Y&R Recap – June 11, 2024: Victor Plays Musical Chairs in the C-Suite and Causes Family Strife

Y&R Recap – June 11, 2024: Victor Plays Musical Chairs in the C-Suite and Causes Family Strife

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Tucker, Audra, Alan, and Traci.


Lauren and Nikki are having a meal. Lauren tells Nikki it’s a relief she’s back, and she’s looking beautiful and healthy!

Lauren and Nikki.

Nikki says she’s feeling better about herself than she has in a long time.

Lauren says she has a great sponsor in Jack; has she seen him since she got out of rehab?

Nikki says she has, and unfortunately, he can’t be her sponsor anymore.

Nikki Newman.

Lauren asks if it’s because of what happened in the hotel suite that night.

Nikki nods. She put Jack in a terrible position that night.

Lauren is baffled as to why Jack would take pills when he knew how dangerous they were for him.

Lauren Fenmore.

Nikki agrees and says things could have ended very differently, and Jack realizes that.

Lauren asks if they both decided that Nikki needed another sponsor.

Nikki says she wanted Jack to stay on as her sponsor and thought he wanted to until he suddenly didn’t.

Nikki talks to Lauren.

Lauren asks what changed Jack’s mind.

Nikki thinks it was Diane.

Crimson Lights

Adam and Nick sit and talk over coffee. Adam tells Nick that he hadn’t realized how powerful Connor’s OCD was until he had the video call with him.

Adam and Nick sit at the cafe.

Nick can’t believe that self-harm was a possibility with OCD… He had no idea!

Adam wishes someone had told him in advance how bad it could be.

Nick thinks it’s a good sign that Connor recognized what he was doing and stopped.

Nick and Adam.

Adam nods. The doctors told him that recognition and awareness are important steps in Connor’s treatment. It’ll give him confidence that he can manage his OCD.

Nick nods. There’s hope!

Adam agrees. His phone pings with a notification relating to a deal they’re working on at the office; the contracts are being drawn up for the Mailer deal as they speak… They did it!

Adam talks to Nick.

Nick cheers. “Hell yeah, we did it!”

Adam thinks they should celebrate; even their dad will be impressed with this one!

Nick says he has to head to the ranch to talk to Victor anyhow… He’ll share the news with him.

Nick Newman cheers.

Adam says he got an invitation to the ranch as well; any idea what this is about?

Nick shrugs. He gave up trying to figure out what their dad had planned for them a long time ago.

Adam figures they have to be prepared for anything.

Adam Newman.

The Newman Ranch House

Michael, Cole, and Victor are sitting in the living room. Michael asks Victor to be straight with them about his agenda… Why does he want Michael to rekindle his friendship with Diane while Cole becomes friends with Kyle Abbott?

Cole Howard, Michael Baldwin, and Victor Newman sit and talk.

Victor says his reason for what he wants them to do is none of their concern; they just need to do it.

Cole and Michael don’t want to go into it blind. Michael thinks they’re both related to Jack Abbott, and Victor has something planned involving him.

Victor says Cole and Michael met with him to talk about betraying Victor and asked how they could win back his trust. This is how… Are they in?

Cole and Michael talk to Victor.

Victoria walks in, smiling, and says hello. She sees Cole, Michael, and Victor talking, and asks what she walked in on.

Victor thanks her for coming and says they were discussing the security protocols at Jordan’s prison.

Victoria is worried that Jordan’s already started causing problems at the prison.

Victoria Newman talks to her father while Cole looks on.

Victor reassures her that Jordan is secure and has caused no problems. He promises Victoria that Jordan will never see the light of day again.

Victoria’s glad. She hopes Jordan is out of their lives for good.

Victor asks Michael and Cole if they’re in agreement on the course of action that they had discussed. He has a meeting with Victoria, Nick, and Adam now.

Victor talks.

Michael says they hear him loud and clear.

Cole says goodbye to a puzzled Victoria and leaves with Michael.

Nick and Adam arrive. Victoria is surprised; she didn’t know they’d be there.

Adam, Nick, and Victoria Newman.

Adam shrugs. Their dad kept the guest list a secret.

Nick asks Victor why he called them there.

Victor asks what’s wrong with wanting to see his children together.

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Last Episode Society Lauren and Nikki are having a meal. Lauren tells Nikki it’s a relief she’s back, and she’s looking beautiful and healthy! CBS Nikki says she’s feeling better about herself than she has in a long time. Lauren says she has a great sponsor in Jack; has she seen him since she got…