The Young and The Restless: Is Jordan Dead On Young & Restless After Taking Poison?

The Young and The Restless: Is Jordan Dead On Young & Restless After Taking Poison?

If there’s one thing we can say about Jordan on The Young and the Restless, it’s that she’s certainly got a flair for the dramatic.

From wigs to elaborate schemes (not to mention her tendency to set things on fire) Jordan’s kept the Newmans on their toes from the moment she’s shown up.

But now she’s pulled off something completely unexpected and downed a vial of poison!

As the end of the Tuesday, March 19 episode (which you can read here if you missed it), Jordan told Victoria, Claire and Nikki after they confronted her that it was time for “Plan B.” She whipped out the poison that she claimed was three times more powerful than what she used at the lake house and downed it. And then, after a few more taunts, she collapsed onto the bed as her captors looked on in shock.

But is it really the end? The ladies were of two minds about letting her, with Victoria arguing that she shouldn’t get out of paying for her crimes and Nikki shrugging that she swallowed the poison willingly. Claire, meanwhile, seemed torn between the two and whether they call for help or not may come down to the young woman who’s life was stolen by Aunt Jordan.

And honestly, it’s a toss up which way she’ll go! Jordan’s slipped from prison, disappeared in a fire, vanished in a conveniently large ventilation system and hidden in plain sight with the help of a wig or two more times than we can count. And she hasn’t even been around for half a year! But as for whether she’ll die or not, we may have to just wait and see.

Spoilers for the rest of this week indicate that Claire’s going to struggle to connect with her new family, but is that after being left alone by the only family she knew growing up after Jordan dies, or because she decided to save her wacky aunt against the Newmans’ wishes?

With Young & Restless preempted for March Madness Thursday and Friday, tomorrow is going to be the big cliffhanger day. Chances are pretty darn good that we’ll see more of her on Wednesday, though the show may end up dragging out her fate until next week. Then again, this could all just be another trick by her only to buy more time to make her escape!

She may have called this “Plan B,” but we’re pretty sure we’re half way through the alphabet by now as far as her plans go. If this is the end, though, we’ve got to hand it to Jordan for going out spitting venom right up until her last breath. That woman is nothing if not psychotically consistent!

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If there’s one thing we can say about Jordan on The Young and the Restless, it’s that she’s certainly got a flair for the dramatic. From wigs to elaborate schemes (not to mention her tendency to set things on fire) Jordan’s kept the Newmans on their toes from the moment she’s shown up. But now she’s…