Teddy is confronted with an unwelcome visitor, while Nicole is determined to prove herself to Stevie, and Rash begins to look forward.

Teddy is confronted with an unwelcome visitor, while Nicole is determined to prove herself to Stevie, and Rash begins to look forward.

Next week on Casualty, Teddy is confronted with an unwelcome visitor, while Nicole is determined to prove herself to Stevie, and Rash begins to look forward.

Here’s a full collection of the biggest moments coming up:

1. Teddy is haunted by flashbacks

teddy, casualty


Teddy runs through the streets early in the morning, where he’s haunted by flashbacks of what happened with Hayley in the back of the ambulance.

At work, Teddy doesn’t want to answer Jan’s questions about what’s going on with him.

2. Patrick delivers bad news

siobhan mckenzie, patrick onley, casualty


Patrick informs the team that the investigation into the death of Fern Cross – the patient who took her life in the hospital – is back, and it’s a tough read.

Patrick explains that the level of care did not reach the standards that are deemed acceptable in an emergency department, leaving Stevie furious.

Stevie and Jodie both fight back, but Patrick insists that they need to do better.

3. Nicole struggles to prove herself

nicole piper, casualty


Stevie asks a pregnant and queasy Nicole to help with a patient called Lucy, who has fallen through a greenhouse.

Nicole suggests they do more tests and the CT scan comes back with a worrying prognosis.

Stevie tasks Nicole to break the news but Nicole is hesitant. Regardless, Stevie is determined for Nicole to step up, insisting it’s hard but it’s part of the job.

4. Rash takes a step forward

rash masum, casualty


Rash attends another therapy session where he bemoans Tariq’s constant positive attitude, recalling how he used to be the same but now feels like he’s drowning.

To add to his misery, Patrick gives him Dylan’s admin to deal with when he already has too much to do.

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After taking himself away from the mounting pressure to do his breathing exercises, he comes back composed – determined not to let it get the better of him.

5. Teddy gets an unwelcome visitor

teddy, casualty


Teddy is left horrified when Hayley comes back into the ED.

He is inspired to confront her and makes it clear he did not consent to what happened, but she remains unashamed of her actions.

As Hayley walks off, Teddy is devastated to see that Jodie has witnessed some of their conversation.

6. Stevie gives Nicole a warning

nicole piper, stevie, casualty


Stevie later bluntly tells Nicole that her pregnancy will hold her back at a time when she should be focused on her career. She also warns her that Tariq is likely to advance much quicker.

Nicole is left powerless and deflated, but determined to change Stevie’s mind.

7. Siobhan makes a blunder

siobhan mckenzie, casualty

Siobhan is left unsettled by some bodycam footage she has been reviewing.

In an effort to inspire her nurses to be better, Siobhan decides to forward on to Patrick but unwittingly sends it to everyone on the team instead.

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Next week on Casualty, Teddy is confronted with an unwelcome visitor, while Nicole is determined to prove herself to Stevie, and Rash begins to look forward. Here’s a full collection of the biggest moments coming up: 1. Teddy is haunted by flashbacks   Teddy runs through the streets early in the morning, where he’s haunted by…