‘Yellowstone’ Fans Are Convinced That Rip Will K!ll Walker Before Season 3 Ends.

‘Yellowstone’ Fans Are Convinced That Rip Will K!ll Walker Before Season 3 Ends.

Season 3 is exposing Dutton Ranch’s best-kept secrets left and right. In the last few episodes, Yellowstone fans learned the hard truth about Beth and Jamie’s complicated relationship, as well as the heartbreaking reason why Jamie isn’t John’s biological son.

But things are just picking up: In the newest episode, “I Killed a Man Today,” Walker returned, and to Lloyd and Rip’s surprise, was alive and well. “He’s supposed to be dead,” Lloyd exclaimed (as did all the Yellowstone fans watching at home).

Here’s a quick refresher: In season 2, Jamie turned to Rip for help after murdering Sarah Nguyen, the reporter who was going to expose the Dutton family. Since Rip knew he couldn’t cover up the murder alone, he asked Walker for assistance. Soon enough, Walker realized what was happening and asked Rip if he was now an accessory to a murder. Rip refused to give Walker any further details, but told him that he could finally leave Dutton Ranch as long as he keeps the murder a secret. Walker, who was desperate to leave the ranch behind, expressed interest in this deal, but Rip let Kayce make the final call. Kayce, who was Walker’s boss at the time, took his word and let him go free. The problem: Rip thought Kayce was taking Walker to the train station a.k.a. the deep pit where the Duttons kill anyone who poses a risk to their family or the ranch.

Up until now, there hasn’t been any mention of Walker because everyone (excluding Kayce) believed he was dead. While Rip and Lloyd were shocked to see Walker, several fans had been preparing for this moment all season long.

Most fans agree that he’s a dead man walking, especially now that Rip has spotted him. Even more, the season 3 midseason trailer shows Rip shooting at someone as they roll into a ditch, and many think this is foreshadowing Walker’s fate.

Ryan Bingham, the actor who plays Walker, confirmed that his character was “#notdeadyet 😜” with an Instagram post.

Although fans are thrilled that he’s back, they aren’t getting too comfortable, especially since it seems very likely that Rip will finish what he started last season.

Photo credit: Instagram


Photo credit: Instagram

One minor detail to consider, though: Rip and Lloyd spotted Walker at a local bar on their six-hour drive home to the ranch. That means, Walker was still technically holding up to his end of his bargain by staying far away from Dutton Ranch. It just depends if that’s a good enough for Rip or not.

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Season 3 is exposing Dutton Ranch’s best-kept secrets left and right. In the last few episodes, Yellowstone fans learned the hard truth about Beth and Jamie’s complicated relationship, as well as the heartbreaking reason why Jamie isn’t John’s biological son. But things are just picking up: In the newest episode, “I Killed a Man Today,” Walker returned, and to Lloyd and Rip’s…