Diane Tells Jack She’s Leaving Him — and Tucker Has a Strange Encounter In Paris Part 2

Diane Tells Jack She’s Leaving Him — and Tucker Has a Strange Encounter In Paris Part 2

In Paris, Tucker asks if Audra is really going to throw away what they have because he wasn’t willing to walk out on family. What kind of person does that? Audra retorts that it’s what he wanted Ashley to do. “You were willing to walk away because she wouldn’t sever her relationship with her family. Sounds like you’re getting a bit of karmic payback.” She’s just pointing out his hypocrisy. Tucker argues the situations are very different. Audra says he’s right… Ashley’s family truly cares for her, while his son doesn’t give a damn about him. Tucker supposes he should just give up on Devon and Dom then? Audra never said that, she only asked him to follow through on the plans he made with her. Tucker argues there was never a scenario where it was either or. Audra is tired of this argument. Her eyes are finally opened. “You will never make me a priority, so I’m done.” She opens the door, and tells him to get out and leave her alone. Tucker asks, “So that’s it. Really? It’s over?” He tells her to stay away from Glissade and walks out.

At the Abbott mansion, Summer instructs Claire that the brownies have to wait until after lunch. Claire understands. Summer asks that they not leave the property for now. Kyle’s impressed that Claire had researched booster seats, but Summer says she’ll be picking it out.

In the park, Jack catches up with Diane and insists they have to talk this through. Diane feels there’s nothing left to talk about. Jack repeats that he regrets that night and it will never happen again. Diane goes over how horrible that night was for her. Jack is determined to build their life together. Diane says he put himself in harm’s way without thinking about her. “How am I supposed to live with that?!” She’s seen how far he’ll go for Nikki and how not far he’ll go for her. She has to end things now, “I don’t have another choice.” Just then, Jack gets a text from Nikki, who wants to have coffee. Jack tells Diane that this isn’t fair… Nikki needs help. Walking out on him isn’t the solution Diane is the only one who gets to decide what she can live with and what she can’t.

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In the apartment in Paris, Traci vows to make sure Ashley stays present and in control. Ashley thanks her. “I couldn’t do this without you.” She knows Alan does have much of a plan… he’s counting on her to guide them, but her head’s like a dead zone. She’s put all of her faith in him, but he’s counting on her.

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By the water in Paris, Tucker runs into Alan, who is wearing a black leather jacket. Tucker chortles, “Hey, Alan!” Alan gives him a shifty look and takes off. Tucker looks puzzled.

At Ashley’s apartment, Alan arrives and asks if Ashley slept. She shares that she’s afraid of the alters taking over. He urges her not to put so much pressure on herself. Ashley wants to do this now. Alan tells her and Traci they’ll piece this all together. He’ll try and revive the memories of what happened between the time she fought with Tucker and when she went home. Ashley’s been wracking her brain, but she has nothing. Alan asks if she remembers where she went or what she did. Ashley recalls that she’d been up the whole night, the night before her row with Tucker. Alan asks if she went somewhere after the fight to clear her mind. He urges her to close her eyes and retrace her steps. Ashley becomes frightened. He thinks that’s because her subconscious doesn’t want her to remember what happened.

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At the Abbott mansion, Summer and Kyle say they’re leaving. Summer thinks maybe she should work from there. Kyle is sure Harrison and Claire will be fine. The kid tells his mom Claire will take good care of him and they’ll have a lot of fun. Hugs are doled out and then they go. Harrison takes Claire to see a helicopter as Kyle pulls Summer out the front door.

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In the park, Diane tells Jack that he’s not the only option for Nikki… even Victor thought he was a terrible choice as her sponsor. Jack scoffs at the Mustache’s opinion. They have history and trust. To ask Nikki to start over with someone else is cruel. Diane asks if he’s considered the possibility that Nikki chose him because she knew he’d go easier on her. She managed to do a lot of drinking on his watch. Jack says it’s a lot more complicated than that. If he hadn’t been there, it could have been worse. Diane says she can help her find another sponsor. She’s drawing a line in the sand. Jack gawps, “And that’s it?” Diane says he’s brought this on himself. He’s the one making the choice. This is breaking her heart, but right now she needs to walk away from him. Jack can’t let her do this. He refuses to lose her over this. Diane refuses to lose him to an overdose. Jack tears up over her giving up on their marriage. Diane doesn’t know what else to do. Jack does. “Nikki will have to find herself another sponsor. Diane says she’s sorry and they embrace.

At Crimson Lights, Summer tells Kyle she needed to ease into this transition and take a breather before going to work. Kyle doesn’t understand what there is to be uneasy about, but he acknowledges it’s been a while since they’ve left their son with a caregiver. Summer goes over Claire’s connection to Jordan. She knows she agreed to go along with this decision, but she hopes she never has reason to regret it. Kyle thinks it will be a good reset for them all.

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In Ashley’s apartment, Alan tells her memories can’t hurt her. She’s safe with them. He asks if she came back there that night. Ashley says she went for a walk. “I called you and asked you to meet me.” Alan looks puzzled when she says they spoke. “Are you sure you called me.” Ashley says she remembers that he told her he would meet her after his last session. Alan frowns, “Ashley, I was in Florence the last week of September.” Ashley says that can’t be. “I know it was the same evening. I know it.” Alan’s afraid that’s not possible.

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In Paris, Tucker asks if Audra is really going to throw away what they have because he wasn’t willing to walk out on family. What kind of person does that? Audra retorts that it’s what he wanted Ashley to do. “You were willing to walk away because she wouldn’t sever her relationship with her family.…