

Kyle says it was hard not to; the timing of it was very coincidental.

Claire says she would have believed it, too. She says it was just another way for Jordan to keep her from her family and a normal life, and it tortured her. Every second she was in the storage unit, she thought she wouldn’t make it out to tell everyone she wasn’t involved. She thought she’d die there and nobody would ever know.

Claire Grace.

Kyle says she didn’t die… She and Harrison made it home safe; that’s the only thing that matters.

Claire is grateful but wishes she could have protected Harrison from Jordan.

Harrison runs down the stairs, calling out to Claire. He says his lucky bunny charm worked; Claire is safe!

Summer walks in the front door as Harrison runs over to Claire and hugs her tightly.

Harrison and Claire hug and Summer walks in.

Nikki’s GCAC Suite

Nikki asks Jack if he remembers anything about last night.

Jack drinks water while Nikki talks to him.

Jack says he remembers her trying to drink herself to death; she certainly seems more sober now!

Nikki says Jack’s collapse knocked some sense into her. She says she’s going to rehab; she’s realized she’s powerless over alcohol, and her life has become unmanageable.

Jack says she remembers step one. He’s glad, and he’s proud of her.

Jack and Nikki hold hands as they talk.

Nikki apologizes for the “horrible things” she said to him last night… She wanted him to leave so she could keep drinking, but he wouldn’t let her. She asks why he put himself at such risk last night.

Jack says he doesn’t know… Maybe it was instinct. He had to get her to open her eyes; he was convinced she was trying to drink herself to death, and he was willing to try anything to stop her.

The paramedics left the suite door open; Victor walks into the room just as Nikki thanks Jack and takes his hand. Victor slams the door behind him and glares at Jack and Nikki. He asks what’s going on.

Victor is angry.

The Abbott Mansion

Summer tells Claire it’s good to see she’s back. She smiles, but it doesn’t touch her eyes. She says she heard that it was “quite the ordeal.”

Claire says it was, but everything turned out alright in the end. She smiles at Harrison.

Claire talks to Harrison.

Summer hopes so.

Harrison says that Claire never got to read to him because of the “witch.” He asks if she can read to him now.

Claire says she’d really like to, but she thinks Harrison’s mom wants to read to him. She says Summer missed Harrison and wants to spend as much time with him as she can. Maybe she can read to him some other time!

Harrison smiles. That works!

Summer Newman.

Summer asks if he’s ready to go upstairs.

Harrison says he’s happy that Claire is back and asks if his mom is happy about it, too.

Summer says she’s happy, too. They head upstairs.

Summer smiles at Harrison.

Kyle tells Claire that he told her that Harrison would be thrilled to see her! She’s taken a weight off his shoulders.

Claire says Harrison has a big heart, and it’s a testament to Kyle and Summer’s parenting. She says it’s amazing to see Harrison with parents like them… Parents who adore him.

Kyle says they adore Harrison. He makes everything worth it, especially when something goes wrong—and something always goes wrong!

Kyle talks to Claire.

Claire understands… Even when you’re finally safe, it’s hard to accept it.

Kyle asks Claire what’s next for her.

Claire says now that the witch is finally dead, she might start by sleeping for a week straight!

Kyle laughs… And after that? He says she’s free and has a whole new life before her; has she thought about what she wants to do with it?

Claire talks with Kyle.


Nick tells Victoria that their mom has beaten alcohol before, and she’ll do it again once she decides that’s what she really wants.

Victoria nods; with Jordan dead, their mother will have nothing to focus on except for her recovery.

Victoria talks to Nick.

Nick says he’s sorry for suggesting that Jordan might be alive.

Victoria asks where that even came from; Jordan may have escaped from prison and other places, but she’s not immortal. She can’t escape death!

Nick knows, but they still haven’t seen proof that she’s dead.

Nick Newman.

Victoria says there’s no way anyone could survive a fall from that height. Until they find her body and drive a stake through her miserable heart, that’ll have to do!

Nick says the damage Jordan did still lives on.

Victoria agrees; they wouldn’t be chasing their mother from one bar to another if Jordan hadn’t forced alcohol on her in the first place.

Victoria Newman.

Nick says their mom saved Jordan’s life after she took poison.

Victoria thinks that might have driven their mom over the edge… Knowing she could have ended it if she hadn’t saved Jordan.

Nick says their mom told them that an alcoholic never needs an excuse to drink.

Victoria sighs. She hopes they can find an excuse to get Nikki to stop drinking!

Nick talks to Victoria.

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Nikki’s GCAC Suite

Nikki asks Victor what he’s doing there.

Victor yells that he’s been looking for her all night! He heard that she was there and that paramedics were there, too.

Victor talks to Jack and Nikki.

Nikki says she’s sorry; she doesn’t know what to say.

Victor asks if she and Jack had a party.

Nikki says it was nothing like that.

Jack Abbott.

Jack says things got out of control, and he’s sorry. He says none of it is Nikki’s fault. The ambulance was for him; Nikki saved his life, but Victor has every right to be furious.

Victor says Jack has no idea how he’s feeling right now.

Nikki says it started with her; Jack was only trying to help.

Nikki Newman.

Jack tells her not to make excuses for him. He says he slipped; it’s not Nikki’s fault. He should have been protecting her as her sponsor.

Nikki says that’s not how it happened.

Victor doesn’t give a damn how it happened. He asks Nikki how she’s feeling.

Victor Newman.

Nikki says she’s finally ready to go to rehab. She thinks Victor must be disgusted with her.

Victor thinks it’s about time. He tells her to clean herself up; he’ll take her home.

Nikki tells Victor and Jack to “leave each other alone.”

Nikki and Victor.

Victor tells her not to worry about it. Get cleaned up!

Nikki heads into the washroom.

Victor says Jack was supposed to protect his wife.

Victor talks to Jack.

Jack says he saw her drinking again and realized he hadn’t been there for her… Again. He says he couldn’t take it anymore; the pills were supposed to make those feelings go away.

Victor doesn’t give a damn about feelings. What Jack did was unacceptable!

Jack says Victor’s right; for him to break after all this time is an embarrassment, but Nikki has turned a corner and is ready to take the next huge step; once she’s back from recovery and is clean, Jack will make it up to her somehow… She saved his life.

Victor says he wouldn’t have saved Jack’s life.

Jack talks to Victor.

The Abbott Mansion

Claire says whenever she dreamed of a future, Jordan was there to remind her of who she was and where she stood. Her life was never her own; it was just about Jordan and her mission.

Kyle says once she realizes that her life is hers, it’ll feel like Christmas, New Year’s, and her best birthday all rolled into one.

Kyle talks to Claire.

Claire laughs. She hopes so!

Kyle says she deserves it.

Claire says second chances are hard to get; Genoa City has been kinder to her than she could have hoped, and she won’t waste it.

Claire laughs with Kyle.

Summer comes downstairs and tells Kyle that Harrison wants him to come upstairs and check out the house he made for his lucky bunny.

Kyle grins. “Another architect in the family!”

Claire says she’d best be off… She’s already taken up enough of their time. She says she’d like to see Harrison again if that’s alright.

Summer and Kyle talk with Claire.

Kyle says of course… Harrison would love that.

Claire says if Harrison wants to talk about Jordan or what happened, she’d be happy to talk him through it. She can relate and remind him that she’s okay and that he’s okay, too.

Kyle says he hadn’t thought of it like that, but it makes sense.

Claire talks to Kyle and Summer.

Claire says goodbye and thanks them again for letting her see Harrison. She leaves the house.

Kyle tells Summer he’s excited to see the lucky bunny house that Harrison built.

Summer says Harrison isn’t okay after everything he’s been through. They’re not doing him any favors by not dealing with it promptly.

Summer talks to Kyle.

Nikki’s GCAC Suite

Nikki walks out of the washroom, looking more put together.

Victor says he’ll make arrangements for a rehab facility for her when they get home. Nikki hesitates, and Victor asks if she has a problem with that.

Victor and Nikki Newman talk.

Nikki says she’s not comfortable leaving Jack alone.

Jack tells her to go; he’s fine and promises he won’t leave until he feels stronger.

Nikki says she needs him to give her the rest of the pills before she leaves.

Jack gives his pills to Nikki as Victor watches.

Jack digs through his pockets and pulls out the bag. He places them in her hand.

Nikki and Victor leave.

Jack winces and sits down, contemplating.

Jack closes his eyes.

The Abbott Mansion

Kyle asks Summer if something happened upstairs with Harrison.

Summer says Harrison made a house for his bunny and started talking about how he needed to add doors and locks to keep all the bad people out. She says Harrison started asking her whether she thought Claire really was okay and wondered when she’d be coming back.

Summer sits and talks to Kyle.

Kyle says Harrison is worried about Claire.

Summer thinks it’s more than that… She thinks Harrison is trying to make sure that Claire is safe to convince himself he’s safe.

Kyle says it just happened, and it will take Harrison time to work through it.

Kyle and Summer.

Summer knows, but she’s worried that he’s talking about Claire and not himself. She thinks Harrison doesn’t know what to do with all the feelings he’s having and thinks he needs to see a therapist.

Kyle agrees. He’s already made some calls, and they need to find Harrison a new nanny, as well.

Summer talks to Kyle.

Summer shakes her head; she’s going to watch Harrison for now.

Kyle asks what she’s going to do about her job.

Summer shrugs. She’ll figure it out. They need to make sure their son feels safe again, whatever it takes. Nothing else in her life is more important than that!

Kyle Abbott.

The Tack House at Newman Ranch

Victoria comes home and calls out for Claire, but there’s no answer.

She calls Cole and tells him she got home and Claire was nowhere to be found. She says she checked with security, and they reported that Claire wasn’t at the main house. She’s trying to stay calm, but Nick said something earlier that she can’t get out of her mind… What if Jordan managed to survive somehow?

Victoria Newman talks on the phone.

Claire enters the house.

Victoria is relieved. She tells Cole that Claire is fine… She just came home! She ends the call and asks where Claire was.

Claire says she wanted to check on Harrison and make sure he’s okay.

Victoria hugs her and tells her never to scare her like that again.

Claire and Victoria hug.

The Newman Ranch House

Victor and Nikki arrive home. Victor tells Nikki he should have never allowed Jack Abbott to be her sponsor.

Nikki says she’s already said… It’s not Jack’s fault.

Nikki talks to Victor.

Victor says of course it’s Jack’s fault; he matched her drink-for-drink!

Nikki says Jack didn’t know what else to do.

Victor says Jack admitted he was responsible for it.

Victor holds his hand to his chest as he talks to Nikki.

Nikki says it’s because Jack didn’t want to humiliate her in front of Victor.

Victor mockingly says Jack has a big heart; his gallantry knows no bounds!

Nikki asks if Victor wants to know the truth or whether he wants to keep blaming Jack because he can’t bear the thought that his wife is a hopeless drunk. She says she was already wasted by the time Jack got there.

Nikki Newman.

Victor wonders why Jack didn’t call him when he arrived.

Nikki says Jack didn’t call Victor because he knew it would kill her to have Victor see her like that. She says Jack tried to distract her with everything he could think of; she had lost hope and was ready to drink herself into oblivion. She says Jack was desperate to save her, so he decided to try to shock her out of her binge by joining her.

Victor thinks that was a stupid idea; Victor could have lost her!

Victor Newman.

The Tack House

Victoria asks Claire what it was like being back at the Abbott’s.

Victoria and Claire sit and talk.

Claire says it was strange; she tried not to think about Jordan having been in the house and wanting to grab them both. She wonders if Harrison will forget about the kidnapping in time… It might just fade into a bad dream.

Victoria hopes so, and she wants the same thing for Claire. She says Jordan is gone, and Claire doesn’t need to worry about her anymore. She takes Claire’s hand and asks if Kyle was okay with her visiting.

Claire says Kyle couldn’t have been nicer or more supportive; he doesn’t blame her for what happened.

Claire and Victoria.

Victoria smiles and says if anyone does try to hold her responsible for what happened, she wants to be told about it. Claire is a victim in this, and if they can’t see that…

Claire laughs; is Victoria going to set them straight?

Victoria tells her not to laugh; she knows how to make a point! She asks if Summer was there.

Victoria smiles at Claire.

Claire nods and says Summer loves Harrison and doesn’t want to be away from him right now.

Victoria asks if Summer said anything to Claire.

Claire says Summer was… Civil. She says it must be hard for Summer to see her anywhere near Harrison; Summer never really trusted her before any of this happened, and Claire doubts that will change now.

Claire looks at Victoria.

Victoria says a mother’s first instinct is to protect their child, but one the danger is gone, they’ll eventually let their guard down. She says Claire’s cousin just needs a little time. Victoria’s phone pings with a notification; she looks and says it’s a relief… Nikki is finally home.

Claire asks where Nikki was.

Victoria says it’s a long story, and she’ll fill her in later; right now, she has to go to the main house. She leaves.

Victoria talks to Claire.

The Newman House

Nikki tells Victor she’s sorry she put him through this again, but it made her realize that rehab is her only option; she wants to get sober again for Victor, their children, and most importantly, for herself.

Victor is relieved to hear her say that.

Victor and Nikki.

Nikki says it took Jack’s actions to wake her up.

Victor tells her to do him a favor; never mention that man and his idiotic plan that almost got her killed!

Nikki says she doesn’t want to argue with him.

Victor and Nikki newman.

Victor says he doesn’t want to hear Jack’s name again.

Nikki says she’s going to go upstairs and pack a bag.

Victor says she’s doing the right thing. He’s sure she’ll come through it stronger and healthier than ever. He hugs her closely and tells her he loves her.

Nikki cries into his shoulder and tells him she loves him, too.

Nikki and Victor hug.

The Abbott Mansion

Jack comes home.

Kyle hears him enter and walks downstairs. He asks where his dad was and takes a closer look at him. “Are you okay?”

Jack Abbott talks with Kyle.

The Newman House

Nikki walks in with a travel bag. She sees that Victoria and Nick have arrived and says hello to them.

Nikki talks to Victoria.

Victoria asks if she’s okay.

Nick says they saw their dad earlier, and he was worried about her.

Nikki says she’s apologized to Victor already… She had a terrible night; it was the worst one yet, but it was an important one… She’s decided to check herself into rehab.

Victoria talks to Nikki.

Her children are relieved; they didn’t know it had gotten that bad.

Nikki says she’s gotten good at hiding her problem, but there won’t be any hiding anymore… It’s time for her to face her problems head-on.

Nick hopes she knows she has her children’s support.

Nick Newman talks to his mom.

Victoria says it’s a good thing and asks if there’s anything she needs.

Nikki says there is something… She asks them to be kind to their father; it’s really shaken him. She asks them to promise her to look after him and make sure he stays steady and calm.

Victoria and Nick hug her and tell her they love her.

Victoria, Nikki, and Nick hug.

The Abbott Mansion

Jack tells Kyle he’s fine… Why wouldn’t he be?

Kyle says he looks like hell and was out all night; Diane is worried sick, and Kyle has been making calls and leaving messages looking for him.

Kyle talks with Jack.

Jack says a friend needed help; everything’s fine now, but he needs a few hours of sleep.

Kyle is dubious. That’s it?

Jack deflects and asks how Harrison is.

Jack talks to Kyle.

Kyle says Summer is worried about Harrison and wants him to see a child therapist to make sure he’s processing his feelings and not pushing them down.

Jack thinks that’s a good idea. He’s glad Summer and Kyle are doing everything they can for Harrison.

Kyle mentions that Claire came by, and Harrison was happy to see her; he was relieved she was okay. He says Claire and Harrison were buddies before, but their bond is even stronger now.

Kyle talks to his father.

Jack says it’s a shame they had to go through what they did.

Kyle says it’s a shame that Claire was doubted in the first place. She knows what people thought and what they might still believe; it’s been rough on her on top of what she went through.

Jack gets it; he’s sympathetic to her. He says when someone you love is in danger, you react; maybe you’re right or wrong, but in the moment, all you have is your instincts. You get through the crisis and deal with the repercussions later.

Kyle listens to Jack.

Kyle asks if Jack is sure he’s alright.

There’s a knock at the door, and Jack answers.

It’s Victor. He tells Jack he’s giving him this warning once, and once only… He tells Jack to never come near his wife again. He leaves.

Victor walks away as Jack watches.

Next Week on The Young and the Restless

Nate tells Audra he thought they were friends, and friends tell each other the truth.

Audra asks Nate if he’s sure they’re just friends.

Audra Charles talks with Nate Hastings.

Mamie tells Lily she wants to wait until everyone’s there for the meeting… She promises it’s going to be good.

Mamie Johnson.

Victor asks Cole how his relationship with Victoria is… Has something changed?

Victor Newman.

Diane tells Jack he’s thrown away years of sobriety for Nikki Newman… How does she know he doesn’t have pills on him right now?

Diane talks to Jack.

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Last Episode On the last episode of Y&R, a desperate Jack relapsed and resorted to pills in Nikki’s hotel room as he joined her on a bender. Society Nick and Victoria sit at a table, talking over drinks. Victoria says she finally slept through the night. She has to keep reminding herself that Jordan is dead and…