Audra spurns Tucker by accepting a date with Nate

Audra spurns Tucker by accepting a date with Nate

Audra spurns Tucker by accepting a date with Nate

The Young and the Restless Daily Recaps (Monday, May 20, 2024)

Monday, May 20, 2024

by Anne Carpenter

At the Athletic Club, Sally was walking in when Audra, dressed in a fetching cocktail dress, was leaving. Sally paused to compliment Audra’s “date outfit,” believing Audra and Tucker had reconciled. Audra explained that after she and Tucker had fought and made up too many times, she was done with him and would be enjoying dinner with Nate. Sally asked Audra about her career and the company she and Tucker had planned to run together. Audra replied that she might attempt to gain control of Glissade, adding that it would serve Tucker right if she did.

At Chancellor-Winters, Nate told Lily he was sorry that the board meeting had disappointed her. Lily admitted she should have ensured there would be adequate votes before convening the meeting. Nate suggested limiting Billy’s power. Lily was not in favor of legal actions, though she was eager to explore other possibilities, and she thanked Nate for his help.

Devon arrived. Lily told Devon she had shared an update about the board meeting with Nate. Nate checked his schedule on his phone and announced his plans to take Audra out to dinner, though he made it clear he would not interfere with Tucker’s relationship with Audra. Lily warned that Audra was underhanded. Nate promised not to reveal anything concerning Billy or any business matters that could be used against the company.

After Nate left, Devon told Lily that Phyllis had quit after he’d confronted her about disclosing to Tucker details about Billy’s new position. Devon explained that he had sought information from Tucker about his and Mamie’s original plans regarding gaining a foothold on Chancellor-Winters. Lily seemed taken aback that Devon had looked to Tucker for help with Chancellor-Winters. Devon admitted that approaching Tucker had been a mistake, and he assured Lily that they would handle the crisis without Tucker’s help. Lily sighed.

A man arrived with a bouquet of flowers with a festive balloon attached and delivered it to Lily and Devon. Lily read the card, which was addressed to both of them. The card read, “I hear your little plan to box me out didn’t work. Looking forward to working together. Best, Billy.” Lily scoffed and admitted that she and Devon had gone behind Billy’s back. Devon recalled that Billy had gone behind their backs first, adding that he would do anything to get rid of Billy.

Devon picked up a letter opener and stabbed the balloon, deflating it. Lily complained that Billy was engaged in gaining power within their company offices. Devon nodded and added, “Probably gathering forces to use against us.” Lily admitted she felt Jill had betrayed them, so she and Billy were no longer trustworthy. Devon said, “I just wish this damn vote went our way.”

Lily asked Devon if he regretted putting Abby on the board of directors. Devon replied that he respected Abby’s business sense, though he regretted not having had a conversation with her before the board meeting. Devon vowed never to surprise Abby or Lily regarding crucial decisions. Lily informed Devon that Abby had told Daniel about her vote regarding his case. Devon replied that he had made clear to Abby that all decisions were to remain private.

Lily announced her intentions to avoid a lawsuit and seek middle ground with Daniel, though their concerns about Billy remained more pressing. Devon suggested they could either force Billy out or take Winters back from Chancellor-Winters by killing the merger and leaving Chancellor behind. Devon noted that Billy could then run Chancellor exactly as he wanted. Lily replied, “Jill really believes in keeping this merger in place, and Billy is going to follow suit.” Devon suggested forcing Billy’s hand and convincing him otherwise. Lily explained that they might force Billy’s hand if they had the right incentive.

Lily disclosed to Devon that Billy had attempted to persuade her to relegate Devon to a secondary role, so she and Billy could run the company together. Devon asked Lily why she had not told him before. Lily explained that she had hoped to avoid drama and had no intentions of following Billy’s ridiculous plan. Lily suggested lying to Billy and offering to implement his plan if he were to agree to cut ties with the Winters side of the company. Lily was certain Jill would keep her on board to balance Billy’s wild card ways, adding that Billy would approve, so he would not be saddled with day-to-day management.

Lily told Devon he could take charge of the Winters side. Devon replied, “And then what happens after we pull that off? You gonna ditch them, and you and Nate are gonna come work with me?” Lily said they would, which would leave Jill to her own devices. Lily suggested offering Mamie a position at their true family company. Devon replied, “No guarantees.”

At the Abbott home, Kyle quietly celebrated after he struck a deal with Mr. Foley over the phone. Kyle assured Mr. Foley he should not worry about Diane. After Kyle hung up, Claire arrived. Kyle had summoned her to talk. Claire’s face lit up after Kyle invited her to become Harrison’s nanny. Claire welcomed the opportunity to serve a purpose by helping a child grow and thrive instead of merely filing papers to collect a paycheck.

Claire, surprised and grateful that Summer had changed her mind, was disappointed when she learned Summer was not on board. Kyle explained that Harrison continued having bad dreams and often worried that Claire did, as well. Kyle told Claire that Harrison’s mind would be set at ease if he spent time with her on a regular basis, allowing him to just be a kid again. Claire told Kyle that she could not accept the position without Summer’s approval.

In the jazz lounge, Diane was sitting alone at the bar when Tucker, barking orders over the phone to an employee, entered. Before Tucker hung up, he insisted his investigator dig up dirt on Billy Abbott. As Tucker neared the bar, he hid behind Diane and said, “Would you like to dance?” Diane, startled, told Tucker to go away. Tucker oozed charm as he congratulated Diane for being promoted to co-CEO at Jabot. Tucker proclaimed that Diane had conquered Genoa City, adding that he was all in for a good, long con. Quickly correcting himself, Tucker told Diane she had managed a hard-fought battle and rebirth. Diane, frowning, cried that Tucker’s sentiments were an insult.

Diane checked her phone and noted she had expected to meet with a client. Tucker quipped that the Abbott King and Queen reigned over their kingdom while their son, the heir apparent, did their bidding. Diane, frustrated, told Tucker that blowing smoke without an agenda was not his style, and she insisted he mind his own business. Unfazed, Tucker asked Diane if Billy might leave Chancellor-Winters and return to Jabot, acknowledging he was just looking out for Devon. Diane replied that as far as she knew Billy was content working for Jill’s company. Diane received a call from Mr. Foley announcing that he had closed the deal with Kyle.

Diane returned home and confronted Kyle about humiliating her by accepting the licensing agreement with Jasper Foley. Kyle boasted that he had pulled off an impressive coup for Jabot and had saved his mother from suffering through a boring dinner. Diane, angry, replied, “I don’t need saving from a business client, Kyle. Who I need saving from is you.” Diane complained about waiting for a client Kyle knew would never show up.

Kyle feigned sympathy about Foley failing to cancel the meeting. Diane was livid that Kyle had again gone behind her back. Kyle brushed off his mother’s concern and suggested she take credit for the deal to impress Jack. Diane said she would never take credit for or lie to Jack about a deal she had not finalized.

Diane demanded Kyle tell her why he continually sabotaged her and then acted as if nothing had happened. Kyle claimed that Foley had approached him because Foley had not believed Diane “had the chops” to negotiate. Kyle suggested that Mr. Foley did not think Diane was capable because she did not hold a business degree and had no experience. Diane told Kyle she had many years of experience as a working professional in addition to Jack’s complete confidence. Diane accused Kyle of undermining her.

Kyle cried that his mom constantly tried to knock him down by ensuring he was never allowed autonomy. Diane defended herself and said she had tried to step down in favor of Kyle. Angered, Diane, issuing a direct order from his superior, told Kyle not to finalize the Foley deal. After Diane went upstairs, Kyle phoned his assistant, Marjorie, and requested she draw up a contract to finalize the Foley deal, boasting that he had closed the deal.

Audra joined Nate at Society for drinks before dinner. Nate promised Audra he would be a better friend and check on her more often. Nate asked Audra about her job status regarding Tucker and Glissade. Audra replied, “I still haven’t decided yet.” Audra asked Nate to drop the subject. Nate briefly mentioned his educational background and his fondness for competition swimming. Audra recalled her fondness for lyrical dance, which she described as emotional storytelling involving flowing, expressive movements.

Tucker spotted Audra and Nate, interrupted them, and asked Audra if they could talk privately. Audra told Tucker she had said all she had to say to him. Tucker told Audra he was relieved she had not flown to Paris, which meant something to him. Audra ignored Tucker and asked Nate to accompany her to the Athletic Club for a drink. Tucker slumped into Nate’s chair after Nate and Audra left together.

Tucker was consoling himself at the bar when Sally entered. Tucker asked Sally to talk to him about Audra, but she made it clear she would not betray her friend’s confidence. Tucker told Sally he wanted to ensure he had not blown his relationship with Audra. Sally replied, “I don’t think you have.” Tucker, noting Audra’s connection with Nate, cried that circumstances had conspired against him and Audra. Tucker soberly professed his love for Audra and said that if she was attempting to make him jealous, she had succeeded. Sally said she believed there was hope for Tucker and Audra if he could manage to get his act together.

Nate escorted Audra to the Athletic Club. Audra thanked Nate for being patient all the times she had not taken his warnings about Tucker to heart. Nate replied, “Well, it’s better late than never.” Audra vowed not to let Tucker take advantage of her any longer, vowing it was time to let him go. Audra invited Nate to join her for a nightcap in her suite. In her room, Audra served Nate a glass of Tucker’s expensive scotch. Audra said that enjoying Tucker’s scotch was better than her original plan of pouring it down the drain in spite. Nate suggested he and Audra stop talking about Tucker.

Tucker knocked on Audra’s door. Audra asked Nate to open the door. Audra stood beside Nate after he opened the door. Nate informed Tucker that Audra had invited him to join her. Tucker told Audra they needed to talk. Nate replied, “I think she’s made it clear she has no interest in speaking to you.” Nate told Tucker that whatever had happened between him and Audra had convinced her that she wanted nothing more to do with him. After Nate slammed the door, Nate and Audra clinked their glasses together. Tucker leaned against the wall and appeared downcast.

Summer was sitting in her suite at the Athletic Club, working, when Claire stopped by. Summer opened the door and sarcastically congratulated Claire on her new job. Claire replied that she had not accepted the position and wanted to discuss why. Summer and Claire retreated to the jazz lounge to talk. Claire acknowledged that Summer had suffered after Jordan had kidnapped Harrison, and she apologized for the trauma she had inflicted on Summer’s family. Claire told Summer she was grateful that Harrison did not blame her for the trauma he had experienced.

Summer acknowledged that Harrison was fond of Claire, though she did not believe it was healthy for Harrison to be around Claire. Claire stressed that she cared about Harrison and yearned to be supportive. Summer told Claire that though everyone else seemed ready to let go of the horrible things Claire had done to them, Summer could not. Claire explained that she yearned to make up for all the bad she had done. Summer replied, “Claire, you lied to my family. For months, you pretended to be someone else. You tricked my grandma. You held her hostage. You destroyed her sobriety. You poisoned my dad and my grandpa. People could have died because of you.”

Claire did not deny what she had done. Summer asked Claire if she would allow someone who had done those things to care for her own child. Claire assured Summer she was a different person and would not be a threat to Harrison or anyone else. Summer replied, “I just don’t believe that.”

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Audra spurns Tucker by accepting a date with Nate Monday, May 20, 2024 by Anne Carpenter At the Athletic Club, Sally was walking in when Audra, dressed in a fetching cocktail dress, was leaving. Sally paused to compliment Audra’s “date outfit,” believing Audra and Tucker had reconciled. Audra explained that after she and Tucker had fought…