Y&R: Phyllis and Diane’s Feud Reignites, Summer Reveals She Adopted Harrison in Italy, and Devon Proposes With a PB&J and a Ring

Y&R: Phyllis and Diane’s Feud Reignites, Summer Reveals She Adopted Harrison in Italy, and Devon Proposes With a PB&J and a Ring

Last Episode

Lily, Billy, Summer, Kyle, and Claire.


A sealed envelope message is delivered to Abby.

The message brings a smile to her face.


Abbott Mansion

Harrison tells Kyle and Claire he feels much better and reveals he must have gotten sick from eating all that shrimp.

Kyle and Claire are thrilled he is feeling better.

Harrison hates that Kyle didn’t go to Paris. He says now that he’s better, they can all go to Paris and asks excitedly if Claire agrees.

Kyle, Claire, and Harrison.

Newman Enterprises

Summer visits Victor at the office, who is overjoyed to see her.

Victor is happy to hear that work is going so great for her.

Summer acknowledges the vibe around the office and claims Victor is a legend.

Victor and Summer.

Victor wants to know what all the flattery is about.

Summer says she means every word, but she did come to ask for his help.

The Genoa City Athletic Club

In the dining room, Jack and Diane enjoy breakfast and recall their magical anniversary celebration.

Diane turns to text Kyle to check on Harrison and notices Phyllis entering. All three take a deep breath.


Chancellor Park

Abby goes to the park and meets Devon. He’s set up a romantic picnic for them.

Devon and Abby.

Newman Enterprises

Summer spews her concerns about Kyle to Victor.

Victor is surprised and notes she and Kyle appeared to have a civil custody agreement.

Summer continues about Kyle, Glissade, and Audra, while Victor wonders what Audra has to do with any of this.

Victor and Summer.

Summer says Audra is proof that Kyle is only thinking of himself. She points out that Kyle tells everyone he will use Glissade to crush Jabot.

Victor says that is ambitious.

Summer thinks it sounds delusional. She says Audra is a snake, and she doesn’t want Audra around Harrison.

Victor hopes her suit for sole custody won’t be necessary.

Abbott Mansion

Kyle promises Harrison they will all go to Paris someday soon.


Harrison tells Kyle how well Summer took care of him. He claims they’re all family and take care of each other, and this includes Claire.

Claire and Harrison hug.

The GCAC Dining Room

Phyllis greets Diane and Jack with a good morning.

Diane says it was a good morning. She brags about their anniversary night, and Phyllis congratulates them. Jack and Diane wonder what she wants, but Phyllis claims she comes in peace.

Phyllis, Diane, and Jack.

Phyllis says they have a crisis with Summer and Kyle, and Jack suggests they let Summer and Kyle handle it themselves.

Phyllis acknowledges that would be great, but they aren’t handling it. She believes they must intervene and says a custody battle is the last thing anyone wants.

Diane can’t believe she’s hearing this and can’t imagine them teaming up and working together on this.

Chancellor Park

Devon is trying to make up for blurting out his wedding proposal. Abby thinks it was romantic no matter how he did it.

Devon and Abby.

Dominick helped Devon prepare the lunch.

PB&J sandwiches, carrots, and sugar cookies with an engagement ring are on the menu.

Devon and Abby.

GCAC Dining Room

Diane insists to Phyllis that Kyle is trying his best to give Harrison the life he deserves.

Phyllis suggests he isn’t and claims he’s making very bad decisions lately.

Diane, Jack, and Phyllis.

Phyllis believes Kyle is treating Summer like hell when all Summer wants is to be a good mom.

Diane thinks Phyllis is out of line.

Jack insists that Kyle is no threat to Summer.


Newman Enterprises

Summer tells Victor about Kyle’s sudden business trip to Paris. She claims he just made the plans and expected her to be okay with it, but luckily her lawyer was able to stop it.

Victor says, “Oh boy.”

Victor and Summer.

Summer continues. She wants to know if Victor understands her concerns.

Victor says that he does, but he also sees a man trying to break free from his father’s shadow.

Summer knows how Victor feels about Jack but insists he can’t condone Kyle partnering with Audra.

Victor wants to know what Summer wants from him.

Victor and Summer.

Chancellor Park

Abby is ecstatic about Devon’s official proposal. She accepts, again.

Devon has never loved her more.

Devon and Abby.

Newman Enterprises

Summer wants Harrison to be with her, where she knows he will be safe. She wants Victor’s advice on how to fight for her son and when.

Victor questions if it has gone that far.

Summer says it has, and Kyle is coming after her. She says Kyle keeps pointing out she is not Harrison’s biological mother and will use that against her. She tells Victor that she adopted Harrison while they lived in Italy, but she doesn’t believe that’s enough.

Victor says he will speak with Kyle and wants to avoid a war between the two.

Victor and Summer.

Abbott Mansion

Kyle gets a text from Victor demanding a meeting at the GCAC.

Kyle leaves Harrison with Claire and rushes out.


GCAC Dining Room

Phyllis seats herself with Jack and Diane. She wants them to see things from Summer’s point of view. Everything was fine until recently when Kyle went off the rails.

Diane claims that’s not true, but Phyllis says it is.

Jack, Diane, and Phyllis.

Phyllis tells them that Kyle is headed down a dark path, and Diane is the one who pushed him there.

Diane doesn’t see how so, and Phyllis reminds her she fired her son; who does that?

Jack interrupts and claims Kyle’s dismissal is a private family matter, and Diane accuses Phyllis of turning facts into fiction.

Diane, Jack, and Phyllis.

Diane informs Phyllis that everything was fine until Summer hired a lawyer and forced Kyle’s hand.

Jack tells Phyllis that a trip to France is not a threat.

Phyllis says she doesn’t want Audra anywhere near her grandbaby.

Diane, Phyllis, and Jack.

Diane notes that Summer only recently started seeing Audra as a threat. She wonders how much influence Phyllis had regarding that.

Phyllis says she’d do anything to protect Summer, and Jack suggests Phyllis back off before she causes irreparable damage.

Phyllis, Diane, and Jack.

Chancellor Park

Devon and Abby bust out the champagne to celebrate.

Abby tells Devon he has outdone himself. She can’t wait to show Ashley the ring!

Devon and Abby.

They talk a bit and hope Ashley will be home in the Fall. They consider November 13th, Abby’s birthday, as the wedding date.

Abby says there’s no better way to start her new life.

GCAC Dining Room

Diane supports Jack’s thoughts. She tells Phyllis to stop whispering in Summer’s ear; Claire isn’t a threat to Summer!

Phyllis admits she is keeping an eye on Claire.

Diane believes it’s safe to say Phyllis is behind all this.

Diane and Phyllis.

Phyllis claims she gets it now. She says Kyle is acting like this because Diane rejected her son so she could look like the Queen.

Diane is insulted and says she is not the problem.

Phyllis tells Diane she is always the problem.


Chancellor Park Overlook

Claire and Harrison enjoy some ice cream on a hot summer day. Harrison mentions the word divorce and how things are different now.

Claire says how much his parents love him will never change.

Harrison knows this but points out that Kyle and Summer don’t even like each other.

Harrison and Claire.

Jazz Lounge

Kyle joins Victor and wants to know what’s so urgent.

Victor tells him this isn’t about business. He says Summer came to him, and he doesn’t like what he’s hearing. Victor wants to know what this is all about.

Victor and Kyle.

Kyle says Summer questions everything he does and that she’s the problem.

Victor hopes Kyle is not considering removing Summer from Harrison’s life.

Kyle says he would never remove Summer from Harrison’s life.

Victor orders Kyle to fix this.

Victor and Kyle.

GCAC Dining Room

Diane says Phyllis attacking her shows that she’s to blame for what’s happening between Summer and Kyle. Diane tells Phyllis she manipulated Summer and as always, she only cares about herself.

Diane and Phyllis.

Phyllis says she made amends with her kids, but Diane won’t stop laying into her.

Jack tries to intervene, but Diane declares she has been incredibly generous to Phyllis, considering what she’s put them through.

Phyllis and Diane.

Phyllis can’t believe Diane has the nerve to say these things. She quickly reminds Diane that she faked her death for years, and Phyllis and Jack were suspects in her murder.

Summer enters as Diane and Phyllis’s fight reaches a fever pitch. She tells them both to stop.

Jack, Diane, Summer, and Phyllis.

Summer apologizes to Jack and Diane and reminds Phyllis this is about Kyle, not them. Phyllis instructs Summer not to dare apologize for her. Summer drags her mother away to the Jazz Lounge.

Diane tells Jack things will only get worse now that Phyllis is involved.

Jack and Diane.

Jazz Lounge

Summer scolds Phyllis and wonders if the scene upstairs was necessary.

Phyllis claims she was defending her daughter.

Summer believes it was pointless, but Phyllis disagrees; at least she knows where everyone stands.

Victor walks up and surprises the ladies. He tells Summer that he handled everything and that it’s all going to be fine.

Victor, Summer, and Phyllis.

Victor wishes them a nice day and leaves.

Phyllis pulls Summer by the arm and begs her to say she didn’t ask Victor to help her.

Phyllis and Summer.

Chancellor Park

Devon wonders if they can pull off the wedding she wants in three months.

Abby has no doubts they can do it.

Devon and Abby.

Chancellor Park Overlook

Claire and Harrison pick out animal shapes formed in the clouds.

Kyle joins them. Claire wonders if everything turned out as he hoped.

Kyle claims all is good.

Claire and Harrison.

GCAC Dining Room

Jack tries to convince Diane to let this go.

Diane says she will not stand by and allow Phyllis or Summer to do this to Kyle. She is on Kyle’s side and insists that her son must know that.

Diane and Jack.

Jazz Lounge

Phyllis listens as Summer tells her that Victor only wants what’s best for Harrison. Summer is grateful Victor agreed to speak with Kyle.

Phyllis says Summer will forever be indebted to Victor, and that’s never good.

Summer claims Victor would never use his granddaughter.

Phyllis says Summer is naive; she knows Victor is not above using anyone to get what he wants.

Summer and Phyllis.

Summer gets a text from Kyle, and he wants to meet. She thinks Victor has already turned things around for her.

Phyllis hopes so for her sake, but warns her that she must be on guard from now on with him.

Summer and Phyllis.

Next Week on The Young and the Restless

Kyle and Summer discuss terms going forward.

Kyle and Summer.

Phyllis and Lily have much to chat about.

Lily and Phyllis.

Jack realizes how close Traci and Alan have gotten.

Diane, Jack, Traci, and Alan.

Victor informs Adam that the time for action has arrived.

Adam and Victor.

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Last Episode Society A sealed envelope message is delivered to Abby. The message brings a smile to her face. CBS Abbott Mansion Harrison tells Kyle and Claire he feels much better and reveals he must have gotten sick from eating all that shrimp. Kyle and Claire are thrilled he is feeling better. Harrison hates that…