Y&R Recap – Tue May 7: Cole Questions Victor About Jordan’s Death; Alan Doubts Ashley’s Mental Stability

Y&R Recap – Tue May 7: Cole Questions Victor About Jordan’s Death; Alan Doubts Ashley’s Mental Stability

Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs in the USA on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, and airs one day ahead in Canada. We post our Y&R recaps every weekday!

Last Episode

Diane, Jack, Jordan, and Victor.

On the last episode of Y&R, Diane ripped into Jack over his risky behavior with Nikki as Victor ordered Jordan to drink herself to death.

Crimson Lights

Jack approaches Nick and asks if there’s been any word on Nikki. He says it was brave of her to go to rehab and wonders how she is settling in.

Jack Abbot talks to Nick Newman.

Nick says Victor dropped Nikki off, and she seemed nervous but determined. He says his father told him what happened and how Jack got his mom to seek the help she needed; Victor told him that he drank with Nikki and took pills.

Jack nods. He did.

Nick asks if it was about saving Nikki or whether Jack had fallen off the wagon.

Nick Newman and Jack Abbott.

Jack says Nikki had given up, and he couldn’t get through to her; he would have done anything for her at that moment.

Nick heard that the paramedics were there and had to help Jack, who had passed out.

Jack says that part is a little hazy.

Jack and Nick.

Nick nods. So it’s true that Jack took the pills and sabotaged his own sobriety.

Jack says it was necessary; he saw a friend in danger and went on a limb. He might have gone a little far, but it worked.

Nick says it was a crazy thing to do; he can’t wrap his head around it. He says he’s glad his mother is finally in rehab, and Jack seems to have made it through; is Jack okay?

Nick Newman.

Jack says he is… It was a one-time thing; he’s not going back down that rabbit-hole!

Nick says those are famous last words, but he’ll take him at his word. He’s happy that Jack is okay and thanks him for what he did for Nikki and his family.

Jack says that’s kind of him; Victor probably doesn’t share his gratitude. He wishes Victor could understand why he did what he did and thinks his decision destroyed any progress they’d made… Victor probably hates Jack more than he ever did.

Jack Abbott.

The Tack House at Newman Ranch

Claire and Cole welcome Victor to the house.

Cole is happy to spend some quality time with his daughter.

Claire Grace, Cole Howard, and Victor Newman.

Victor asks how Claire is doing.

Claire says she’s feeling pretty good.

Victor doesn’t believe her; after the ordeal her aunt put her through, how does she really feel?

Victor Newman.

Adam’s Apartment

Sally asks Adam about his video call with Connor.

Adam says he was talking a lot and saying the wrong things while on the call. He found out that it’s tough to figure out how to deal with Connor’s OCD and what he should say or not say about it. Connor seems to be adjusting to the residential treatment; he seems more comfortable and confident and is setting boundaries with his parents. Connor is finally letting them know what he needs!

Sally Spectra talks to Adam Newman.

Sally smiles and says Connor is finally letting them in. He’s learning to look out for himself, and it sounds like Connor knows more about his condition than they do!

Adam says he’s hopeful; he can see in Connor’s eyes that he wants to get better, but Adam feels like an outsider in his treatment. Connor feels like the doctors at the facility “get” him, and he’s not alone anymore.

Sally says Adam and Connor are still figuring it out.

Adam sighs. He says he feels like his son is moving on without him; he’s leaving his dad behind.

Adam Newman and Sally Spectra.


Chelsea tells Billy she gets daily emails from Connor’s team telling her about milestones he’s making and his progress. She’s grateful for the updates, but she misses her son and wants to hold him!

Chelsea Lawson and Billy Abbott.

The Genoa City Athletic Club

Ashley (Ms. Abbott) meets with Alan and apologizes for having to push their meeting back; has he ordered yet?

Ashley Abbott and Alan Laurent.

Alan says he hasn’t, but he doesn’t mind waiting for his “charming” dining companion. He’s surprised to hear her call it a “meeting” after last night; he thought it’d be less business and more pleasure.

Ashley says there’ll be none of that; she’s done playing games.

Ashley smiles coldly at Alan.


Chelsea tells Billy she’s been so anxious she can barely breathe; she’s worried she’ll do something to set Connor back, and she’s constantly worried that Adam will “lose it” in front of Connor or his doctors.

Billy and Chelsea.

Billy says Adam’s an adult, and she can’t control him; she needs to free herself of that burden.

Chelsea says she’s trying, but it’s not easy.

Billy says Chelsea is doing everything she can to take care of herself, and Adam needs to do the same for Connor’s sake.

Billy talks with Chelsea.

Adam’s Apartment

Sally tells Adam that he’s afraid he’s losing his son, which is a normal reaction to something so huge.

Sally talks to Adam.

Adam says he feels selfish; it’s not about him, it’s about getting Connor well.

Sally says he’s overwhelmed and scared, and that’s okay.

Adam blames himself for Connor’s condition.

Adam Newman.

Sally says Adam needs to stop blaming himself.

Adam says he’s not sure he can do that; he can’t find his footing.

Sally smiles and says she’s there to help him and be his anchor.

Sally and Adam talk closely.

Adam says he’s dumped too much on her already, but at the same time, he doesn’t know what he’d do without her.

Sally says he can tell her anything, but tells him not to push her away… Her job in Connor’s recovery is to be there for Adam so he can be there for his son.

They kiss.

Adam and Sally.

The GCAC Dining Room

Alan tells Ashley she seems less comfortable with him than she was before… Did he do something wrong?

Alan spreads his arms questioningly.

Ashley (Ms. Abbott) says it was her fault. She says she overstepped and apologizes; she was inappropriately flirtatious and assumes it was because of all the champagne they drank. She’s sorry if she made him feel uncomfortable!

Alan says he enjoyed their time last night. He tells her he’s happy to be with her in her home town, but he doesn’t know much about Genoa City; maybe she’d show him some of the sights!

Ashley says they’re friends, and they can be honest with each other. She says they shouldn’t pretend he’s there as a friend; he’s there as a psychologist because Traci asked him to come and visit. She tells him not to patronize her; she made light of it last night, but she doesn’t like it and she wants it to stop.

Ashley looks serious.

The Tack House

Victor takes a seat and tells Claire that he came by to tell her that if she needs anything, his family will help her.

Victor smiles at Claire.

Claire appreciates it. She says he’s right; it hasn’t been easy. She says she had a nightmare about being locked in the storage unit; it was cold and dark, and she was scared she’d never see her parents again.

Cole says they were never going to stop trying to find her and bring her back home. He says he’s sorry his auth was able to get to her and hurt her again. He says he failed to keep her safe.

Claire talks to her dad.

Claire takes his hand and tells her dad that he didn’t fail anything; Jordan is a monster! She corrects herself. Jordan was a monster. She says Jordan doesn’t get to ruin her life anymore.

Victor says it’s true; she doesn’t.

Claire says she can hold her own; they can believe her when she says she’ll be okay.


Cole and Victor both agree.

Claire says she wishes they’d find Jordan’s body; has there been any news?

Victor says the river’s current is pretty strong… Jordan’s body is probably in the middle of Lake Michigan by now! He promises that Claire doesn’t need to worry about her anymore.

Claire and Cole.

Victor’s Secret Wine Cellar

Jordan paces around her cell. She yells for Victor and wonders if he has cameras and listening devices in there; he must! She’s probably his favorite new reality TV show!

Jordan Howard in a prison cell.

She chuckles and poses on the bed until her gaze falls back onto the bottle of vodka.

Jordan yells that she’s going to disappoint him… She won’t drink herself to death! She’s much stronger than Nikki or any of them!

She says that Victor should ask her what her poison is… If he wants her to drink, he should at least join her! She yells for anybody to join her; she’s not going to die alone!

Jordan in a cell with a bottle in front of her.

Crimson Lights

Nick says he told Victor that he should be thanking Jack for going to the lengths he did to help Nikki.

Jack asks how that went.

Nick Newman and Jack Abbott.

Nick says it went over like a lead balloon; Victor found them “wrecked” together in the suite.

Jack nods. Two addicts with booze and pills… It wasn’t pretty! He says he’s okay with Victor blaming him, as long as Nikki is on the road to recovery.

Nick says Victor might come around once he realizes Nikki is getting the help she needs because of the risk Jack took.

Nick and Jack.

Jack says his ceasefire with Victor was nice for a bit, but it never seemed to make much sense. He thinks Nick is underestimating Victor’s ability to hold a grudge.

Nick laughs. He says he’s seen his father’s grudges his whole life. He says Jack needs to know that because of his actions, Nick will always have his back.

Jack says he’ll be able to handle whatever comes his way; he’s dealt with Victor’s wrath before!

Nick says he knows that Jack would risk Victor’s wrath again if it meant helping his mom.

Jack and Nick talk.

The Tack House

Victor tells Cole he’s noticed him spending a lot of time at the ranch lately… Is he moving in?

Cole laughs. He says he’s not; he just wants Claire to know that her entire family has her back and that she can count on him.

Claire laughs and Cole looks questioningly at Victor.

Victor asks if he could have a word alone with Cole.

Claire says she has to meet her mom, so the timing is good. She hugs them goodbye and leaves.

Victor asks Cole how his relationship with Victoria is… Has something changed lately?

Cole and Victor sit and talk.

The GCAC Dining Room

Alan tells Ashley he’s not there to deceive her; he’s there because he wants to see her.

Ashley (Ms. Abbott) says Alan is there because Traci was worried about her. She admits that she thought it was a good idea in the beginning.

Ashley talks to Alan.

Alan says her siblings obviously love her a lot; he was told that Ashley wanted help and was open to getting that help from him. He says it wasn’t the first time that he’s helped Ashley; they’ve done it on a nonprofessional basis before.

Ashley says she’s aware of that; he’d helped her before when she was in Paris, and she thought he’d be able to help her again.

Alan says it was friendly and non-confrontational before, but it doesn’t seem like that now.

Alan Laurent.

Ashley says she was open to speaking with him, and she did speak to him, but now it feels forced and contrived, and she feels uncomfortable now. She thinks her siblings have influenced his perspective of her.

Alan asks why they’d do that.

Ashley says they think she’s unhinged; it’s insulting! It’s like she’s a problem that they need to fix!


Alan says Traci and Jack told him that Ashley had told them that she was afraid of what was happening to her. Is that not true? Was that wrong?

Ashley says there have been some issues, but she can handle it… On her own terms.

Alan nods. Okay, what are the terms? What can he do?


Ashley says there’s nothing he can do. She’s fine.

Alan says they’re friends, and friends should be honest with each other. He’s not at all sure that she’s fine.

Adam’s Apartment

Adam and Sally lie on the couch, cuddling. They’re undressed, wrapped in blankets. Adam tells Sally he’s happy she’s there and puts up with him. He hates that they lost time because he can be an idiot.

Adam talks to Sally.

Sally laughs and says she could argue with him about that last point. She thinks they had to be apart in order to know that they needed to be together. They learned and grew. There was a lot of grief and anger, but they’re a stronger team now. She says she knows Adam will get through this with Connor.

Adam says he just has to work against his instincts so he doesn’t have a knee-jerk reaction to it.

Sally says that’d be a good first step.

Sally smiles at Adam.

Adam says he can’t just talk the talk, though… He has to follow through, especially if he and Chelsea go see Connor.

Sally is surprised; she didn’t know that was even on the table.

Adam says the doctors think Connor might be ready for a weekend visit. He’s all for it, but he thinks Chelsea might be scared. He’s not sure, though; he’s been so vocal about his own feelings that he thinks Chelsea might have had to compensate by stuffing down her own feelings.

Adam and Sally.

Sally thinks Chelsea might be processing it differently than Adam.

Adam hopes so. He says it almost cost Chelsea her life when she hid her feelings before. He worries she’ll slide again.

Sally tells him to have more faith in Chelsea and himself. They’re both stronger than he thinks!

Sally talks to Adam.

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Chelsea tells Billy that Adam is a great father; he’ll figure it out… He has to!

Billy laughs. Props to her for being open to that.

Billy and Chelsea smile as they talk closely.

Chelsea says she doesn’t have much of a choice. Billy is so good to her; he’s always boosting her up! She doesn’t want Billy to feel like it’s his job to keep her on track, just like it’s not her job to keep Adam on track!

Billy says those are two different things; he loves her and wants to be there for her.

They kiss.

Billy and Chelsea kiss.

Crimson Lights

Victoria walks in and says hello to Jack and Nick. She hugs Jack and thanks him for what he did for her mom… She can’t believe he put his sobriety at risk for her!

Victoria Newman hugs Jack Abbott.

Jack says he’s grateful that Nikki got the help she needs.

Claire enters the cafe and says hello.

Nick says it’s great to see Claire safe and sound.

Claire Grace and Victoria Newman.

Claire says she’s grateful that Harrison is safe, too.

Jack says Kyle said Claire had dropped by to check on Harrison; that was very thoughtful of her!

Claire says Harrison is her buddy; they bonded over good luck charms and hopes they can get back to those good memories.

Jack talks with Victoria.

Jack says Harrison is fond of Claire; he says that Kyle and Summer have had a problem finding a nanny; he wishes they could find someone who connects with Harrison the way Claire does!

Victoria didn’t know that Summer and Kyle were looking for child care; maybe Claire should throw her hat in the ring!

Claire and Victoria.

The GCAC Dining Room

Ashley says it’s a shame that Traci and Jack have gotten to Alan and made him see things that aren’t there.

Ashley talks to Alan.

Alan says her demeanor has drastically changed overnight.

Ashley says that was last night; now it’s the light of day.

Alan says there’s something unfamiliar about her; he’s known her for years through all her ups and downs, but she was always herself.

Alan talks to Ashley.

Ashley asks if all his years of training are telling him that she’s not herself now.

Alan says that she couldn’t remember how they met last night.

Ashley says they had a lot of champagne.

Ashley looks disinterested in Alan.

Alan nods and says she was being playful and was interested in his professional take on her demeanor. It was like a game to her, but now she’s completely different; she’s cool, reflective, and indignant that he’s here… It’s like she feels threatened by him.

Ashley admits she was teasing him but doesn’t want him to feel insulted just because she doesn’t feel like playing today. She’s not interested in his professional opinion on her demeanor.

Alan asks if she regrets flirting with him.

Alan talks to Ashley.

Ashley says she does.

Alan asks if she thinks there’s any reason for him to stay in town.

Ashley says there’s not, but she’s not trying to chase him away!

Ashley holds up her hands.

Alan says it feels like she is.

Ashley says he’s right, but can he blame her? He’s always studying her, and if that’s going to continue, he should go to Vienna and attend his conference.

Alan feels like they got their wires crossed.

Ashley shrugs. She doesn’t think so. She tells him it was good catching up and wishes him safe travels. She gets up and leaves without another word.

Alan watches as Ashley leaves.

Crimson Lights

Claire is surprised that Victoria would suggest that she be Harrison’s nanny.

Victoria says Claire said she might want to work with children. She’s good with kids, and Harrison really likes her; they’ve probably bonded after everything they’ve been through together.

Nick, Claire, and Victoria.

Claire says she couldn’t imagine a better job than taking care of Harrison, but she doubts Summer would be on board.

Victoria says Claire has a point… Summer has an attitude towards her cousin. She asks Nick if Summer said anything to him about it.

Nick figures Summer’s having some problems adjusting to the new addition to their family and that Harrison’s kidnapping makes it more complicated.

Nick Newman.

Victoria says Claire had nothing to do with Harrison’s kidnapping; Summer should see that by now!

Jack says he can’t promise anything, but he’ll talk to Kyle and Summer about it.

Claire thinks that’s amazing. She thanks him.

Victoria and Jack.

Jack tells them to give Nikki his best. He leaves the coffee shop.

Victoria tells Claire that she thinks the nanny job would be good for her and Harrison.

Claire smiles and says it’s time to look to the future.

Claire smiles.

The Tack House

Cole tells Victor that he and Victoria have gotten closer and reconnected.

Cole talks to Victor.

Victor nods. Hm.

Cole asks if that was a hm of disapproval… At one point, Victor was against the idea of Cole and Victoria being together.

Victor says he was against it, but Cole seems to be very protective of Victoria and Claire, and Victor likes that!

Victor Newman.

Cole says Claire is his only child; she’s a chance at joy that he never saw coming! He says that he loves Claire and Victoria very much, and is willing to stick around as long as they’re happy.

Victor says he’s glad to hear that.

Cole says there’s something he hopes Victor can be honest about with him… He asks if there’s something he’s not telling them about Jordan’s death and her fall into the river.

Cole Howard.

Victor’s Secret Wine Cellar

Jordan stumbles around her cell, mumbling about Victor. “He thinks he can beat me?!”

Jordan Howard.

She brushes at something on her arm and rushes over to the cot, where she pulls a blanket over herself.

Jordan screams out for Victor to “stop it!” She begs, “No spiders! No spiders! Please!”

Jordan yells as she holds a blanket.

She stares at the bottle of vodka. “Ok. Just one swig, that’s all!”

Jordan uncaps the bottle and takes a drink.

Jordan drinks the vodka.


Chelsea tells Billy that he’s sweet, supportive, and perfect, and she needs more advice from him. She says Connor’s doctors say he might be ready for a visit and she’s considering going to the east coast this weekend. She worries that she might get there and Connor won’t want to see her.

Billy says she should trust what the doctors say… If they think it’s a good time for her to visit, then she should go… She’s overthinking things.

Billy and Chelsea.

Chelsea says she is; she doesn’t want to underthink things and screw it up!

Billy says Connor and the doctor both think it’s a good idea. If anything goes wrong, the doctors will be there to support both of them.

Chelsea nods. Connor seems stronger and is probably prepared for it.

Chelsea smiles as she talks to Billy.

Billy says it’s part of the healing process for the three of them.

Chelsea asks what she’d do without him.

Billy laughs and says she doesn’t need to worry about that question.

They kiss.

Billy and Chelsea kiss.

The Abbott Mansion

Diane picks up a photo of her and Jack and looks at it contemplatively.

Jack enters the house and hands Diane a coffee. He asks how she’s doing.

Diane looks unhappy.

Diane says she’s alright; she was reading with Harrison in his room earlier, but he’s asleep now.

Jack says they just need to reassure Harrison that he’s safe now.

Diane nods. She asks how Jack is feeling.

Jack talks to Diane.

Jack says getting out was good for him; he got some fresh air and a fresh perspective. He says he knows she was upset…

Diane interrupts him. Upset? She says he spent all night in a hotel suite with Nikki Newman, and he took pills! He’s a recovering addict!

Jack says taking pills was strategic.

Diane talks to Jack.

Diane says it doesn’t make it any less dangerous, and his refusal to admit that is alarming.

Jack says he just wants to say he’s sorry.

Diane asks if he’s sorry for what he did or if he’s sorry that she’s mad.

Jack and Diane.

Jack asks what it will take to lessen her anger.

Ashley (Ms. Abbott) walks in.

Diane says hello.

Ashley Abbott.

Ashley tells Diane to quit tippy-toeing around her; it’s so annoying.

Jack gives Diane a glance and asks Ashley if she saw her friend from Paris this morning.

Ashley says she did. They had breakfast together, and she told him to go to Vienna and attend his conference.

Diane and Jack Abbott.

Jack asks why Alan would cut his visit short.

Ashley says it’s because Alan sees her as a patient, not a friend. She says Jack and Traci were hoping that Alan would “covertly” psychoanalyze her, but that failed.

Ashley Abbott.

Adam’s Apartment

Adam and Sally hastily put some clothes on, and Adam answers the door.

It’s Chelsea and Billy. Chelsea asks if it’s a bad time.

Adam talks to Chelsea and Billy as Sally looks on.

Adam stammers and says it’s fine. He invites them in and asks if something happened… Is everything okay with Connor?

Chelsea says Connor is okay. She says she’s made a decision and needs to talk to him about it.

Sally says she’ll leave them to talk.

Adam closes the door as Cheslea and Billy walk in.

Adam says he wants her to stay. He asks what Chelsea wants to talk about.

Chelsea says she wants to visit Connor and thinks they should go together.

Adam asks if she’s sure.

Chelsea Lawson.

Chelsea says she misses him, and the doctors think it’s okay for them to visit.

Adam agrees.

Chelsea says they need to make sure to “hold it together.”

Adam nods. He says that’s what Connor needs and deserves.

Adam Newman.

The Tack House

Victor tells Cole that he needs to trust him about Jordan’s death. Everyone knows all there is to know!

Victor Newman.

Cole says it sounds like Victor’s trying to dodge the truth. What is Victor trying to protect them from?

Victor says if he thought Jordan was alive, he’d have a security detail on every member of his family. Jordan is gone. She’s dead! He tells Cole to stop worrying.

Cole points at Victor as they talk.

Victor’s Secret Wine Cellar

Jordan has drank half the bottle of alcohol but continues to drink more. She looks around, scared.

The Abbott Mansion

Jack tells Ashley that he and Traci didn’t conspire against her… In fact, she was on board with talking to Alan before he arrived!

Ashley says she had a change of heart.

Diane asks why she had a change of heart.

Ashley says she doesn’t need Alan here.

Jack says he wants Alan to stay longer.

Ashley says that’s tough.

Jack says he’s going to be direct with her… Ashley is not well, and their family will do whatever she needs to get her the help she needs, no matter what it takes!


This episode is in memory of Marla Adams, who played Dina Abbott. 1938-2024. Rest in peace, Marla.

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Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs in the USA on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, and airs one day ahead in Canada. We post our Y&R recaps every weekday! Last Episode On the last episode of Y&R, Diane ripped into Jack over his risky behavior with Nikki as Victor ordered Jordan to drink herself to death. Crimson Lights Jack…