The Young and The Restless Victor and Nikki Make a Plan — and Nick Comes to Adam’s Aid

The Young and The Restless Victor and Nikki Make a Plan — and Nick Comes to Adam’s Aid

At the Club, Tucker spots Jack and calls out to him. Jack complains about having to see him there.

“Why are you still here? Isn’t Glissade your new life’s work in Paris?” Tucker needles that there’s a neat invention called the internet.

Jack urges him to go face-to-face with his employees in France.

Tucker asks, “Has it ever occurred to you that I might move Glissade here?” Jack snaps, “Go for it,” he’d love a ringside seat to his destruction. Tucker says he called him over to talk about Ashley. “She approached me.” Jack informs him she no longer has a thing for him. “There will be no third act for the two of you.” Tucker agrees, but he’s really worried about her. “She’s falling apart, Jack!”

Jack snarls, “How dare you pass judgement on Ashley.” Tucker reiterates that he’s concerned and it all started with misremembering the events in Paris. “There’s something behind her eyes that’s unfamiliar to me. Something I don’t recognize. She’s one way and then suddenly, she’ll be another. She’ll text me one second that she wants nothing to do with me, and then an hour later wants to get back together again. That’s got me worried.” Jack questions if it’s true. Tucker asks how he couldn’t have noticed. “Are you really that oblivious?!” McCall fumes, “Ashley needs help now, and I told her as much.” Jack seethes, “You don’t get to tell her anything. You lost that right.” He tells Tucker that Ashley is done with him. “She told me just this morning.” Tucker wonders if that was before or after she told him she wants to partner again. “She said she wants us to partner again in all things, now what do you make of that?!” Jack feels Ashley doesn’t need her big brother meddling. Tucker thinks that in this case, she does. He hopes Jack will step in because he can’t. Jack warns McCall to leave Ashley to them and to stay away from her.

At Society, Claire tells Kyle that her side of the story may not improve his view of her. They banter and he says he’d like to hear about you. She chides, “How did a nice girl like you end up trying to poison her family?” Turning serious, Claire tells him that her entire life was controlled by her deranged aunt. She didn’t know her aunt was troubled or that she had kidnapped her. “I trusted her completely.” Jordan told her that her parents abandoned her and never loved her. Kyle marvels at putting a child through that much pain. Claire says it’s the act of a vicious, vindictive person. She hated the Newmans and made sure she did too. “It was my sole purpose in life… to get payback.” Kyle muses, “For something that never happened.”

Claire laments that she nearly killed her entire family. Kyle feels she’s not to blame. “Your aunt is.” Claire credits the Newmans for helping her get a second chance to build a life. Kyle smiles, “You’re right, that is quite a story.” Claire guesses he still thinks she’s a crazy criminal. Victoria rejoins them and is thrilled to hear they’ve been getting to know each other and that Claire is making friends her own age. Cole comes in and tells Victoria that Victor’s trying to reach her. He wants to speak to her and Claire in private. Kyle should probably get back to Harrison, but tells Claire he’s impressed at her bouncing back. He’s not running, just giving them privacy. Cole sits down and Claire guesses Jordan escaped again.

At Newman, Victor bellows into the phone, “I don’t want to hear anymore excuses! You find that woman!” He slams the phone down and Nick gripes about Jordan’s escape. Nikki walks in and says Jordan is free to hunt them again… and it’s all her fault. Victor asks how she found out before him. Nikki explains that security called the ranch when they couldn’t reach him. She’s glad they alerted her so she could be prepared. Victor questions her coming there when there’s more security at the ranch. Nikki was jumping out of her skin and wanted to be around people. Victor asks if Larry came with her and if she stopped anywhere. Nikki asks, “Do you mean did I stop for a drink?” She admits she’s desperate for one.

Victor hates what Jordan has inflicted on Nikki. She will find ways to cope. She saw Jack earlier and that was helpful. She’s texted him to meet her at an AA meeting. “I’m going straight there.” Nick assures her the GCPD will find Jordan. If she’s stupid enough to come after them again, they’ll have to stop her for good. Victor texts Larry to accompany Nikki as Nick tries to make his mother feel better about saving Jordan’s life. She has taken enough and won’t take her humanity too.

Later, Sally arrives at Newman and finds Nick in Victor’s chair. He tells her Adam’s not there. Sally was looking for him and Victor. Nick says it’s not a great time to get his dad’s attention. Sally’s aware, and says she came to tell him Adam is flying out tonight with Chelsea and Connor. Nick says Adam filled him in on the OCD. Sally explains that they’ve agreed to take the boy to a treatment program on the east coast. It’s tearing Adam apart and Connor’s not thrilled about the idea either. She told Adam she’d let them know. Nick says Adam’s lucky to have her. “Your support.”

Sally’s also there to ask them both to support Adam. “He’s really struggling with this.” Nick says it’s not a problem; he feels for what Adam is going through. He decides Adam and Chelsea should take the Newman jet. Sally thanks him and asks if they’re really getting along better. Nick grins, “We’re good.” Sally says it’s nice to see. She say she should go find Victor, but Nick tells her his dad shouldn’t hear from Connor from her. Sally asks what she should do. Nick asks her to let him handle it.

At Nikki’s AA meeting, she updates the group on the latest about the woman who force-fed her vodka. “This woman burned down my daughter’s house, she stole an innocent child, she has infiltrated every part of my life — even here — our dear Seth.” She thought she would finally have to pay for her despicable crimes, but she got a call that the psychopath has escaped. “She’s out there, God knows where.” She’s hanging by a thread yet again. “Do I want a drink? Oh yes. Hell, I want the whole bottle. I want to drink myself into oblivious so that I don’t have to feel this primal rage.” She continues, “It’s like I’m at the top of a tree and I’m looking at a tsunami coming straight for me.” All she has is a tiny little branch to cling to. “That is you. This program. Being honest with all of you here is my only hope at not stopping at a liquor store on the way home.” Jack arrives as Nikki rants, “Why can no one stop her?!” Everyone in her life keeps praising her for her strength and moral fiber but she hates that woman with everything in her. She prayed for that woman to rot in jail, but she prayed for the wrong thing. “I wish she was dead.” Jack takes her hand.

At the ranch, Nikki thanks Jack for escorting her back. Jack thought maybe she’d want to talk some more. “It seems that was just the tip of the iceberg.” Nikki sighs, “It’s just all too much.” They discuss her reasons for calling 911; there was no moral code at work, she just wanted to prolong Jordan’s suffering. Victor walks in and tells Jack he’ll take it from here. In the hall, Jack warns Victor that the meeting took a lot out of her, but he thinks it did her good. Victor joins Nikki and asks her to be honest, “Are these meetings too hard for you?” Nikki insists she feels better, but he thinks she’s covering. Nikki’s just so scared and fighting the urge to drink, which is a constant war. “I worry it’s going to get worse.” Victor promises they’ll get over it. Meanwhile, he has a plan. “It will work on two fronts.”

At Society, Victoria worries that her mother will be rocked to the core by Jordan’s escape. Claire can’t believe this is happening again. Victoria fears they caused this by confronting Jordan.

At Crimson Lights, Nick tracks down Adam, who is trying to book a flight. Nick says Sally updated him. “Adam take the jet.” Adam sighs, “Thank you. That is helpful. That is very helpful.” Nick asks if he’s hanging in there. Adam says he’s just pushing through. Nick feels no parent should have to face a diagnosis like this and no kid should have to live through it. Adam says Connor is mad at them, but willing to give this a shot. Chelsea’s handled the arrangements at the facility. He worries that she’s being hard on herself. “To be honest, I worry that she could spin out.”

Nick urges Adam not to pressure Chelsea by worrying about her state of mind. He’s sure Billy’s stepping up for Chelsea. Adam snarks that he’s always in the background. Nick urges him to welcome Billy’s support. “I’m in your corner too, for whatever you need. You just have to ask.” Adam’s glad his brother caught him. He needed a pep talk. Nick tells Adam that he should fill Victor in himself and he should do it before he leaves. Adam doesn’t have time. Nick urges him to make time. He’ll be upset not to be looped in. Adam thinks he has enough on his plate, but Nick reminds him family is always his number one priority. “He wants to be a part of everything whether it’s good or bad.” Adam decides his brother is right. “Nick, thank you. It means a lot, you showing up for me.” They shake hands and Nick wishes him safe travels and good luck.

At the Abbott mansion, Kyle tells Jack that he and Diane had a difference of opinion. Jack knows all about it. Kyle asks if he read her first draft and if he really think he over-stepped. “There’s a bigger issue at play here.” He confirms there is truth in his mother’s suspicions that he resents her being in that position. Kyle admits it annoys her to see the mistakes his mom is making. Jack reminds him he’s not a proof-reader. Kyle confesses he’s looking for signs that she’s not up to the job. Jack wonders if they can break the cycle. Kyle’s sure he’ll figure it out.

At the ranch, Victor and Nikki discuss the anniversary of their first wedding. Nikki thinks they should have a quiet celebration, but Victor wants a big party. Before that, they should go on a trip. “Just the two of us.” It will be good for her to get away from Jordan, Genoa City, and the triggers to drink. If they’re gone, Jordan has no targets. Nikki agrees and they cuddle

Cole, Claire and Victoria arrive, and Nikki guesses they know about Jordan. Victor assures them the GCPD and his security team are doing everything they can to locate that woman and put her back behind bars. Nikki announces they’re taking a trip to celebrate their anniversary. Victor adds, “And a big party.” Victoria worries that Jordan could shift her focus to Claire while they’re gone. Claire says Jordan can’t get to her anymore, “Because I no longer fear her.” Victor makes a fist and grins. She grins back

Next on The Young and the Restless: Victor uncovers a clue as to Jordan’s whereabouts, Jack and Diane discuss her future at Jabot, Adam challenges Victoria, and Ashley has a rude awakening.

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At the Club, Tucker spots Jack and calls out to him. Jack complains about having to see him there. “Why are you still here? Isn’t Glissade your new life’s work in Paris?” Tucker needles that there’s a neat invention called the internet. Jack urges him to go face-to-face with his employees in France. Tucker asks,…