Cole and Victoria Uncover a Clue That Might Reveal Claire’s Location, While Adam and Chelsea Struggle to Manage – Teyiz

Cole and Victoria Uncover a Clue That Might Reveal Claire’s Location, While Adam and Chelsea Struggle to Manage – Teyiz

Cole and Victoria Uncover a Clue That Might Reveal Claire’s Location, While Adam and Chelsea Struggle to Manage – Teyiz

Mon April 29, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Chelsea and Adam have a video call with Connor, Victor convinces Michael of his innocence regarding Jordan’s downfall, and Nikki holds herself accountable for the recent events.

Friday’s recap: Belle Clashes with Miss Abbott Regarding Tucker’s Demise, Billy Coaxes Lily, and Devon Extends an Invitation to Tessa.

(This day ahead recap episode airs in the USA on April 29. Expect spoilers! Recaps go live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

Chelsea arrives at Adam’s place.

They both have just received a message from their son, indicating he wants to talk to them.


She tells him they can’t blow this out of proportion and accuses him of projecting his own issues.

They can’t afford to mess this up. There’s too much at stake.


He says she’s right but he could use some good news now.

She thinks they need to go over guidelines of what to talk about.

As she repeats things he already knows, she snaps at him and vents about how nervous she is. They need to be a team.

He gets it. It’s all about Connor and they have the rules to handle this.


They sit down for the videocall.

They ask their son how it’s going. He doesn’t know.


Connor shrugs a lot and his mom assures him of how much they love him.

He says the main doctor is pretty cool and gets his moods.

The doctor tells him how his brain is working.

They’re teaching him to slow down and get more patient with himself.


Chelsea has to slow herself down all the time too.

When Adam asks if it’s okay to check out sometimes, his son snaps that it’s not because that makes the OCD think it knows what’s best.

Adam tells him he’s just being hard-headed and he should tell him to zip it.

They’re glad he’s playing soccer again and making friends.

He just wants to get better and come home.


They tell him how much they love him and will take their cues from him.

Connor has to go to class and leaves.


They shut down the call and she admits she doesn’t understand what they are supposed to say.

He sighs and she tells him not to do it.

He worries his son’s life is going to be just dealing with disassociations over and over.


When he was a kid, he blocked things out too.

Now his son is going through it.

Will he end up angry and unable to believe he can be loved?

Chelsea says they don’t understand the illness and have to remain strong and unified.

He reminds her that what they are has been passed down to their son. He’s sure that’s eating her up too.


He urges her to actually talk about how she feels instead of just using buzz words and to-do lists.


She admits she’s terrified but if she falls into the well of guilt, she won’t be able to crawl out.

She blames herself and hates herself.

Adam blames himself for being absent and creating chaos.

They talk about intrusive thoughts.

She says their son is dealing with something different than they did.


He just wants to be able to tell his son that he will be okay and boring.

But that’s just wishful thinking.

She wipes away some tears and he suggests they try reassuring each other.


They drink water and talk about the need to unload.

She’s glad they can talk to each other.

She tells him this is just the beginning.

Their son will have ups and downs and so will they.

They assure each other they aren’t going anywhere and hug.


Nikki arrives at the Abbott estate to see Jack.

They talk about how lucky they were to get Harrison back from Jordan.


She explains there hasn’t been news on Claire.

This is agony.

She’s sorry for ever thinking Claire could be involved in the kidnapping.

She’s feeling useless.


Victoria thinks she’s a fragile flower.

Nikki hates being so weak.

He says she’s one of the strongest people he knows and she’s still standing after things that would crush most people.

Nikki feels guilty. None of this would have happened if not for her.

Summer arrives just in time to hear this and asks what she means.


Jack says she just feels horrible and is not responsible.

Nikki appreciates that but says none of this would have happened if she’s made different choices.

Claire wanted to leave Jordan to die and she insisted on saving her.

She couldn’t let her go out on her own terms.

Nikki didn’t know she would escape again and bring more chaos.

If there’s someone to blame, it’s her.


Jack insists Jordan is to blame and tries to usher her off to a meeting.

Nikki needs to meet with Lauren about work first.

Before she can go, she tells Summer it’s okay to blame her.

Summer says Jack is right and Jordan is the only person responsible.


Nikki asks her to give Harrison a hug from her and exits.

After Summer checks on Harrison, she mopes back downstairs.

Jack asks her how she feels about Nikki letting Jordan live.


She worries her son is scarred for life.

She wishes her grandma had let Jordan die and she doesn’t care if that makes her terrible.

Jack won’t argue with her but asks her not to tell Nikki that while she’s in a fragile state.

Summer wasn’t planning to say anything.

She’ll always love her grandma but still wishes she’d let Jordan die.


At the ranch Victoria tells Michael about the muffled call she received from Claire.

Victor says the call wasn’t from a landline.


His daughter panics and declares they have to do something.

Michael says that Claire might be unaware that Jordan is dead and Harrison has been captured.

The call could have been part of a plan.


This offends her parents but the lawyer says they need to manage expectations.

Victor asks them all to calm down. His daughter says the one person who could tell them where Claire is is dead.


“Look you all, Jordan is where she needs to be,” says Victor, explaining they will sort this out.

His daughter still wants to search.

e says that he will make sure no one interferes with them.

Once they leave, Michael asks Victor to tell him how exactly Jordan died.

Victor explains she slipped and fell into the river.

Michael points out no body has been found and he worries something could come back on his favorite client.


The lawyer knows him well enough to sense there is something he’s not telling him.

Victor insists he’s not responsible for that Jordan woman’s death and tells him to let it be.

They need to double their efforts to find Claire.

He’s starting to think time could be running out for her.


Victoria and Cole go to the motel to look around.

She’s sick thinking of how Jordan terrorized a child.


He sits on the bed. He’s been thinking of how heartbroken they were to lose their daughter.

Now she’s back and real and he would exchange his life for hers in a heartbeat.

He’s never had that feeling before.

She says that’s being a parent.

He says Claire is the greatest gift in his life.

He wants to hold her tight and tell her he will always be there to protect her.


When they look in the closet, the spot a doll.

He pulls it out and says his mom used to collect these.

She remembers Jordan tormenting her mom with a doll.

Cole notices there is something in the doll. It’s keys.


Cole starts searching the room for more.

Suddenly, Victoria realizes she’s seen the keys before and thinks she knows where they need to go.


Lauren meets with Nikki on the patio of Crimson Lights.

Nikki admits it has been a brutal few days.


She keeps hoping she will wake up and things will be normal.

Lauren is desperately worried about her and thinks she needs some sleep.

When she offers to call Victor to get her, Nikki insists she go on her own.


Lauren hugs her and makes her promise to go straight home.

“Where else would I go?” Nikki asks.


Nikki checks into a suite at the GCAC with a bottle in a bag.

She starts drinking.


This episode was dedicated to the memory of Meg Bennett.


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Cole and Victoria Uncover a Clue That Might Reveal Claire’s Location, While Adam and Chelsea Struggle to Manage – Teyiz Mon April 29, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Chelsea and Adam have a video call with Connor, Victor convinces Michael of his innocence regarding Jordan’s downfall, and Nikki holds herself accountable for the recent…