Home and Away Spoilers – Bree drunkenly throws herself at Levi

Home and Away Spoilers – Bree drunkenly throws herself at Levi

Next week on Home and Away in the UK, Tane risks arrest as he visits Maia, while Bree flirts with Levi as she tries to prove to Remi that she’s over him.

In the latter half of next week, the final preparations are being made for the ‘It Takes a Village‘ fundraiser for Maia at Salt. With a silent auction planned, Xander (Luke Van Os) and Felicity (Jacqui Purvis) are on the scrounge for donations.

Alf (Ray Meagher) donates a day out on his boat the Blaxland for the auction, Mali (Kyle Shilling) is happy to provide six surfing lessons, and Xander has managed to convince their drinks supplier to provide some cases of wine.

There’s a spanner thrown in the works though when Xander learns that the DJ has cancelled.

Eden (Stephanie Panozzo) soon offers up herself and Remi (Adam Rowland) to play as a duo, though Remi’s not happy when he hears he’s expected to play. He’s not sure whether he’s up to it, but Eden convinces him that it’s for a good cause.

However when the event comes around, there’s an awkward moment when Remi’s ex Bree (Juliet Godwin) walks in to see Remi on stage. Neither expected the other to be there, and Xander apologises to Bree for not warning her as she sits in the corner fixated on Remi.

Bree notes that Remi can’t even look in her direction, surmising that he’s obviously doing just fine without her, and so she decides to show him that she feels just the same…

Having been roped into attending by Flick, putting paid to her plans to spend a full 24 hours alone with lover Levi (Tristan Gorey) in the farmhouse, Mackenzie (Emily Weir) makes an appearance. She’s dragged Levi along too, but waits downstairs for a few minutes so they don’t arrive together and arouse suspicions.

Eden’s surprised to see her brother back in the bay once again, as he claims he heard about the fundraiser, but she isn’t the only one to spot his arrival.

Home and Away Spoilers – Bree drunkenly throws herself at Levi – dailybe.net

Bree heads over to say hello, which is a surprise to Levi since the last time they spoke wasn’t exactly amicable as they argued over Remi’s hospital treatment.

Bree says that’s all water under the bridge, and as she asks to pick his brains about the ‘Doctors without Borders’ scheme, she starts to turn on the flirting.

As the night progresses and Bree knocks back the drinks, it’s obvious to everyone that Bree is throwing herself on an increasingly uncomfortable Levi. Mac is quietly seething behind the bar, as she comments whether Bree knows that Levi is taken (didn’t stop her though!).

Remi can see exactly what Bree is doing and isn’t impressed. Eden assures him that Bree can’t be flirting, given she knows that Levi is married, but Remi decides to head home.

The next morning, Bree is feeling rather delicate as she sees Flick and Xander outside the surf club. They discuss how much the evening raised, before Xander asks Bree whether trying to make a point to Remi was worth it.

Embarrassed, Bree avoids the question and heads for a surf.

Meanwhile, Remi continues to bemoan Bree’s behaviour to Eden, and points out that Levi didn’t help matters much—he wasn’t exactly discouraging her. As he asks Eden why Levi has been spending so much time in the bay, it gets Eden wondering…

Meeting up with Levi, a suspicious Eden comes straight out with a blunt question—are you having an affair?

Also next week, as Summer Bay pulls together to raise funds for baby Maia, Tane (Ethan Browne) risks arrest as he returns to Northern Districts Hospital.

Having been the one to find her abandoned amongst the dunes on Summer Bay’s beach, Tane had refused to leave the side of the three-month old baby that he named ‘Maia’—a Māori name meaning courage.

But when reporter Peter Rolfe (Roman Delo) started questioning Tane’s motives, and plastered his face on the front page of the Coastal News, it set off a series of events which snowballed into Tane being barred from the hospital.

Ordered by his superiors to get Tane’s side of the story following complaints from Roo (Georgie Parker) and Rose (Kirsty Marillier), Peter boldly walked onto the ward and confronted Tane.

When Tane manhandled Peter out of the room, it was left to Rose to break the two men up, threatening to issue Peter with an AVO.

When said AVO was subsequently issued, Peter complained to Rose’s boss about the fact Tane was still allowed to visit Maia, something that the sergeant agreed with.

As he ordered that only hospital and social workers were allowed to be with the baby, Rose was forced to ask Tane to leave or be issued with an AVO himself.

In Tane’s absence, Roo has stepped up to keep an eye on Maia (nope, we still don’t get how she’s allowed to either), and is in the process of applying to be an emergency foster carer in the hope she can care for her whilst Tane applies for his permanent residency.

Next week, Tane informs Rose of his and Roo’s plan, but she quickly points out that it’s not their decision as to where Maia is placed, even if they did follow the correct procedures.

Tane is sure that he has a good chance though, with the likes of Roo, Alf and social worker Harper (Jessica Redmayne) all supporting him, and he asks Rose whether she’d be able to talk Sarge around and let him see Maia again.

Tane’s disappointed when Rose tells him that nothing has changed with her boss’s stance on the matter, but promises to let him know if it does.

When nurse Dana (Ally Harris) later tells Tane that Maia’s doing fine, but lets slip that she has a bit of a temperature, Tane panics and immediately rushes back to the hospital. Roo is shocked to see him, reminding him that it could be disastrous if he’s caught.

Roo tries to assure Tane that Maia is doing just fine, but he refuses to leave. Roo explains that she can’t stand by and watch him put himself in jeopardy, and so Tane instead suggests that she leave—that way she won’t have to be involved.

With Tane making it clear that he’s not going anywhere, Roo reluctantly heads home.

The next day, Dana admits to Harper, Rose and Marilyn (Emily Symons) that she told Tane about Maia’s temperature, but when they show concern Dana doesn’t see the issue.

He wouldn’t be stupid enough to turn up at the hospital…” Dana laughs. “…would he?

Rose isn’t one to underestimate Tane’s stupidity though, and heading straight back to Northern Districts, she’s exasperated to find Tane in Maia’s room.

Tane stubbornly tells Rose that he’s not moving, and challenges her to bring Sarge there to remove him.

Sarge’s ears are evidently burning as he’s soon on the blower to Rose, asking if she’s at the hospital and whether she can confirm Tane is there—one of the nurses has called the police.

Rose informs Tane that the AVO is now in motion, but with Tane telling her he’ll stay until she forces him to leave, Rose decides to head back to the station to have one more discussion with Sarge (we’d have arrested him then and there, but that’s just us…).

Needless to say, Sarge still isn’t budging, and when Dana later comes into the room to remove Maia from Tane, claiming that the doctor wants to see her, she’s closely followed by Rose and Constable Erikson (uncredited).

Rose informs Tane that he has to come with them now, or he WILL be arrested.

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Next week on Home and Away in the UK, Tane risks arrest as he visits Maia, while Bree flirts with Levi as she tries to prove to Remi that she’s over him. In the latter half of next week, the final preparations are being made for the ‘It Takes a Village‘ fundraiser for Maia at Salt. With…