‘The Young And The Restless’ Spoilers: Billy Abbott’s (Jason Thompson) Relationship Coming To An End? Chelsea Lawson (Melissa Claire Egan) Parts Ways With Billy?

‘The Young And The Restless’ Spoilers: Billy Abbott’s (Jason Thompson) Relationship Coming To An End? Chelsea Lawson (Melissa Claire Egan) Parts Ways With Billy?

‘The Young And The Restless’ Spoilers: Billy Abbott’s (Jason Thompson) Relationship Coming To An End? Chelsea Lawson (Melissa Claire Egan) Parts Ways With Billy?

‘The Young And The Restless’ spoilers show that because of their convoluted history, Chelsea Lawson’s (Melissa Claire Egan) and Billy Abbott’s (Jason Thompson) love may be doomed. Though

the relationship was rocky at first, there’s no doubting Chelsea and Billy’s deep affection for one another.

Chelsea will always be appreciative to Billy for saving her from plunging over the roof that terrible evening. At the same time, Chelsea will always associate her lowest period in life with her

affection for Billy. Billy reminds us of what occurred all the time, in a manner.

When Chelsea looks at Billy, she recognizes her hero, but she also needs to consider why she needed a hero in the first place. Following her suicide attempt, Chelsea turned to Billy for a lot of assistance. Since then, Chelsea has clung to Billy as if he were her mental safety net, but is this type of love truly healthy?

Regretfully, because Chelsea places the guilt for Connor Newman’s (Judah Mackey) trauma on herself, people are aware that she is going through yet another difficult time. Since Connor is doubting his own birth, Chelsea can’t help but believe that her own struggle contributed to her son’s problems.

Chelsea is undoubtedly repeating what happened on the roof in her head and wishes she could have stopped the entire nightmare, including what Connor is going through right now, because of the current circumstances. What would happen if Chelsea concluded that her emotions towards Billy were too closely linked to the evening she nearly committed suicide?

It’s possible that Chelsea believes that ditching Billy would be best for both her own mental health and his release since painful memories are surfacing once more. Since she is so preoccupied with Connor’s care, Chelsea may naturally feel compelled to prioritize Connor and decide that a romantic relationship is no longer appropriate in her life. Lily may be the one to come in and pick up Billy’s broken heart… again.

What do you think? Is their relationship about to crack and will Chelsea dump Billy? Let us know in the comments below

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‘The Young And The Restless’ Spoilers: Billy Abbott’s (Jason Thompson) Relationship Coming To An End? Chelsea Lawson (Melissa Claire Egan) Parts Ways With Billy? ‘The Young And The Restless’ spoilers show that because of their convoluted history, Chelsea Lawson’s (Melissa Claire Egan) and Billy Abbott’s (Jason Thompson) love may be doomed. Though the relationship was…