Y&R: Nikki is Appalled by Victor’s Ruthless Plan, as Audra and Kyle Maneuver for Power

Y&R: Nikki is Appalled by Victor’s Ruthless Plan, as Audra and Kyle Maneuver for Power

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Summer, Kyle, and Audra.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Summer and Kyle continue their discussion and hope for civility.

Summer wants to know why Kyle is choosing to work with Audra. He says his business partnership has nothing to do with her. Summer reminds him that he slept with Audra, and she thinks Audra might be out to scam Kyle again.

Kyle redirects her to the reason for their talk and doesn’t want to get off track. He insists Audra couldn’t care less about Harrison. He doesn’t understand why Audra is such a threat to her.

Kyle and Summer.

Genoa City Athletic Club

Audra agrees with Nate that she has landed in the middle of another intensely personal feud. She wonders why she can’t have a career that is not tied to one of the powerful families in Genoa City.

Nate reminds her she is not being forced to work at Glissade, and Audra declares she will not leave; she’s got too much invested there.

Audra and Nate.

Nate says Victor holds all the cards, and he isn’t Tucker. He sees only two options. She can run with it or run away from it.

Audra tells him not to underestimate her. People have done that to her all her life and have lived to regret it.

Nate says he cares for her and doesn’t want to see her as Victor’s collateral damage. Audra thanks him for his concern but insists she’s got this. She claims that if Victor wants to stick it to Jack, Kyle’s failure would certainly be the best way.

Audra and Nate.

Nate hopes Audra isn’t planning to set Kyle up for a fall.

Audra says Kyle is out to do the same thing to her, and it’s a win-win if Victor gets his victory and she gets sole control of Glissade.



Lily asks Bily where things stand on the new press release, and Billy says that is up to her.

Lily is confused and reminds him she was waiting on the revision.

Billy informs her there won’t be any revisions and wants to know what her real agenda is.


Lily thought they were past this. She claims it is interesting how he has turned this around and made her the problem.

Billy shuts her down and says he was on board from day one. They both call each other exhausting. He wants to know why she agreed to be partners with him if she believed he was such a liability.

Lily literally bites her lip as he accuses her of wanting to kick him out as soon as she gets a chance.

Lily and Billy.

Newman Enterprises

Victor tells Nikki about Jill’s health issues. Nikki hasn’t always gotten along with Jill but she has empathy for anyone battling a health issue.

Victor agrees. Nikki is glad to hear that because she would hate the idea of him exploiting Jill’s illness to take Chancellor from Billy. She can’t think of a word that would accurately describe that and is shocked when Victor suggests it would be gratuitous, but he will use Jill’s illness if he must.

Nikki and Victor.

Nikki sighs and sits down. Victor says this won’t affect Jill or her illness. Nikki doesn’t want to hear about it and claims there’s no way to put a positive spin on it.

Victor says Jill made a mistake by handing the company to an idiot and he will take advantage of that. He points out that Billy hasn’t been to visit his mother and is only concerned about himself.

Nikki and Victor.

Jazz Lounge

Kyle claims Audra is playing too large a role in Summer’s mind.

Summer thinks Kyle doesn’t trust Audra any more than she does. She points out that Kyle keeps redirecting the conversation. She wants to know what is really going on and how Victor is involved.

Kyle wants to know why she keeps pulling Victor into this.

Summer reminds Kyle that it was only after he spoke with Victor that he decided to try to smooth things over with her.

Kyle claims Victor’s only influence over him is Harrison.

Summer and Kyle.

Summer believes Kyle is insinuating she doesn’t want what’s best for their son.

Kyle apologizes and says he does not feel that way about her. He stresses again that he is not sleeping with Audra.

Summer says it’s clear that he is involved with something messy and difficult to escape. She senses he doesn’t want to work with Audra, and wonders if he’s being forced to work with her. She tells him that if they’re going to find common ground he must talk to her and open up.


GCAC Dining Room

Audra invites Nate up to her room.

Nate hates to refuse, but he has a proposal he must work on. They both agree that the other needs to work less. Nate reminds her again there are other companies out there.

Audra tells Nate that Glissade is the one she wants. She guarantees him that if it all blows up, it will blow up in Kyle’s face, not hers.

Audra and Nate.


Lily and Billy continue to spar. She says all the bickering sounds like what Billy did when he worked with Devon. He says she is just like her brother.

Chance listens at the door. He knocks as the partners reach a fever pitch. Lily leaves, and Chance wants to know what the problem is now.

Billy tells Chance that he exchanged one untrusting Winter family member for another.

Lily and Billy.

Newman Enterprises

Nikki wants Victor to provide details about his plan and how he will utilize Jill’s unfortunate situation.

It doesn’t take her long to add two plus two and equal four. She is angry that Victor gave Adam her job to attack Chancellor because he doubted she would do his dirty work.


Victor says reporting the facts is not dirty. He’s hoping Jill’s illness doesn’t require being published.

Nikki questions what Victor will do if Billy calls Adam’s bluff.

Victor reminds Nikki that even if Billy leaves, Lily will still be in charge of Chancellor.

Nikki doesn’t see how that will benefit them, and Victor says that’s where she comes in.


Nikki doesn’t forsee Lily going for that and holds her hand up in opposition.

Victor says Billy will be easy to deal with and Lily is more formidable.

Nikki agrees but is finding it difficult to imagine.

Victor claims Nikki is a master finesser. He suggests she arrange a run-in with Lily and has no worries that Nikki will know what to say.

Victor and Nikki.

Crimson Lights

Nate and Lily bump into each other in the coffee shop. He can tell she is stressed, but Lily doesn’t want to discuss it. Nate knows it’s about Billy; he has predicted that since he heard she was teaming up with him. He suggests Lily is finding it harder to get Billy out than she thought.

Lily is mad because Devon told Nate her plan. She says she must add Devon to the list of people she can’t trust.

Nate insists Lily deserves the chance to run Chancellor solo.

Lily and Nate.

Lily thanks Nate for supporting her decision, and he wonders if she chose to work with Chancellor because of him.

Lily doesn’t see Winters the same way Devon does. Chancellor is her baby that Jill handed over to her, and she cannot allow Billy to destroy it. She doesn’t know how to get Billy out, but she has to try.


Billy and Chance stop in for a drink.

Chance can’t believe Billy’s accusations about Lily staying on at Chancellor to drive him out.

Billy says he doesn’t have proof, but he is certain of it.

Billy and Chance.

Chance isn’t convinced, and Billy accuses him of taking Lily’s side. Chance says he’s not on a side and wonders what the next moves are.

Billy says it’s gone too far, and it’s time for Lily to go.

Chance suggests Billy talk with Lily. Billy claims there is no choice.

Billy knows Jill hand-picked Lily for the job and pictured them working together, but he insists it isn’t happening. Billy texts Lily to inform her he must see her ASAP.

Billy and Chance.

Jazz Lounge

Kyle tells Summer he is not saying she is wrong, but there are things about Glissade that are not his place to discuss; he wants to leave well enough alone.

Summer wants a clue as to what’s wrong.

Kyle admits he doesn’t trust Audra and isn’t happy about working with her. He tells her he will eventually run Glissade on his own, and Summer wonders how he’s going to do that.

Kyle says he will outwork Audra and play hardball when required. He knows he must set Audra up to fail before she does it to him.

Kyle and Summer.

Summer knows Audra isn’t a monster but insists she is not a pushover.

Kyle says neither of them wants this custody battle. He doesn’t want Summer out of Harrison’s life and knows she is his mother. He wants to start over and be the parents Harrison deserves.

Summer says she wants that, too. He suggests they call off the lawyers and resolve this themselves. Summer wants time to think, and Kyle is surprised she needs time to consider this.

Summer doesn’t understand why he can’t be completely honest with her and see that Audra is a red flag.

Kyle ponders opening up to Summer just as Audra walks in.



Lily calls Billy. He tells her he got the updated press release and wants her to see it before he releases it tonight.

They agree to meet at the GCAC in ten minutes. Chance warns Billy that he thinks this is a mistake.

Summer enters as Billy leaves. She asks Chance where Billy rushed off to.

Chance claims Billy is going to prove that everyone against him is correct.


Jazz Lounge

Audra approaches Kyle and Summer. She wants to follow up with Kyle about her meetings in Paris.

Summer excuses herself and tells Kyle she will be in touch.

Audra wonders why Summer thinks she’s a bad influence on Harrison when she’s never even met him.

Kyle thinks it’s best Audra never meets Harrison.

Audra, Kyle, and Summer.

GCAC Dining Room

Victor and Nikki sit and order dinner, and Victor points out how quiet Nikki is.

Nikki recalls the numerous times that Victor had the opportunity to tell her the reason behind hiring Adam at Newman Media. She questions if Billy is the only target on Victor’s list.

Victor reminds her this is Adam’s wheelhouse and wants her to focus on the prize of running Chancellor Industries.

Nikki knows things can get messy, but she doesn’t like the vengeance aspect.

Victor and Nikki.

Victor understands and suggests they enjoy dinner and not discuss business.

Nikki agrees.

Jazz Lounge

Audra tells Kyle she has no problem staying out of his personal life if he agrees to stay out of hers.

Kyle agrees but says they must set ground rules about meetings and communication.

In the spirit of trust-building with her partner, Audra informs Kyle about an email she received from Paris. They note this as a starting point for them.

Kyle and Audra.


Summer can’t believe Billy wants to push Lily out.

Chance says he tried to explain to Billy that he was being paranoid.

Summer notices how messy things seem, and Chance points out that things are about to get much worse; Billy’s actions cause Chance to question his employment safety. Chance thinks Lily will win the battle against Billy.

Summer and Chance.

GCAC Dining Room

Victor and Nikki toast. They thought business was over for the day, but Lily entered the establishment.

Nikki claims fate must be smiling on them tonight.

Lily approaches to say hello. Nikki offers for her to sit and enjoy a drink with them. Lily thanks them but says she’s got a meeting with Billy.

Victor senses that things are not going well between Lily and Billy. He notices Billy entering the club and claims he must speak with him. He offers Lily his seat and distracts Billy while Nikki works on Lily.

Nikki and Lily.

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Last Episode The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge Summer and Kyle continue their discussion and hope for civility. Summer wants to know why Kyle is choosing to work with Audra. He says his business partnership has nothing to do with her. Summer reminds him that he slept with Audra, and she thinks Audra might be out…