Y&R Recap – June 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough

Y&R Recap – June 2024: Tucker Collapses and Audra Taunts Him, Alan Asks Traci to Dinner, and Connor Has a Breakthrough

Crimson Lights

Chelsea and Adam meet in the coffee shop. Chelsea says she spoke to Connor’s social worker, and it turned out that Connor had a breakthrough… He was able to fight his anxiety involving food and eat some foods he had previously been afraid of.

Chelsea and Adam smile as they talk with Sharon.

Sharon overhears and is overjoyed to hear Connor is doing better.

Chelsea says that the clinic was adjusting Connor’s medication, and it seems they found the right dosage; it’s working, and it’s great!

Adam is happy that it’s finally working for his son.

Sharon is excited.

Ashley’s Paris Apartment

Alan drops by and meets with Traci and Jack. He’s happy to see them both and asks how long Jack has been in town.

Jack says he used the corporate jet to fly to Paris so that he could be there for the first few days that Ashley is in the clinic. He asks Alan to fill them in on what’s happened with Ashley.

Jack shakes Alan's hand as Traci smiles.

Tucker’s Paris Hotel Room

Tucker listens as his assistant, Dawn, talks on the phone with Philippe, one of the board members.

Dawn talks on the phone as Tucker listens.

Dawn says she’s heard some nasty rumors about Tucker… There’s been word of a takeover; has he heard anything? Philippe says he hasn’t heard anything. Dawn says they’ll have to wait to see what happens at the board meeting and ends the call.

Tucker thinks Dawn couldn’t get Philippe to confirm or deny that it was happening.

Dawn thinks Phillipe was very guarded and probably didn’t believe that she had turned on Tucker.

Dawn talks to Tucker.

Tucker says none of the CEOs from the companies he acquired are returning his calls or emails, and all the board members are conveniently unavailable.

Dawn asks if he thinks Audra is telling the truth… Is there really a hostile takeover afoot?

Tucker doesn’t think it’s looking good. He asks Dawn to get the board meeting pushed… They need to buy some time; he won’t let Audra get away with this!

Tucker talks to Dawn.

Dawn makes some calls to change the meeting date, but none of the board members agree.

Tucker thinks things are spiraling out of control. He tells Dawn to keep trying and let him know if she’s able to get anyone to agree to change the meeting. He gets up and tells her he’s got one last thing to do. He leaves the room.

Tucker sits in a chair with his eyes closed as he talks with Dawn.

Audra’s Paris Hotel Room

Philippe messages Audra. “Tucker’s pushing to meet later. He’s on the ropes.”

Audra reads a text message from Philippe.

Audra thinks about Tucker telling her that he was willing to give her Glissade. She smirks. Tucker thought she needed his handouts!

Her phone pings with a message from Victor. He asks her to tell him once the board has voted. She replies that she will.

Audra responds to Victor's text message.

There’s a knock at her door. It’s Tucker. She answers the door and tells him to go away; she regrets every minute she ever wasted on him and won’t waste any more.

Tucker walks in and asks her not to go through with her plan.

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Crimson Lights Chelsea and Adam meet in the coffee shop. Chelsea says she spoke to Connor’s social worker, and it turned out that Connor had a breakthrough… He was able to fight his anxiety involving food and eat some foods he had previously been afraid of. CBS Sharon overhears and is overjoyed to hear Connor…