Y&R: Lily is Stunned as Billy Agrees to a Silent Partnership, While Kyle and Summer’s Custody Battle Heats Up

Y&R: Lily is Stunned as Billy Agrees to a Silent Partnership, While Kyle and Summer’s Custody Battle Heats Up

Crimson Lights

Chelsea and Connor greet Adam in the coffee shop. Adam tells Connor it’s great to see him and asks how it was sleeping in his old room.

Connor says it was kind of weird. It didn’t feel real at first, and he kept waking up and expecting to find himself at the residential hospital. He felt panicky, too. Chelsea is surprised that he didn’t mention it to her, and Connor says he was waiting to tell both of his parents at once.

They ask what happened after Connor started to panic.

Connor says the panic triggered his OCD.

Chancellor Offices

Billy walks into Lily’s office and thanks her for meeting him.

Lily asks him about his plan for “fixing” the situation, and hopes he’s not trying to manipulate her.

Billy says he has a solution to the problems she brought up the day before, which is why he wanted to meet in person. Before he says anything, though, he wants to know if she’s changed her mind about wanting him out of Abbott-Chancellor.

The Abbott Mansion

Claire arrives at the Abbott house and asks Kyle how Harrison is feeling.

Kyle tells her that Harrison had a rough night, but the worst seems to have passed. The doctor thinks it was food poisoning, but Kyle has no idea how that would have happened.

Claire smiles and says she’s made Harrison some chicken soup for when he’s feeling up to it, and is sorry that Kyle had to cancel his business trip.

Kyle thanks her and says she’s thoughtful. He says he didn’t get much sleep last night and tells her that he got some work done in New York, but he dropped what he was doing when he heard Harrison was unwell. He says he would have come from anywhere in the world to take care of his son.

Summer walks down the stairs and overhears.

Kyle says it wouldn’t have happened if he’d stayed in town or been allowed to bring Harrison with him.

Summer asks if he’s saying that it’s all her fault.

Kyle says he doesn’t want to argue, and Summer says he just wants to badmouth her to whomever is willing to listen. He says he never mentioned her name.

Summer says he didn’t need to… It’s pretty clear who’s the hero and who the evil stepmother is in the fairytale he’s spinning!

Kyle says Summer took him to a new restaurant, and he got sick… Those are the facts.

Summer says Kyle wanted to take Harrison to Paris… She took him to a new restaurant in their hometown, and somehow, she’s the bad parent? She says Kyle sounds ridiculous.

Kyle agrees she’s not a bad parent for trying a new restaurant, but that doesn’t let her off the hook for everything else she’s been trying to pull!

Summer says he’s losing the argument, so he’s changing the subject.

Kyle says it’s the same argument. She wants to sweet-talk a judge into giving her sole custody, but it’s not going to happen! Harrison belongs with his father!

Crimson Lights

Chelsea asks Connor why he didn’t tell her that he was feeling triggered earlier. She tells him that he needs to tell his parents right away if his OCD is triggered.

Connor tells her that they never let him finish… He wanted to tell them that his OCD didn’t come back all the way! The reason that he didn’t say anything before is that it was scary, but he was able to deal with it.

Adam asks how he was able to deal with it.

Connor says he was scared at first, but then he remembered the strategies the therapists taught him to deal with it. He was able to accept what was happening and roll with it; he reminded himself that he didn’t have to give into his compulsions… If he waited it out, the bad feelings would pass. He was able to calm the noise in his head and was able to get back to sleep. He says it may not seem like a lot, but it’s a big deal for him!

Adam and Chelsea tell him he’s making wonderful progress.

Connor says he didn’t mean to freak them out… He should have said the good part first.

Adam reassures him he did nothing wrong; they’re all figuring it out together!

Chelsea smiles and says she’s trying hard not to overreact. She says she’s proud of him, and he should get himself a treat.

Connor grins and says he figures they want a parent talk while he’s getting a treat. He heads over to the counter, leaving them to talk.

Adam and Chelsea agree that they need to let Connor finish his stories before they jump to conclusions. Adam asks if Chelsea got any sleep last night.

Chelsea says she did, but was worried that something would go wrong with Connor.

Adam tells her not to blame herself. Connor was able to work through it by himself, and they need to let him keep doing it.

Chelsea worries that Connor might be struggling and they could miss it.

Chancellor Offices

Lily tells Billy that she hasn’t changed her mind; she still thinks Billy should be removed from a prominent position in the company.

Billy thanks her for her honesty.

Lily says she didn’t think about all the factors at play when she decided to partner with him. It’s her fault, and she takes full responsibility for it. She didn’t know that Victor would get involved, either, and doesn’t know what he has in mind for the company. Maybe Billy is right, and Victor does have a personal vendetta against him and is waiting for Billy to self-destruct so he can swoop in and pick up the pieces. She can’t risk the future of the company on the off-chance that happens, though!

Billy says he didn’t realize he was a ticking time bomb that people expect to blow up.

Lily says she’s not saying that; she doesn’t doubt his talent or intelligence, but there are outside forces, and Billy’s bringing a lot of baggage which is causing trouble they don’t need.

Billy knows his business record is spotty, but he had faith in what they were building. He says this was his dream, and it made him angry when she told him he had to walk away from it all. He wonders why he has to walk away since it was his idea to partner with Lily in the first place, and he has his mother’s voting power at his fingertips.

Lily wonders where he’s going with this.

Billy shrugs. He says he could just as easily ask Lily to walk away.

Lily asks if that’s his new plan… Now he wants to get rid of her?

Billy says he was angry with her last night. He thought they were in it together and had a partnership, but she pulled the rug out from under him.

Lily asks if that’s when he decided she should leave instead of him.

Billy says he figured that he shouldn’t have to give up on his dreams just because Victor rattled her cage.

Lily tells him she’ll fight him on this move.

Billy nods and says he wouldn’t doubt she would fight, but he has to admit that he is a liability. After he downed a few scotches and thought about it, he was able to see things from her point of view, and he realized that the company was in chaos. Victor wanted to come after Billy because he put his name on the company, and Victor must think it is an affront to Katherine’s memory. He says neither he nor Lily deserve that.

Lily’s surprised.

Billy wonders if she’s surprised that he’s taking responsibility for something.

Lily is surprised he’s looking at himself so honestly.

Billy shrugs and says he doesn’t have any tricks up his sleeves. He says he won’t give up on his dreams, and he won’t walk away from his mother’s request that he take care of her legacy. He says it doesn’t make sense for Lily to leave, either, because the company wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for her, and she needs to be there for the company to reach its full potential.

Lily wonders where that leaves Billy in the whole thing.

Billy says he’s left in an odd place… He’ll be working behind the scenes as a silent partner, just like Lily wanted.

Lily didn’t think he actually would do it.

Billy says his being there puts a bullseye on the company. If he’s not the face of the company, maybe Victor won’t come after them. He’ll do what Lily asked and go behind the curtain.

Crimson Lights

Chelsea and Adam agree that they’ve been down this road before. Adam says he didn’t sleep well; he was ready to race over to see Connor if anything happened.

Chelsea says she kept her phone nearby to call Adam if there was a need. She says that she loves having Connor back, but it was nice to know that when he was in the facility, he had doctors caring for him all the time, but now it’s only Adam and Chelsea to look after him. She gets morose and asks Adam if they’re ready for this… Can they do this?

Adam says they have to; they’re his parents, and nobody else will do it.

Chelsea says they can’t let Connor see that they’re scared.

Adam figures they’ll make mistakes, but they agree they have to keep pushing forward… One day at a time.

The Abbott Mansion

Claire is relieved that Harrison is feeling better. She asks if she can go up and see him; maybe he’s hungry.

Kyle says Harrison would be happy to see her; he’s been asking about her all morning.

Claire asks Summer if it’s okay with her, too, and Summer moodily tells her it’s fine. Claire gathers her things and heads upstairs.

Summer tells Kyle he didn’t waste any time in calling Claire.

Kyle says there’s no reason for him not to call Claire; she takes care of their son, who adores her, and Kyle wanted to give her a heads-up.

Summer makes a snarky remark that she knows Harrison adores Claire. Everyone knows it.

Kyle says he doesn’t want to keep Harrison away from Claire like Summer does… The moment he left town, Summer told Claire to leave!

Summer says she wanted to spend time with her son.

Kyle asks Summer why she’s so jealous of Claire.

Summer says she’s not jealous, but she wonders why Kyle needs to call for help any time there’s any type of issue with Harrison. Is Claire going to be on speed-dial in case Jack and Diane aren’t around to pick up Kyle’s slack?

Kyle says he’s done with Summer. She just keeps picking an argument with him over anything he says or does!

Summer says that’s rich coming from a guy who blamed Summer for Harrison’s stomach ache. She tells Kyle he’s such a victim.

Kyle says the situation is getting out of hand.

Summer sighs and agrees he’s right… What are they going to do about it?

Kyle says he knows what he’s going to do; he’s sick of their song and dance. He’s calling his lawyer and getting them to speed up the custody hearing. He starts tapping on his phone.

Summer asks if Kyle is threatening her.

Kyle says he wants the custody issue settled so they can put it behind them.

Summer says Kyle seems pretty confident, but speeding up the trial doesn’t mean he’s going to win.

Kyle says he expects to win; his lawyer says he’s holding a much better angle than Summer.

Summer says that’s funny… Her lawyer told her the same thing!

Kyle smiles and says they’ll have to wait and find out. Claire comes downstairs, and Kyle asks how Harrison is feeling.

Claire says Harrison seems to be back to his normal self and wants to go to the park with her for the afternoon, as long as they’re both okay with it.

Kyle says he’s good with it as long as Harrison takes it easy.

Claire says she’ll make sure Harrison takes it easy and mentions that he devoured her homemade cure-all soup.

Summer tries to contain herself and puts on a smile. She tells Claire she’s fine with Harrison going to the park and appreciates Claire taking such good care of him.

Claire smiles and asks Kyle if this means that he’ll be going to meet Audra in Paris now.

Kyle says there’s been a change of plans. He looks at Summer, smiles, and says he’s not going anywhere.

Chancellor Offices

Lily asks Billy if he’s now a new, humble Billy Abbott.

Billy says he has no doubts that what they’re building will be incredible. He’s not doing it for glory; he’s doing it to prove everyone else wrong and to create something special.

Lily asks if he plans to stay behind the scenes for good.

Billy shakes his head. Once they’ve proven that they’re good together and the company is hugely successful, he’ll be able to step out from the shadows and take a victory lap.

Lily wonders what the timescale is for that… Months? Years?

Billy says he can’t answer that. He tells her to take the win; she gets his brilliance without the baggage, and it solves their whole problem.

Lily asks what Billy thinks will happen with Victor… Will he just give up?

Billy says Victor wouldn’t come after Lily the same way he’s going after Billy. He reminds her that this was her idea, and he’s ticked all the boxes.

Lily asks how they’re supposed to make Lily the face of Abbott-Chancellor without making Billy seem weak.

Crimson Lights

Chelsea asks Adam how it went when he was home with Sally.

Adam rubs his face. “That’s a whole other story.”

Chelsea asks if it was bad.

Adam shakes his head. He says Sally was wonderful, thoughtful, and loving through it all, yet Adam was preoccupied with Connor and… Everything else. He says he wasn’t there for Sally; he forgot their one-year anniversary of losing Ava… It’s hard to believe it’s been a year!

Chelsea sighs. “Oh no! Poor Sally!”

Adam says he’s sorry Sally had to go through it by herself and when he asked her why she didn’t call him, she told him that she didn’t want to burden him with her pain while he was going through things with Connor. He says he feels guiltier than before.

Chelsea nods. She knows the feeling. She’s briefly spoken with Billy, and he didn’t interrogate her again, but it was awkward. She’s glad she didn’t speak to him face-to-face, because he’s still very suspicious.

Connor walks in, having overheard the last bit his mother said. He asks her who is suspicious, and what they’re suspicious about.

Chelsea stammers and says they were talking about work. She says “suspicious” wasn’t the right word; a client was going to back out of an order, but they figured it out.

Adam asks Connor why he took so long to order, and Connor says he ran into a kid he went to school with who wanted to know where he’d been all summer.

Chelsea asks what he told the kid.

Connor says he told him he was at a hospital getting treatment for OCD.

Chelsea is surprised he told the kid about it.

Connor laughs. He says he didn’t tell him; he doesn’t want anyone to know about that! He says he told them that he had been visiting family.

Chelsea tells him that it’s nothing to be ashamed of.

Connor nods. He says he doesn’t want to come back to town as the weird kid who was sent away… He just wants to fit in!

Chelsea asks about Connor’s treat.

Connor says he already ate it. He’s tired since he didn’t sleep too well last night; he’d like to go upstairs.

Chelsea says that’s fine and stands to leave with him.

Connor tells her that she doesn’t need to go up with him. He tells her that she can stay and talk with Adam.

Adam says he has to get back to the office and says he’ll call Chelsea later. He gives Connor a hug and tells him it’s great to have him home.

Connor hugs him back and says he’s happy to be home; it feels like they’re a family again. He leaves the coffee shop with his mom.

Chancellor Offices

Billy tells Lily he’s been thinking about how they’ll spin it. Abbott-Chancellor is just a name, and they’ll say that the fantastic CEO of Chancellor, Lily Winters, will take charge of the new company.

Lily shrugs. She says there will still be questions about why Billy stepped away. They need to have a plausible cover story!

Billy says he has a story in mind, but it’ll be a roll of the dice because it involves his mother.

Lily asks why Jill would need to be involved.

Billy says Jill has to sign off on it, which won’t be easy.

Lily doesn’t think it’s a good idea; Jill is dealing with too much already with her health… She doesn’t need to be part of some corporate scheme!

Billy says normally he’d agree, but his mother’s condition is actually part of the solution… If they go public with Jill’s condition, it would make sense that Billy stepped away from the company to take care of his mother.

The Abbott Mansion

Claire tells Kyle she’s surprised he’s not going… She thought his business trip was important.

Summer pipes up that she thought it was too… So important that Kyle wanted to drag Harrison halfway across the world! Is he willing to admit that it was a bad idea?

Kyle says he’s not admitting anything; his plans changed after Harrison got sick. He says Audra went to Paris to handle the meetings there, and he’s going to stay home.

Summer asks if the situation is permanent.

Kyle says it depends on the situation.

Summer asks what situation he’s talking about… Does he want to spend more time with his son, or is it that he doesn’t trust Summer?

Kyle grins. “A bit of both!” They argue about Harrison’s stomach ache, with Kyle saying that the doctor said it was food poisoning, which could have been serious. He also feels that Summer was trying to take advantage of him while he was gone; he thinks she was trying to spend more time with Harrison to build her legal case against him. She’s trying to tear Kyle down, brick by brick!

Summer says Kyle sounds crazy and paranoid. Why would she want to tear Harrison’s dad down in front of him? She wouldn’t want to poison Harrison against anyone, nonetheless his own father!

Kyle says that Summer’s hostility toward him right now is off the charts.

Claire stands quietly, saying nothing, as she watches the two parents fight.

Kyle tells Summer that they’ve been there before, and he knows who she is… And he knows who her mother is.

Summer tells him not to go there… He wouldn’t win if they were to compare mothers!

Kyle says his mother had the decency to call him when she found out Harrison was sick… Which is more than he can say for Summer!

Summer insists she was going to call Kyle.

Kyle asks when she was going to do that… She didn’t answer or return any of his calls when he wanted to speak with Harrison; what was up with that?

Summer says they were busy.

Kyle asks if they were busy all day and all night.

Summer says she would have called him if it were serious, but it wasn’t.

Kyle says he doesn’t trust her; that’s why he came home, and that’s why he’s staying.

Chancellor Offices

Lily tells Billy that Jill would never go for letting her medical condition be known to the public; Jill didn’t even want Lily to know, there’s no way she’d let Billy go to the press with that!

Billy shrugs. He’ll ask Jill anyhow. He says Jill will like the idea more than she’d like the idea of Victor “sniffing around” the company.

Lily asks how Billy will explain his new role in the company to Jill.

Billy says nothing will change internally.

Lily nods. They’ll still be butting heads, just privately!

Billy says that won’t happen; he told her he’d take a step back, and he meant it. He wants the company to succeed. They’ll go public with his mom’s condition; they’ll tell the press but keep it vague and let them know Jill is expected to make a full recovery.

Lily agrees to the silent partner part of the plan, but says she needs more time when it comes to Jill. She tells Billy to talk to Jill and see what she thinks, and in the meantime, Lily will come up with some alternative cover stories in case Jill doesn’t agree.

Billy nods and says Lily will see that his plan will work. He leaves the office.

The Abbott Mansion

Summer asks Kyle if he’s going to stick around and keep an eye on things… Is that the deal?

Kyle says he’ll be doing a lot more than that, but she’s got the right idea… He’s sticking around.

Summer glares at him and tells him that he’s determined to make this bigger and uglier than it already is.

Kyle says he’s just there to be Harrison’s dad, and will let the courts decide the rest.

Summer says she’s done wasting her time by arguing with him; she has to get to work, but she’ll be back to check in on Harrison later. She tells Claire to keep a close eye on Harrison today.

Claire nods. “Of course.”

Summer stalks out of the house, and Kyle apologizes to Claire for the scene.

Claire says he doesn’t need to apologize; things are obviously tense between him and Summer.

Kyle says they’re more than tense, and Claire shouldn’t have to be stuck in the middle.

Claire tells him that he and Summer need to dial things down a lot more than they are for Harrison’s sake.

Kyle laughs and tells her to try telling that to Summer.

Claire smiles. She doubts Summer would listen to her, but she feels like she can say it to Kyle.

Kyle says she can, and he appreciates it. He warns her that the next few weeks will be hard; he’s going to call his lawyer and accelerate the custody issue. He wants it solved once and for all. He says what she saw may be the tip of the iceberg, and it will probably get worse. He’s going to need her help more now than ever before.

Crimson Lights

Billy walks into the cafe and sees Adam. He figures Adam must have just seen Chelsea and Connor. He asks how they’re doing.

Adam says they’re okay, but advises that Billy wait if he wants to see them… They had a rough night. Connor and Chelsea are tired and need time to get settled in.

Billy is puzzled… Adam is advising him not to go up and say hello?

Adam says he’d prefer if he didn’t.

The Abbott Mansion

Claire reminds Kyle she doesn’t feel comfortable spying on Summer for him.

Kyle apologizes; he should never have brought it up in the first place. He doesn’t want her to spy for him, though. He says he wants Claire to continue what she’s doing; reminding him to keep his voice down, closing the door, or turning on music so Harrison doesn’t hear him and Summer fighting. He grins and says she gave him a look earlier when he was fighting with Summer.

Claire says she’s sorry… She never meant to overstep!

Kyle says he wants and needs her to overstep. The look she gave him was what he needed to pull himself back.

Claire understands that it must be hard on Kyle and Summer. She’s never been married or even been in a serious relationship, but she imagines the two of them didn’t start out hating each other.

Kyle smiles and says he and Summer didn’t start out hating each other, for sure.

Claire says when he feels the anger coming on, he should remind himself of that.

Kyle thinks that’s good advice, but he might still need her to shoot him the stinkeye every now and then!

Claire laughs. She’d do anything to protect Harrison!

The Genoa City Athletic Club (GCAC)

Summer walks into the lobby and makes a call to her lawyer. She tells the lawyer, Elaine, that Kyle is threatening to move up the custody hearing, and they need to be prepared for it.

She tells the lawyer that she knows their case is in good shape, but she’s scared.

Crimson Lights

Billy asks Adam how long he’d “prefer” that Billy stay away from Chelsea and Connor for… Days? Weeks? Months? Forever?

Adam says he wants him to stay away until they’re all comfortable having Connor back home.

Billy says he knows that’s what Adam wants, but he’s going to take Chelsea’s lead on it.

Adam says he does mind, especially if it means Billy will continue his cross-examination of Chelsea. Is he still going to try to get her to admit something that only exists in his anxiety-filled mind?

Billy says what Adam is saying just proves that it’s not in his mind… Why would Adam care otherwise?

Adam says he cares because Billy is upsetting Chelsea, and that’s the last thing she needs right now.

Billy says he’s not the one causing the distress. Something happened, and it was more than Adam getting angry and saying hurtful things to her.

Adam shrugs. Of course Billy would think that.

Billy says that Adam warning him about things just makes it “all light up in neon.” He tells Adam that he can count on Billy finding out what happened.

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Crimson Lights Chelsea and Connor greet Adam in the coffee shop. Adam tells Connor it’s great to see him and asks how it was sleeping in his old room. Connor says it was kind of weird. It didn’t feel real at first, and he kept waking up and expecting to find himself at the residential…