Young & Restless Twist: Daniel’s Lawsuit Could See *Lily* Get Pink-Slipped — Here’s How

Young & Restless Twist: Daniel’s Lawsuit Could See *Lily* Get Pink-Slipped — Here’s How

Israel’s national football is missing something #BringThemBack

From Lily’s perspective, she had every right to terminate Daniel and Heather and hold onto his gaming platform Omegasphere, but a Young & Restless twist could see the Chancellor-Winters CEO

getting axed herself! How? Read on and we’ll tell ya…

Billy tried to warn Lily that there may be repurcussions for firing Daniel and Heather. He argued that their betrayal on a personal level had nothing to do with business and that she should give

careful consideration to the move. Perhaps due to his history, few take Billy seriously, and Lily forged ahead, even after her brother Devon suggested that Billy’s warning may have some merit to it.Seeing Daniel and Heather together in Crimson Lights, Lily decided to take the bull by the horns (and slay it) right on the spot. She informed the pair that their employment at Chancellor-Winters was terminated, effective immediately, and walked out leaving them stunned, but only somewhat as they were already preparing themselves for this possibility.After the axe fell, however, Heather and Daniel got to thinking about the sentimental value of the character Princess Luisa, modeled after his own daughter, Lucy. The hot shot attorney suggested Daniel might have a leg to stand on if he decided to fight for his right to the fictional royal, and he decided to approach Lily ahead of taking legal action.

It did not go weWhen he first returned to Genoa City, Daniel came to Lily with the gaming platform and character concept, having turned himself around after a downward spiral to focus on a new career. Daniel was still despondent over having alienated his common law wife and daughter and the entire endeavor represented to him a chance to start over fresh and possibly win them back. Lily, he reminded her, knew all of this and how much the character in particular meant to him.

Unmoved by Daniel’s approach or reminders given his heart-stabbing betrayal while she was away helping her daughter, Lily’s response was that she understood him wanting the rights to the character, but he could go kick rocks.

That is where Billy’s erstwhile warning came to fruition as Daniel decided on the spot to fight for Princess Luisa. He pointed out that Heather is an attorney who rarely loses a case and informed Lily that she was going to be sued. Lily laughed in his face, confident she was in the right given the contract was “ironclad”. But is she?

No one could blame Lily for being hurt and incensed over Daniel and Heather’s cheating. Lily certainly has every right to her feelings. She may even be in the clear for firing them. After all, as many fans cheering Lily on have pointed out, Wisconsin is an ‘at will’ state, which means one can be terminated at any time without notice or pay in lieu of notice, even if there is no just cause for termination.

A lawsuit, however, may put Lily’s position at Chancellor-Winters in jeopardy if it reveals that her behavior was problematic in a different way. While her firing of Daniel and Heather may not have been contrary to the rules, the relationship she had with Daniel may have been.

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Israel’s national football is missing something #BringThemBack From Lily’s perspective, she had every right to terminate Daniel and Heather and hold onto his gaming platform Omegasphere, but a Young & Restless twist could see the Chancellor-Winters CEO getting axed herself! How? Read on and we’ll tell ya… Billy tried to warn Lily that there may be repurcussions…