Y&R Recap – June 10: After Saving Ashley, Tucker Has a Bold Offer for Audra; Victor Enlists Cole and Michael to Infiltrate the Abbott Family

Y&R Recap – June 10: After Saving Ashley, Tucker Has a Bold Offer for Audra; Victor Enlists Cole and Michael to Infiltrate the Abbott Family

Ashley’s Paris Apartment

Ashley walks into the living room and greets Traci.

Traci says she expected Ashley to have slept longer. How’s her cheek?

Traci and Ashley Abbott.

Ashley says though she was hit by Martin, her cheek is okay, and the sleep she managed to get was magnificent. She hadn’t had any peace for a long time, whether asleep or awake.

Traci says she finally has peace and asks about Ashley’s alters.

Ashley says the alters haven’t said a thing since she started figuring out what happened.

Ashley talks to Traci

Traci is happy that Ashley has answers; she hopes Alan got some sleep as well… He went through a lot of pain because of what his brother did to Ashley, and then he found his brother after years of searching, only to lose him the same night. She says Alan seemed to be solid and will hopefully make the arrangements so she can check into the clinic today.

Ashley says she doesn’t want to go, but Alan is right; she needs to figure out what happened to her to cause the alters to appear in the first place.

Traci thinks she’s amazing; it was worse for Ashley than it was for anyone else, and she’s made it through and is taking charge of her recovery… That’s how Traci knows Ashley is herself again!

Ashley says she couldn’t have done it without Traci. She’s not feeling particularly courageous about going to the clinic, but she knows she has to do it to recover fully. She says there’s one more thing she has to take care of before she leaves.

Traci Abbott talks to her sister, Ashley.

Tucker’s Paris Hotel Room

Tucker looks through his tablet and asks his assistant, Dawn, if these are all the messages she has for him… Nothing from Traci or Ashley Abbott?

Tucker McCall looks at a tablet as he talks to his assistant.

Dawn shakes her head. Nothing. She says there are more messages about Audra Charles, though.

Tucker can’t wait to hear what Audra is up to now.

Dawn, Tucker's assistant.

A Paris Bistro

Audra sits on a patio, talking on the phone. She leaves a voicemail for “Philippe,” saying that it was a coincidence they ran into each other last night and how she’d love to continue their conversation. She asks when can they get together again… There’s so much more the world needs to know about Tucker!

Audra Charles talks on the phone.


Cole meets with Michael and apologizes for dragging him into the whole mess… Michael lost his job because of him!

Cole Howard talks to Michael Baldwin.

Michael says he and Victor have worked through these things before, and Victor always comes round. He knows Cole’s not on Victor’s payroll, though, and asks how Victor vented his wrath on him.

Cole says Victor wants him to stay away from Claire and Victoria.

Michael thinks that’s a bit harsh, even for Victor… Cole just found his daughter!

Michael Baldwin.

Cole says there’s no way that Victor will keep him away from them… He’ll have to find a better way to punish him.

Victor walks into the restaurant and spots them. “Well, now! Two traitors with their heads together!” He asks what they’re conspiring about now.

Cole says they aren’t conspiring against him; they never have and never will, and part of Victor’s family is part of his, too.

Victor Newman talks to Cole and Michael.

Michael says Victor’s ability to hold a grudge is exceptional, even though he and Cole were looking out for him.

Cole nods and says it turned out to be the best thing for everyone concerned.

Michael agrees. Victor’s hands are clean now, and there’s no need to keep any secrets. Jordan is legally locked up with no chance to escape.

Michael talks to Victor.

Victor says it’s not about the outcome; he was betrayed by two people he thought he could trust, and he won’t tolerate it!

Cole tells him to take a beat; they should go back to the ranch and talk about it in private.

Michael thinks it’s a good idea. They can discuss things calmly and make their case.

Victor looks at Michael and Cole.
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Ashley’s Paris Apartment Ashley walks into the living room and greets Traci. Traci says she expected Ashley to have slept longer. How’s her cheek? CBS Ashley says though she was hit by Martin, her cheek is okay, and the sleep she managed to get was magnificent. She hadn’t had any peace for a long time, whether…