Bronte hatches a new plan

Bronte hatches a new plan

Bronte lays it on thick for Irene, offering to do what she can to pay rent between hospital appointments. Irene tells her that’s not necessary. Later, Bronte bemoans everything she’ll miss out on due to her shortened life. She also fakes a dizzy spell and a fall for Irene’s benefit.

Finally, Bronte goes in for the kill – lying that there’s an experimental treatment in Canada, but it would cost close to $100,000. Irene’s optimistic the next day – promising that they’ll make it happen somehow. Is she about to be snared in Bronte’s trap?

Meanwhile, John is concerned about the debris that’s washing up on the beach, so he puts in a report to the Maritime Safety Authority. He can’t believe they don’t seem interested, and it’s down to him to get to the bottom of it.

The next day, more items litter the shoreline, including gumboots and a garden gnome. Justin reckons the only explanation is garden supplies have washed up from a cargo ship, and it seems John agrees. Is he dropping his investigation prematurely, though?

Elsewhere, Levi and Mackenzie celebrate when the approval comes through for his cardio unit at Northern Districts Hospital – it’s the beginning of a new chapter for them. At dinner though, Levi is forced to cover when he receives angry messages from his ex. When he steps away from the table to call her back, Mackenzie is wary. She’s so suspicious that she swipes his phone while he sleeps, and she’s shattered to see his recent call list.

The next day, Mac doesn’t trust Levi to be alone without her and goes with him when he heads home to pick up a “delivery”. When they get there though, Imogen has sent everything Levi owns, as well as a note addressed to Mackenzie, which reads: “Take the rest of my hand-me-downs. You’ve taken everything else”. Imogen’s wedding and engagement rings are enclosed.

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Bronte lays it on thick for Irene, offering to do what she can to pay rent between hospital appointments. Irene tells her that’s not necessary. Later, Bronte bemoans everything she’ll miss out on due to her shortened life. She also fakes a dizzy spell and a fall for Irene’s benefit. Finally, Bronte goes in for…