Y&R Recap – June 12: Victor Reveals His Agenda and Swears Adam to Secrecy; Sally Impresses and Makes a Bold Move

Y&R Recap – June 12: Victor Reveals His Agenda and Swears Adam to Secrecy; Sally Impresses and Makes a Bold Move

The Genoa City Athletic Club (GCAC)

Victoria and Cole are sitting at the bar in the dining room. Victoria asks Cole if he’s really asking her out on a date.

Victoria smiles at Cole.

Cole smiles. He says she can say no, he won’t be offended.

Victoria says the idea of having dinner with her long-divorced ex-husband is “charming.” She’d love to have dinner with him!

They work out a time. 7:00 PM it is! He’ll pick her up then.

Cole smiles at Victoria.

Victoria smiles and leaves the club.

Cole remembers Victor telling him to “stay the hell away from my family and my daughter” and how Victor had tasked him to foster a friendship with Kyle.

The Abbott Mansion

Harrison and Claire are sitting on the couch solving a jigsaw puzzle together.

Harrison and Claire work on a jigsaw puzzle.

Kyle walks in and sees them working on the puzzle. He smiles and asks if Harrison is having fun.

Harrison says Claire is so cool; he’s glad she can come over now!

Kyle says he’s glad, too.

Kyle smiles as he talks to Harrison and Claire.

Adam & Sally’s Apartment

Adam apologizes to Sally for dragging his family problems into her life; she’s got enough on her plate with her new job filling in for Chelsea at Marchetti!

Sally says none of it is as important as what he’s going through with Connor.

Sally smiles at Adam.

Adam says she needs to feel comfortable enough to tell him when it’s too much.

Sally knows it’s hard for him to share his feelings.

Adam says it’s hard for him to share anything with anyone.

Adam and Sally kiss.

Sally wants to be the exception to that rule.

Adam says he loves that about her; in fact, he loves everything about her.

They kiss, but they’re interrupted by a knock at the door.

Adam tells Sally not to answer it; it could be trouble!

Sally looks curiously at Adam.

The Newman Ranch House

Nikki asks Victor if he’s dismissing her from Newman Media to punish her.

Nikki Newman talks to her husband.

Victor asks why he’d punish her.

Nikki says she brought Jordan into their lives and turned into a pathetic drunk. She thinks Victor is still angry that she chose Jack Abbott as her sponsor and wanted him to continue as her sponsor even after everything that happened.

Victor says he holds Jack responsible for his recklessness and foolishness, but he doesn’t want to punish Nikki for anything. He’s there to help her recover!

Victor Newman talks to Nikki.

Nikki says it’s not helping, and she’s shocked he would think it would! She stomps out of the room.

Nick looks at Victor. “That went great.”

Nick Newman looks at his father.

Adam & Sally’s Apartment

The knocking continues on the door.

Sally asks Adam what kind of trouble he’s expecting.

Sally and Adam.

Adam thinks it’s his family coming to make him do his father’s bidding; maybe it’s Victor himself!

The knocker is insistent. Sally says they need to answer the door; she’s expecting someone.

Adam gives in and opens the door. It’s Summer.

Adam opens the door for Summer.

Summer asks Sally if she’s early.

Sally gives Adam a look and says Summer is right on time.

Adam says she must be there to talk business with Sally; he’s got to go talk with Chelsea. He tells Summer that she made a great choice in hiring Sally; she’s going to knock it out of the park!

Adam talks to Summer.

Summer asks how Connor is.

Adam thanks her for asking and says he doesn’t know how Connor is; there’s some progress, but he keeps having setbacks… All they can do is hope right now.

Summer says Connor is a sweet kid and can’t imagine how he feels in these circumstances. She says she’s rooting for him, Chelsea, and Connor.

Summer talks to Adam.

Adam thanks her and leaves them to their meeting.

Sally thinks what Summer said to Adam was really nice.

Summer says she feels for him; he’s her uncle, and even though they’ve never been close, she knows that when your child is hurting, a person will do anything to take away their pain or fears. She has nothing but compassion for Adam and Chelsea.

Sally talks to Summer.

Sally says people treat Adam like he doesn’t have a heart, but when it comes to his child, he feels as much as anyone, which is why she knows what Summer said meant a lot to him, and it meant a lot to her, too.

Summer nods and says she was going over the draft designs that Sally was finishing up for Chelsea, and she’s really impressed with them; they’re good work!

Summer sits and talks with Sally.

The Abbott Mansion

Harrison tells his dad they went to the park, where he saw four turtles sleeping on a branch.

Harrison talks to Kyle as Claire looks on, smiling.

Claire says at first they thought that the park had planted fake turtles there.

Harrison says the turtles swam away; they must have been a family. He says Claire taught him some cool things about caterpillars and butterflies… They read a book about them.

Kyle is happy they’re having some learning adventures.

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The Genoa City Athletic Club (GCAC) Victoria and Cole are sitting at the bar in the dining room. Victoria asks Cole if he’s really asking her out on a date. CBS Cole smiles. He says she can say no, he won’t be offended. Victoria says the idea of having dinner with her long-divorced ex-husband is…