Home and Away spoiler: Stevie’s stalker strikes again

Home and Away spoiler: Stevie’s stalker strikes again

Cash and Eden are trying to savour what precious little time they have to themselves, when Cash’s phone pings. He has set up alerts for Stevie’s social media to keep an eye on things, and now, his suspicions have been confirmed: someone has posted a picture of the outside of Stevie’s hotel. Her location has been leaked. Stevie wants Cash back at the hotel, as she’s increasingly frightened.

Hearing this, Eden has no choice but to let her boyfriend go – but it’s clear she’s unhappy. Just when things couldn’t get worse, she comes home to find Cash pulling up at the doorstep with a smiling Stevie in tow. Cash has agreed to let her stay with them.

Cash gets Stevie settled in his spare room, but the minute he’s done, Eden confronts him, asking him if Stevie staying at his place is really the best and safest idea. She also questions why Cash has to take his work home with him like this. He pushes back, telling her that this was his choice and that these are extraordinary circumstances as Stevie’s life is in danger.

Stevie has overheard the whole thing. Without a word, she packs up her suitcase and is halfway out the door when Cash stops her. She apologises, telling Cash that he doesn’t need to rescue her. The last thing she wants is to cause issues between him and Eden. Cash tries to reassure her that they’ll work it out. What is Stevie going to decide?

Meanwhile, Leah finds Justin and apologises for being a control freak. She admits that she had been micromanaging every detail of their wedding and decides to relinquish control to him. Justin is over the moon to hear of this change of heart. He tells her excitedly that he’s got this, and dashes off to find John.

Justin realises that John is – and has always been – the best person possible to be their marriage celebrant. John is flustered – after being put off for so long, he has no idea how to react to the proposition. But he quickly recovers, determined to bring his A-game to the most important day for his two best friends.

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Cash and Eden are trying to savour what precious little time they have to themselves, when Cash’s phone pings. He has set up alerts for Stevie’s social media to keep an eye on things, and now, his suspicions have been confirmed: someone has posted a picture of the outside of Stevie’s hotel. Her location has…