Y&R Recap : Phyllis Tells Devon to Suck an Egg and Resigns in Solidarity With Daniel; Abby Shuts Down a Vote Against Billy

Y&R Recap : Phyllis Tells Devon to Suck an Egg and Resigns in Solidarity With Daniel; Abby Shuts Down a Vote Against Billy

The Genoa City Athletic Club (GCAC)

Daniel runs into Abby in the lobby and jokes that they shouldn’t even say hello without a lawyer present. They’ve been friends forever… Who would have thought they’d end up on the opposite sides of a lawsuit? He asks if she could tell him who voted against the lawsuit.

Daniel Romalotti and Abby Newman.

Abby stammers… She can’t really say anything about it.

Daniel says he’s not trying to get insider information from her… Knowing that someone is on his side at Chancellor-Winters would mean a lot.

Abby says they have been friends for a long time, and she can’t lie to him.

Abby Newman talks to Daniel Romalotti.

Tucker’s GCAC Suite

Audra asks Tucker why he’s so sure his relationship with Devon will be repaired if he does him this favor.

Audra Charles talks to Tucker McCall.

Tucker says he’s not completely sure it’ll happen, but he thinks it’ll at least open the door a crack.

Audra thinks it’s out of character for Devon to make a deal like this… And all Tucker has to do is get Billy out of Chancellor-Winters? Devon has been adamant about keeping Tucker out of his life, but suddenly, there’s a chance?

Tucker McCall and Audra Charles.

Tucker says Devon didn’t actually say he’d forgive him if Tucker helped him, but Tucker thinks it was implied.

Audra nods. The truth comes out! She says Tucker could help Devon get rid of Billy and not get anything in return. She says it’s not right, and Tucker shouldn’t do it. Did Devon actually ask for his help?

Tucker says Devon is butting heads with Billy and is willing to do something underhanded to get him out… He’s come to the right guy, because Tucker’s specialty is being underhanded!

Audra reacts to Tucker.


Devon tells Nate and Lily that if they pull it off, they can stop Billy’s rise of power, but they have to do it quickly before he causes any damage.

Nate says it sounds good; count him in!

Nate talks to Lily as Devon looks on.

Devon asks Lily what her thoughts are; he knows she’s a lot closer to Jill.

Lily says she’s in. She’s been loyal to Jill, but this is a betrayal, and they have to respond accordingly.

Nate says Jill will explode when they do this.

Devon doesn’t care. Jill dropped a bomb on them, and they’re going to return the favor!

Lily Winters sits at her desk.


Daniel says they can’t lie to each other, but that’s just how a friendship works… What’s she talking about?

Abby says she can’t tell him about what happened in the board meeting except for one thing, and she thought he should hear it from her. When the board voted to settle the lawsuit with him or fight it in court, she voted to fight the lawsuit.

Abby talks to Daniel.

Daniel is surprised that she chose to fight him.

Abby shakes her head. She voted to fight for Chancellor-Winters’ intellectual property, not to fight Daniel.

Daniel asks about some of the board members being willing to settle… They were willing to offer something to make this whole thing go away? He figures if the offer was good enough, he could be getting on with his life instead of gearing up to go to court.v

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The Genoa City Athletic Club (GCAC) Daniel runs into Abby in the lobby and jokes that they shouldn’t even say hello without a lawyer present. They’ve been friends forever… Who would have thought they’d end up on the opposite sides of a lawsuit? He asks if she could tell him who voted against the lawsuit.…