Y&R: Claire Embraces the Newman Name as Summer Digs for Dirt on Audra, Traci & Alan Return to Town

Y&R: Claire Embraces the Newman Name as Summer Digs for Dirt on Audra, Traci & Alan Return to Town

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Jack, Billy, and Lily.

Newman Enterprises

Nikki and Victor are alone in his office. Nikki has been studying everything she can find on Chancellor Industries.

Nikki is excited and never imagined she would be running Katherine’s company. Victor notes it’s always best to be prepared and he’s certain no one can do it better than Nikki can.

Nikki’s happy about his support and claims she has lots of ideas.


Nikki sits and tells Victor about her failed attempt to hire Claire. Victor is surprised to hear that Claire did not accept the offer.

Nikki explains that Claire is focused on protecting Harrison from the looming custody battle between Summer and Kyle. Victor says that the battle will likely be resolved soon. Nikki hopes he’s right.

Victor and Nikki.

Genoa City Athletic Club Dining Room

Chance meets Summer at the GCAC Dining Room Bar. Chance wants to know what happened and claims Summer seemed tense over the phone.

Summer explains Harrison’s stomach bug and how Kyle ditched his Paris trip. Chance hopes Harrison’s illness caused a halt to the Summer/Kyle war, but Summer insists it didn’t.

Summer tells Chance how Kyle blames her and is determined to make her appear unfit to have custody of Harrison.

Chance and Summer.

Chancellor Park

Victoria, Claire, and Harrison visit the park. Victoria sees how much Harrison adores Claire.

Victoria asks about Harrison’s fall schedule. She believes Summer and Kyle will work Claire fewer hours when Harrison returns to school.

Claire senses that Victoria is urging her to accept Nikki’s job offer. Victoria reminds Claire that she’s an adult and will receive no pressure from her about her job decisions.

Victoria and Claire.

Claire wonders if Victoria would prefer for her to accept the job. Victoria understands her reasons for staying on as Harrison’s nanny but warns Claire that Victor and Nikki won’t give up easily.

Victoria reminds Claire that Newman Enterprises is her birthright and there will always be a place for her there when she wants it.

Victoria hopes Kyle and Summer resolve their differences soon. Claire isn’t holding her breath for that. Victoria doesn’t want Claire to get a false perception of marriage and claims that many do succeed.

Claire sees that in Victor and Nikki, and acknowledges a spark between Victoria and Cole, too. Claire promises not to be jaded because of Kyle and Summer’s turmoil.

Victoria and Claire.

Abbott Mansion

Traci and Alan arrive at the mansion following their Los Angeles visit.

Alan steps into the living room to take it all in. Traci laughs and reminds him he’s been there before. Alan acknowledges the notion but says he wants to know everything about her.

Diane enters and is surprised because they are a few days early. Diane welcomes them. Traci and Alan invite her to lunch to tell her all about LA. The happy couple wants to know if Jack is there.

Traci and Alan.


Jack and Billy continue their argument at the bar about the Abbott name.

Billy claims he shouldn’t be surprised about Jack’s response. Jack claims Billy asked for his opinion, but Billy denies doing so. Billy insists Jack freely offered his opinion.

Jack and Billy.

Jack doesn’t think the Abbott name belongs on Katherine’s company. Billy points out that it’s not Katherine’s company anymore. Billy respects Katherine’s legacy. Billy’s plans are about carrying the company forward and creating a legacy for him and Jill.

Jack doesn’t believe rebranding the entire company is the way to do that. Billy reminds Jack that he doesn’t have a monopoly on the Abbott name.

Billy is insulted and infers that Jack believes he’s a failure. Jack proposes a relaxing breath for both of them.

Jack and Billy.

Jack says he always wants what’s best for Billy. Billy accepts that but claims Jack always expects the worst from him.

Jack acknowledges how Billy has a record of self-sabotage. Billy says he told Jack out of courtesy and isn’t seeking approval. Billy insists he has a right to the name just as Jack does.

Jack agrees but says using the name should mean something. Billy thinks Jack doesn’t want him to use the name because it’ll make the family appear to be a failure.

Jack and Billy.

GCAC Dining Room

Summer continues to tell Chance how Kyle hates her and is using every little thing as ammunition against her. Chance plays devil’s advocate and suggests that Kyle is acting defensively. Summer says she just wants more time with Harrison and it’s not unreasonable.

Summer claims she is at a loss because she doesn’t know what else to do. Chance advises Summer to be careful when she mentions turning to Victor for help. Chance knows she loves and respects her grandfather but points his methods can be extreme sometimes.

Summer and Chance.

Summer informs Chance about how Victor spoke with Kyle and the problem appeared to be fixable. Chance finds it promising that Kyle wants to keep the custody agreement as is. Summer does not want the same arrangement.

Summer insists a change needs to happen especially since Audra is back in Kyle’s life. She goes on about how she feels Kyle is holding something back. Summer thinks Kyle was too defensive about cutting ties with Audra.

Summer doesn’t understand why Kyle is set to run Glissade with Audra verses by himself. Chance tries to understand the situation better. Summer claims that joint custody was a consolation prize offered because Kyle doesn’t want to do what she’s asking.

Chance and Summer.

Chance ponders that it’s possible Kyle was genuine concerning the offer. Chance suggests that Kyle might be tired of the fighting, too. He thinks the offer made to Summer might have been what Kyle thought was a fair solution.

Summer questions if Chance is taking Kyle’s side over hers.

Summer and Chance.


Jack says he knew there was talk about adding Abbott to the Chancellor logo. Jack thinks of Jabot and Abbott as one and it seems wrong to him to slap Abbott onto another family name.

Billy insists it’s not slapped on and that people won’t confuse Jabot with Abbott-Chancellor.

Jack and Billy.

Jack notes this is about protecting Jill’s legacy and Billy agrees that it is. Jack calls out that Abbott is not Jill’s name even though she used it when she was married to John. Jack concludes how Jill legally had the name for only a short time.

Billy believes this is Jack’s way of hating the idea of the company name change. Jack doesn’t want this fight and tells Billy to do what he feels is best. Jack insists he has enough family issues to deal with already.

Jack and Billy.

Billy wants to know what Jack means and encourages him to open up.

Jack explains how rebellious Kyle is currently. The fever pitch between Kyle and Diane required the parents to fire him. Billy acknowledges how great a father Jack is and believes Kyle will come around.

Jack hopes so but says Kyle is furious. Jack can’t give a blessing for Billy’s idea but he is trying to be civil about it. Jack requests that Billy attempt to help him.

Jack and Billy.

GCAC Dining Room

Chance assures Summer he is on her side and says he knows how it feels to love a kid wholeheartedly, only to watch it fall apart. Summer remembers he went through that with Abby.

Chance suggests there is more to Summer’s feelings than the custody battle. Chance points out how Summer lost her future with Kyle in addition to her home.

Chance and Summer.

Summer claims she can only think about Harrison and not what could’ve been.

Chance steers the conversation back to the conversation Summer had with Kyle, wanting to know what happened next. Summer shares how Kyle accused her of trying to control him and stormed out after declaring he would see her in court.

Chance recognizes how Summer likely hit a nerve. Summer agrees but says it’s somehow connected to Audra. Summer doesn’t get it and insists she must talk to her lawyer.

Chance begs Summer to hear him out. He knows Kyle can push Summer’s buttons but Chance thinks she should take a deep breath before deciding her next move.

Summer and Chance.

Newman Enterprises

Victor understands Nikki’s fondness of Claire but he questions if she would bring back negative memories for Nikki. He reminds Nikki of how Claire deceived and manipulated her.

Nikki hasn’t forgotten these things and she considered it. Afterward, Nikki remembered how effective Claire was as an assistant. Nikki insists Claire is no longer under Jordan’s thumb and has no hidden motives.

Victor and Nikki.

Victor doesn’t want Claire to be the trigger to cause Nikki a relapse. Nikki isn’t worried and humbly acknowledges how she has completed the outpatient program.

Nikki sits and redirects the conversation back to Claire and her employment. Nikki holds no resentment towards Claire and claims Jordan is the person responsible. Nikki insists that if Claire does change her mind, the job is hers.

Victor and Nikki.

Nikki believes Claire could rise the corporate ladder quickly because of her work ethic. Victor adds that he is looking forward to everyone in his family taking their rightful places at Newman Empire.

Victor and Nikki.

Chancellor Park

Claire tells Victoria how she thought she wanted a career in child care. She acknowledges to Victoria that it felt great to have the option of working with Nikki again but without ulterior motives.

Victoria knows that Nikki desires this too. Claire feels that being a true Newman would create a radically different vibe between them.

Victoria and Claire.

Victoria sees an opening and asks Claire if she’s considered taking on the Newman name. Claire has thought about it and claims it would be an honor. She doesn’t want to upset Cole but Victoria believes he will understand.

Victoria and Claire.

GCAC Dining Room

Chance attempts to be the logical voice in Summer’s ear. He reminds Summer that she’s hurt and angry but cautions her about how that is when people make impulsive decisions that hurt them.

Chance and Summer.

Summer says Kyle taking Harrison away from her would kill her. Chance says he was angry when his marriage fell apart but he didn’t let that drive him regarding Dominick. Summer is offended and thinks Chance is suggesting that’s what she’s doing with Harrison.

Chance clarifies that he is not saying that. Chance says it can’t all be about winning against Kyle. Chance reminds Summer that whatever she decides must be about what is best for Harrison.

Chance asks Summer what the ideal outcome is. Summer suggests that peace and civility come to mind. Chance coaxes Summer along and urges how things worked before she and Kyle went to war.

Chance and Summer.

Summer takes a drink followed by a deep breath as Chance’s words sink in. Chance wants her to rethink court because there are no guarantees the judge won’t rule for her to have less time with Harrison.

Chance doesn’t believe that’s worth the risks.

Chance and Summer.


Billy and Jack agree to a desire for peace and respect.

Billy claims he’s found his place at Abbott-Chancellor. Jack is happy and wants Billy to succeed.

Billy circles the conversation topic back to Kyle. Jack explains how Kyle is out for blood and wants to use Glissade to attack Jabot.

Jack and Billy.

Jack’s at a loss and claims he’s given up. Billy knows that is not true but it is smart to allow Kyle to think that. Billy has seen Kyle’s arrogance grow and remembers it when he was promoted over Kyle.

Billy suggests that Jack not attempt to stop Kyle’s failure. Billy believes the reality check is exactly what Kyle needs.

Jack agrees but hopes it’s not too painful of a fall that Kyle can’t return from it.

Newman Enterprises

Victoria and Claire stop in to visit Victor and Nikki.

Claire hopes Nikki is not disappointed that she didn’t accept the offer. Victor shares they have no doubts Claire would do exceptional things at Newman Enterprises.

Victor, Victoria, Claire, and Nikki.

Victoria steps in and reiterates Claire’s decision to stay on as Harrison’s nanny, for now. Victoria informs them that Claire does have good news to share.

Victor is over the moon happy when Claire announces she is taking on the Newman name.

Nikki goes in for a hug. Claire wants assurance that they approve.

Victor assures her by officially welcoming her to the Newman family.

Nikki and Claire.


Billy reminds Jack that he’s there for him as a brother and is willing to help Kyle if he can.

Jack thanks him but notes how busy Billy will be at Abbott-Chancellor.

Diane, Traci, and Alan enter and find Jack with Billy. The brothers are happy to see them. Jack welcomes them back. Billy follows suit.

Traci invites them all to lunch and everyone accepts. Alan is happy to be back under different circumstances.

Jack, Billy, Diane, Alan, and Traci.

GCAC Dining Room

Summer thanks Chance for being the calm voice of reason.

Chance asks if there is any chance she and Kyle can reach an agreement. Summer believes things are too strained right now. Chance suggests she try and life is much better without all the anger.

Chance and Summer.

Summer finally acknowledges she hates feeling this way.

Chance tells Summer that Harrison loves and adores her and that she is his mommy.

Chance and Summer.

Summer declares a victory for Chance. She agrees she will try once more with Kyle.

Chance only wants to see Summer happy. Summer promises she will return as his carefree and fun girlfriend once this is all over.

Chance and Summer.


Jack, Billy, Traci, Diane, and Alan take a seat at their table.

Traci and Alan recap their visit to LA. Alan shares with the Abbott Clan how he’s spoken with Ashley’s doctor team and they believe she is making tremendous progress.

Alan expects Ashley will return to Genoa City by the end of summer and will only require outpatient treatment. The family thanks Alan for all his help.

Alan, Traci, Jack, Billy, and Diane.

Traci claims that’s only one of the reasons she adores Alan. Jack thanks her for the opening and they all chuckle.

No one realized how close Traci and Alan had gotten. Traci and Alan explain their bond.

Traci shares how she declined the movie deal on her book because they wanted to cut too much out. Alan defends her decision and claims how brilliant a novelist Traci is.

They are all excited to see how happy Traci is. Diane points out that Alan seems smitten, too. Alan agrees he is.

Traci and Alan.

Billy chimes in how this seems to be the real thing between Traci and Alan. Traci notes how cynical Billy can be sometimes but she knows he’s a softy.

Billy wants to know how this will work since Traci lives in New York and Alan lives in Paris. Alan shares how he does not need to stay in Paris following Ashley’s treatment.

Alan doesn’t want the ocean to separate him from Traci. Traci gushes over Alan’s persistence.


Newman Enterprises

Claire leaves and Victoria thanks Victor and Nikki for their respect of Claire’s decision.

Nikki admires Claire for her ethics. Victor acknowledges what a remarkable young woman Claire has become. He hopes Claire will change her mind about working there once Kyle and Summer’s custody battle is resolved.

Nikki, Victoria, and Victor.

Victoria still doesn’t understand how Victor will obtain Chancellor Industries and claims it won’t be easy.

Victor reminds Victoria that nothing is ever easy. He declares that Chancellor Industries will be theirs.

Chancellor Park

Summer and Claire run into each other. Claire informs Summer that Harrison is at the house with Kyle.

Summer questions Claire about why Kyle is not at work. Claire doesn’t have an answer for her. Claire questions why Summer isn’t at work. Summer says she is on her way in.

Summer asks how busy Kyle has been with Audra recently. Claire feels she has no place to comment. Summer disagrees and insists she has a right to know if Claire has any concerns, for Harrison’s sake.

Summer and Claire.

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Last Episode Newman Enterprises Nikki and Victor are alone in his office. Nikki has been studying everything she can find on Chancellor Industries. Nikki is excited and never imagined she would be running Katherine’s company. Victor notes it’s always best to be prepared and he’s certain no one can do it better than Nikki can.…