What’s Next for Young & Restless’ Jordan *and* Claire — Plus, Lily’s Path Forward, and the Most Repetitive Storyline Ever

What’s Next for Young & Restless’ Jordan *and* Claire — Plus, Lily’s Path Forward, and the Most Repetitive Storyline Ever

Fresh after a week off, during which I didn’t watch a single episode of Young & Restless, I’m back in the saddle to rant about the latest goings-on in Genoa City. Let’s take a look at what’s happening… and what’s coming up.

Ashley’s Alter

I’m loving Ashley’s alter-ego stirring the pot. Not only is it fun to watch her drink and snark, but how could you not love a woman who gets just as irritated by Abby as we do?

Additionally, the concern Ashley’s mental state is bringing out in Tucker may be enough to draw me back into their love story. I said may be. That ship sailed a while back, amid the endless flashbacks from the cafe in Paris, but if he’s going to remain on the soap, I’d like to think they could pull me back in. Live shot of them trying:

Tucker Ashley alter Y&R

Tucker has been getting insulted and rejected for about a year and half now whilst doing absolutely nothing. He hasn’t taken over anyone’s company, he hasn’t retaliated in any appreciable way against anyone, and he wasn’t violent with Ashley as we’d been led to believe. All we’ve seen him do is engage in back-and-forth with Ashley or Audra and lob cryptic threats that amount to nothing.

I didn’t bat an eyelash when Audra dumped him because we’ve been there, done that over and over. That said, I found it ironic that Audra would call out Tucker for not being able to see how Ashley sucks him back in given that she can’t see how Tucker sucks her back in time and again. Case in point: She tells him she’s done and he shows up at her door to wheedle… and she listens. It won’t be long until they’re back in the sack.

In related commentary, the Audra and Sally friendship was a fun and unexpected twist. I’m interested to see where it goes.

Audra Sally Y&R

What’s Next for Jordan

Jordan is simply too delicious a villainess to kill off, so I’m glad Young & Restless is finding ways to keep her story going. With that said, it was totally weird for Victor and Nick to leave her locked up in a “dungeon” when they’re all too well aware of her Houdini-like ability to escape. I mean, the woman can pull out disguises and gas cans from nowhere, with no money, whilst living in an alley.

The preview for next week shows Victoria, Claire, and Nikki paying Jordan a visit at her squalid little hole in the wall… and it looks like a perfect opportunity for her to make a run for it, if you ask me. Will she succeed in doing so? We’ll have to tune in to find out. Personally, I like the idea of Crazy Aunt Jordan lurking out there waiting to strike à la Sheila Carter.

What’s Next for Claire

I’m not a fan of the way Claire’s story has played out, simply because I would have liked to see the writers lean into the darker side a little longer before dropping her into a fairy tale life with the Newmans.

There was a drama-filled dynamic begging to be explored in the similarities between Claire’s situation and Adam’s, which would have created conflict for Victoria and the family, and instead we’re getting Adam being a pill and Claire as Mary Poppins.

So disappointing and yet another missed opportunity in a long line of them for this regime. Why did I call Claire ‘Mary Poppins’? Because it looks as though her future is as Harrison’s next nanny. The writing is on the wall. Watch for more on what’s ahead for Claire next week.

Kyle meet Claire Y&R

In related commentary, Mariah and Tessa’s sudden decision to leave the ranch and find a house of their own screams one thing to me — Victoria, Cole, and Claire playing happy family in the tackhouse.

Challenges Ahead

Just as we were getting all, ahem, lathered up about “Summance” Young & Restless put Summer back in Kyle’s orbit. This definitely signals trouble for Chance and Summer’s new relationship. Exactly how it will play out remains to be seen, and I have new ideas about that, but it’s a comin’. Watch for a follow-up story to this one next week.

Chance Summer sponge shower Y&R

Lily’s Path Forward

Listen, I totally understand why Daniel and Heather wanted to get back together, and I love that they went about it in a soapy way, even though the reveal was lame. Do I love Lily being hurt? Of course not, but I’m hoping against hope it will propel her down a more interesting path. For starters, I thought it was hilarious that Heather and Daniel assume they’ll still be working at Chancellor-Winters.

NuLily should definitely axe them, or at the very least Heather, if we’re being realistic. Daniel’s Omegasphere may be too entrenched to let him go. What I don’t want to see Lily do is fight for him. Walk away with your head held high… or get angry, ’cause that’s fun. Anyway, as they say, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else. Might Lily’s next love be a dream come true?

Lily Daniel Y&R

Make Like a Banana and Split

After this week’s installment of the Chancellor-Winters Bickerfest, I found myself on Team Mamie. Split those two companies that never should have merged and let’s move on!

Connor’s Struggles

What Connor is going through is heartbreaking, and I can appreciate Young & Restless wanting to bring awareness about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), but the story feels oddly disconnected from the rest of the canvas. Perhaps it’s just because Connor’s been offscreen and it’s happening out of town, I’m not sure. What’s your take?

The opinions expressed are my own. Please feel free to share your thoughts on Young & Restless in the comments.

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Fresh after a week off, during which I didn’t watch a single episode of Young & Restless, I’m back in the saddle to rant about the latest goings-on in Genoa City. Let’s take a look at what’s happening… and what’s coming up. Ashley’s Alter I’m loving Ashley’s alter-ego stirring the pot. Not only is it fun…