Y&R Recap – Wed May 29: Nikki Questions Victor’s Story About Jordan; Jill Reveals Health Concerns; Diane Drops an Ultimatum on Jack

Y&R Recap – Wed May 29: Nikki Questions Victor’s Story About Jordan; Jill Reveals Health Concerns; Diane Drops an Ultimatum on Jack

The Tack House at Newman Ranch

Victoria walks downstairs and looks over Claire’s shoulder at her phone.

Victoria looks over Claire's shoulder.

Claire asks if she’s “mom-spying.”

Victoria laughs and says she might be. She sees that Claire is looking up healthy recipes for kids and thinks that’s an interesting search choice.

Claire says she never got a chance to tell her last night… She’s Harrison Abbott’s new nanny!

Claire smiles at her mom.

Victoria is stunned. “I am?!” She thinks that’s amazing and that Claire should be proud.

Claire is excited and is grateful for the opportunity. She says it’s nerve-wracking; a small kid means a big responsibility, especially since Summer is wary of her and will be keeping a close eye on her.

Victoria doesn’t think Summer has any reason to doubt Claire’s ability.

Victoria is excited.

Claire wants to earn Summer’s trust and make a good impression by being the best nanny ever.

Victoria says Claire is smart; she just needs to follow her instincts, and everything will fall into place.

There’s a knock at the door. Victoria answers. It’s Cole and Victor.

Victor and Cole enter the house.

Claire says it’s good to see them both, but what’s with the drop-by? Is everything alright?

Victor asks Victoria if she’s seen Nikki.

Victoria shakes her head; not since the morning. Has something happened?

Victor says there’s news regarding Jordan.

Victoria is shocked as her dad talks.

The Abbott Mansion

Jack answers the door. It’s Nikki. He invites her in and says he didn’t expect to see her so soon; she looks wonderful!

Jack answers the door to Nikki.

Nikki says she just got back yesterday; she finished her initial treatment at the rehab facility, and they released her for outpatient treatment. She still has a way to go, but she’ll get there!

Jack smiles and says he’s sure of it; she looks rested and strong.

Nikki says it wasn’t easy to go to rehab, but it was necessary; she realized she needed more significant help. She says Jack helped her get there, and he’s the reason she’s back on the right path.

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The Tack House at Newman Ranch Victoria walks downstairs and looks over Claire’s shoulder at her phone. CBS Claire asks if she’s “mom-spying.” Victoria laughs and says she might be. She sees that Claire is looking up healthy recipes for kids and thinks that’s an interesting search choice. Claire says she never got a chance…