The Young and The Restless: Kyle – Diane After a Fight. Nikki Gets a Harrowing Call From Newman Security

The Young and The Restless: Kyle – Diane After a Fight. Nikki Gets a Harrowing Call From Newman Security

On Crimson Lights’ patio, Chelsea and Adam watch Connor appreciate his hot chocolate.

Chelsea tells him the treatment center will be able to help him and they think it’s best he stay there for a while.

They talk up the weather in Maryland and try to get him excited, but Connor declares, “I’m not going!”

Chelsea tells Connor his feelings are valid and he can look over the website and ask questions. Connor complains they’re going to send him away and forget about him. Chelsea and Adam trip over themselves to assure him otherwise and that they love him. Connor asks, “Even if I’m crazy?” Chelsea says OCD is very real as are his feelings. Adam agrees; his feelings aren’t just made up. Connor doesn’t know what to think about anything anymore. Adam tells Connor her’s sorry; this is hard and scary. They would do anything to make this better for him.

Adam wants the boy to trust them; they want what’s best for him, which is the place in Maryland. Chelsea assures him this is the best choice and there’s nothing easier. Connor asks if there will be kids his age there. Chelsea and Adam quickly say yes and promise to visit on weekends. Connor supposes he can give it a try, but if he hates it, “You wouldn’t make me stay there, would you?” His parents promise if it’s not helping and he really doesn’t like it, they won’t force him to stay, but he has to give it some time. Connor says, “I’ll try.” Chelsea asks Adam to call and confirm. Adam does so, and Connor learns he is going immediately. He has to make a list. Adam hugs his son and tells him life will get better. “I love you. Don’t ever forget that, OK?”

He explained that he has a full-time job, but he’s gotten good at juggling his work schedule. Diane finds this all to be impressive and notes that, even more impressively, he’s been able to do all that and find time to show up his mother at Jabot as well.

Diane explains she just learned that Kyle had rewritten some of the presentation for a project that she is spearheading. “Why would you do that without talking to me!” She rants that he can’t override her. “What were you thinking, except to deliberately try to show me up?!” Kyle asks why he’d do that. All he did was mark up some of the copy. It felt rushed so he cleaned it up for her. “Like a proof-reader. I honestly thought I was doing you a favor.” Diane hollers that a favor would have been to come to her and let her decide. She was blindsided! Kyle thinks she’s blowing this out of proportion — this happens all the time with work documents and isn’t a big deal. Diane snaps that if it was the first time, it wouldn’t be. He’s been reviewing her work since she started. Kyle thought she welcomed his input. Diane reminds him she’s his superior, “You’re supposed to report to me, not the other way around.” Kyle snips, “Forgive me if I over-stepped.”

Diane decides she should have addressed her concerns earlier. She’s just trying to get a handle on their new working dynamic. Kyle sneers about the dynamic of her being his superior and reminds her he might have valuable advice. Diane wants to get lunch, but Kyle announces he’s heading to the office. He walks out.

At the ranch, Victoria and Claire go over her life with Jordan and that she’s now free to do as she likes. Victoria wants to go out and do something normal. Claire suggests they have lunch without security guards. Victoria is all for a trip to Society. Suddenly, Nikki appears with an upset expression. Victoria asks, “What happened?” Nikki replies, “What else? Jordan!”

Nikki explains that Jordan is still creating drama; now she’s had some kind of seizure. The “medical emergency” is delaying her transfer to maximum security. Claire questions if there was a seizure; this could be a stall tactic. Victoria guesses that Jordan took the poison knowing they’d help her. Nikki says she’s using the medical emergency to give her time to plot her next move.

Victoria says she’s only putting off a move to a jail cell, how much time has she really bought herself. Claire warns they can’t underestimate her aunt; she always has a back-up plan. Jack wanders in and Victoria introduces Claire as her daughter. Jack assures the girl he won’t let his decades-old feud with her grandfather extend to her. He asks to speak to Nikki alone, so Victoria and Claire take off. Jack asks Nikki if everything is OK. Nikki says the tension was about Claire’s aunt. “I saved Jordan’s life and now I may live to regret it!”

Jack listens as Nikki describes Jordan taking the poison and her calling 911. Jack says she couldn’t stand by and watch someone die. Choosing otherwise would only torment her more. Nikki thanks him. She will try and let go of the feeling, but the world would be better off if she’d died. Jack credits Nikki for following her own moral compass. A noise startles Nikki and Jack tries to assure her it’s not Jordan. Victoria hollers, “Sorry, Mom! My purse got caught on a chair. We’re leaving now!” Jack notices Nikki is still shaking like a leaf.

Nikki tells Jack about her constant need to be distracted and how close she’s become with Claire. Jack guesses he should start talking. He says Kyle and Diane are having a rough patch at Jabot, Traci’s busy working on her book, and he’s concerned about Ashley. He’d like Nikki’s advice. Nikki learns that she is struggling with the end of her marriage to Tucker. He fills her in on Ashley’s sudden change of heart. She vacillates between hating him and wanting to take him back. Nikki finds this unsettling. Jack can’t understand why she’d want that slime back in her life. He can’t seem to get through to her. Nikki can see why he’s concerned, but feels he won’t like her advice. “You need to stay out of it.” If things blow up, she needs to be able to lean on him. Jack says Diane seems to agree with her, so he has no choice but to listen. Nikki muses that he managed to get her out of her own head for a while.

At Society, Claire marvels at the difference between researching Victoria and getting to know her. The press doesn’t know how sweet she is, or that she’s not the best baker. Victoria has so much she wants to know — like, what would Claire have studied if someone wasn’t controlling her every move. Claire isn’t sure. Victoria says she loves art. Claire loves art too. Victoria assures her that her future is all hers. Kyle walks in and greets them. Victoria steps away to take a call. Claire asks Kyle to join her. Kyle teases that he may not be the best company. Claire’s sure that even on his worst day, he’s a big improvement in her book. He asks, “Why don’t you tell me more?”

Claire jokes that she has tons of experience with undesirable companions. Kyle and Claire discuss Victoria not being able to raise her. She asks about his connection to the Newman family. She knows he and Summer are divorced, but yesterday they seemed like a happy family. Kyle smiles that he and Summer are co-parenting to the best of their abilities. He thinks she must have had a hard time as a child. Claire guesses someone warned him about her, and he’s trying to figure out how terrible a person she really is. Kyle asks why he’d think she’s a terrible person. Claire tells him they can be honest, “You’ve learned more about my story. Yesterday you treated me completely differently, but today your questions are pointed and intense.” Kyle admits he found out more and it’s pretty shocking. Claire says he probably didn’t get the whole story, but he should walk away. “I have a dangerous past. You should go… protect yourself.” Kyle decides he wants to hear the rest from her side.

Jack finds Diane at the Abbott house and she updates him on her fight with Kyle. She knows he resents her for having the position. Jack reminds her it was what he wanted. Diane thinks he’s having second thoughts. “So, what do I do?” Jack won’t tell her how to handle this. “I love you both. You have to communicate.” This is for the two of them to find a way to move forward.

At Crimson Lights, Adam updates Sally on Connor going to the treatment program. Sally’s proud of him for convincing Connor. Adam just wants his son to be well and at home. “None of that can happen until he gets help.” He can’t help but feel guilty about this, and worries he passed on this dysfunction. Sally says he can’t blame himself. “You have been an amazing parent to your son. I’ve seen it.” Adam says they’re leaving for the east coast tonight. Sally’s glad Connor will get the help he needs and tells Adam he’s done a lot of brave things. “You can and will get through this too.” She asserts that he’s doing the right thing — it’s just what Connor needs.

Chelsea appears and Sally calls out to her. Chelsea thanks her for the support she’s been giving Adam. Sally has just listened. Chelsea thinks she’s done more than that. Sally can’t imagine what they’ve been going through; she’ll send her good thoughts for Connor. Chelsea thanks her; she’s grateful she’s back in Adam’s life. Sally says, “Thank you. That means a lot.” Chelsea and Adam agree to meet in a few and she walk off. Adam and Sally establish that they’re doing the right thing. Adam isn’t sure how long they will be able to stay, but he’ll stay as long as they’re allowed. Sally assures him she’ll let work know what’s going on and Nick will cover him on the work front. “All of your focus needs to be on your son.” They embrace.

At the ranch, Nikki jumps when the phone rings — it’s security. She answers and says Victor’s not there. “Yes, I can take a message. What? Jordan escaped from the hospital?!” She drops the phone. “Oh my God. Oh my God this can’t be happening!”

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On Crimson Lights’ patio, Chelsea and Adam watch Connor appreciate his hot chocolate. Chelsea tells him the treatment center will be able to help him and they think it’s best he stay there for a while. They talk up the weather in Maryland and try to get him excited, but Connor declares, “I’m not going!”…