Y&R Recap – Mon May 13: Christine Drops a Bomb on Phyllis, Billy Takes Over Jill’s Role, and Sally Returns to Fashion

Y&R Recap – Mon May 13: Christine Drops a Bomb on Phyllis, Billy Takes Over Jill’s Role, and Sally Returns to Fashion

Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs in the USA on Monday, May 13, 2024, and airs one day ahead in Canada. We post our Y&R recaps every weekday!

Last Episode

Victoria Newman, Phyllis Summers, and Diane Abbott-Jenkins.

Adam’s Apartment

Adam comes home and looks at Connor’s photo on his mantelpiece. There’s a knock at the door, and he answers.

Sally Spectra greets Adam with coffee.

It’s Sally, and she brought coffee and muffins.

Adam thinks it’s sweet of her.

Sally gives him a hug.

Adam Newman and Sally hug.


Billy walks into Lily’s office. He sends her a text message via voice asking her to meet him… He needs to talk to her about something very important.

Chelsea Lawson meets with Billy Abbott.

Chelsea walks into the office and sees Billy. She’s distressed and starts to cry. She says things are worse with Connor than they thought.

Billy hugs her tightly.

Chelsea cries as she talks to Billy.


Nate, Lily, and Devon are sitting at a table, drinking coffee. Nate says he hasn’t seen Mamie that upset in a while, if ever.

Nate Hastings and Devon Hamilton-Winters.

Devon figures she’ll cool down… They didn’t have much of a choice, they couldn’t let her continue to cause problems.

Nate figures Mamie felt ganged up on because they all confronted her at once.

Lily thinks Mamie was surprised they weren’t willing to push Jill and Billy out… She wonders if Mamie is going to cause more problems.

Lily Winters.

Nate thinks she will. Mamie felt betrayed and made it clear she wasn’t going to take it; she has no intention of letting go of her investment.

Lily’s phone pings with a notification, and she takes a look. It’s from Billy, who asks her to meet as soon as possible to discuss something important.

Devon thought they were going to have to defend the company from Tucker, but it turns out the threats are internal!


The Genoa City Athletic Club (GCAC)

Phyllis walks into the dining room and sees Christine sitting at a table. She approaches and asks why Christine is there… Shouldn’t she be working on her super-important case?

Christine tells her to mind her own business.

Christine Blaire and Phyllis Summers.

Phyllis says Christine must be “drowning” herself in coffee and muffins because Danny’s about to hit the road.

Christine says Phyllis doesn’t need to worry about her… She’s getting plenty of cardio.

Phyllis says she’s slacking off… If Phyllis was Christine’s client, she’d be mad and think she isn’t getting her money’s worth.

Phyllis talks to Christine.

Christine laughs and says Phyllis couldn’t afford her and she’d never defend her. She says she’s doing exactly what she should be at the moment.

Phyllis says her important case must not have been important after all.

Christine smiles and says she’s right.

Christine talks to Phyllis.

Phyllis thinks Christine never really wanted Danny… She just wanted to make sure Phyllis didn’t get him!

Christine says Phyllis is shooting off her mouth without knowing anything, as usual.

Phyllis laughs. She says she knows plenty and can read Christine like an open book regarding Danny and herself.

Phyllis and Christine.

Christine grins and says Danny’s there… Right on cue!

Danny walks in and kisses Christine in greeting. He says hello to Phyllis.

Phyllis says it’s nice to see him… She was afraid she wouldn’t get to say goodbye before he left on tour.

Danny Romalotti kisses Christine as Phyllis looks on.

Danny says he just said his goodbyes to Daniel and Lucy.

Phyllis says she’ll let Danny and Christine say their goodbyes. She thinks it’ll be exciting for Danny to be in front of his adoring fans, as well as washing the stink off an old flame who chose work over romance.

Danny looks at Christine… She didn’t tell her?

Christine Blaire.

Christine says she didn’t have a chance… Phyllis was too busy reading her like an open book.

Phyllis is puzzled… Tell her what?

Christine says there’s been a plot twist; she turned down the case and is going with Danny after all!



Nate says he doesn’t see Mamie as a threat to the company. She may be mad, but she wouldn’t hurt Chancellor-Winters. She’s emotionally and financially invested, and her whole agenda has been to unite them.

Nate and Devon talk.

Lily says they are united, but not in the way that Mamie hoped.

Nate says Mamie doesn’t have the power to cause any corporate instability even if she wanted to.

Lily feels bad that they upset her, but they were right to tell her to back down.

Lily talks as Nate listens.

Nate nods. Mamie came back to town and tried to pick a fight. Even though she’s on “their” side, she never really tried to work with Lily and Devon.

Devon agrees. Mamie came to town and tried to call the shots without getting Devon and Lily’s approval. He agrees with one thing Mamie said, though… They need to figure out how to get Billy out of the company.

Devon talks to Lily and Nate.

Adam’s Apartment

Sally asks Adam what happened.

Sally talks to Adam.

Adam says that the doctors at Connor’s facility are still trying to find the right medications to treat him. It’s trial and error, and they have to see how he responds to the different medications.

Sally thinks it must be a scary time for Connor and his parents.

Adam nods. It could take months until they find out which drugs work for him, and in the meantime, the drugs he’s on are messing with his sleep. He says they were at the facility, but they weren’t allowed to see Connor. He says that Connor has been punishing himself physically… He’s been punching himself in the legs.

Adam and Sally talk.


Chelsea tells Billy that the doctors said Connor is tired and groggy because of his new medication, and his OCD is getting worse.

Billy asks if that’s why the doctors said it wasn’t a good idea to see Connor.

Chelsea cries as Billy talks to her.

Chelsea says they’re trying to find which medications will reduce Connor’s intrusive thoughts, but he’s too upset for them to be in the same room with them right now. She wonders why it’s taking so long for Connor to be able to find stability.

Billy reassures her that it will come in time… It didn’t get this bad overnight, and it’s going to take time to work it out.

Chelsea cries and says Connor has bruises on his thighs from punishing himself. She says Connor is in pain; when is it going to end? Is her son going to suffer every day for the rest of his life?

Chelsea talks to Billy.


Lily says she doesn’t think getting rid of Billy is the right move.

Devon asks why Lily is so loyal to Billy.


Lily says that if they go after Billy, Jill will think they’re coming after her, and that will start a war.

Devon thinks Billy would be less dangerous if he were outside the company.

Lily asks why Devon is always thinking about the ways that Billy could hurt them. Devon should listen to his ideas sometimes… Billy does have some good ideas!


Devon says Billy’s idea to put his name on the side of the building was an awesome idea. He doesn’t know why Lily can’t see that Billy is just looking for more control and power in the company.

Lily says she doesn’t want to talk about it anymore; Billy just texted her and said he needed to talk to her urgently. She’s going to go talk to him.


Nate figures Billy wants to talk to her alone without Devon… What’s that about?

Lily snidely says that she’ll find out when she talks to Billy.

Devon says it sounds like “divide and conquer” to him… Whatever Billy wants can’t be good.



Chelsea tells Billy that if Connor continues to hurt himself, they’ll have to put him in an inpatient facility, where they will have to isolate him for weeks so they can watch him closely to make sure he doesn’t self-harm.

Billy says it sounds like the doctors are on top of Connor’s condition and have a treatment plan. Hopefully, they’ll find the right medication, and he’ll stop hurting himself.

Billy and Chelsea.

Chelsea worries that Connor might not stop harming himself and says that if he’s put into the inpatient facility, the OCD doctors aren’t allowed to treat him while he’s there. He’ll be more alone and terrified than ever… How is that supposed to help him?

Billy asks if the doctors gave her any signs of hope.

Chelsea says they’re getting to the root of Connor’s problems, and he has no self-worth and thinks he’s a burden on everyone.

Chelsea and Billy.

Billy says that’s Connor’s OCD talking; it’s not how he really feels.

Chelsea says those are Connor’s real feelings, and they’re haunting him.

Lily walks into the office and apologizes for interrupting them, but she got Billy’s text to meet her ASAP.

Lily talks with Chelsea.

Chelsea says she’s the one who should be sorry… She interrupted Billy’s day. She has to get back to Marchetti to approve some designs anyhow.

Lily says Billy told her she went to see Connor and hopes his treatment is going well; she’s been thinking about him.

Chelsea thanks her. She leaves the office.

Billy talks to Lily.

Lily asks if Billy wants to go with Chelsea… She thinks that whatever they were talking about is more important than whatever he had to say.

Billy thinks work would be a good distraction for Chelsea, and what he needs to tell her can’t wait.

Lily Winters.

Adam’s Apartment

Adam says he feels powerless.

Sally reassures him that Connor may not be doing well right now, but he’s in the best place and has experts in his condition to help him get through it, and Adam needs to trust in their expertise.

Sally Spectra.

Adam says that Connor could backslide and have more problems than ever, and because he may have to be put into the inpatient facility.

Sally tells him to try to remain positive. She asks if Connor knows about the possibility of going to the inpatient facility.

Adam says Connor doesn’t know about it, but figures Connor will feel even worse if it happens. He says Connor is already ashamed and that he’s covering up his bruises because he doesn’t want anyone to know what he’s doing to himself. He says that they have to pay for his treatment if he’s sent to the inpatient facility; that shouldn’t even be a concern! He says Connor is terrified that he won’t be able to fix what’s wrong with him.

Adam Newman.

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Phyllis can’t believe Christine is going on tour with Danny.

Christine says Phyllis said it best… Sometimes you have to put aside work for the people you love.

Christine and Danny hug as they talk to Phyllis.

Phyllis doesn’t think Christine put aside the work… The client must have dumped her.

Danny tells Phyllis he’d love to go on tour on a good note. Phyllis has come a long way and has changed, and he knows it, but he wants to go on tour with that Phyllis in mind.

Phyllis asks him if it’s “for real.”

Christine snuggles up to Danny.

Danny smiles and looks at Christine. “It’s real.” He says they’ve had more than one long talk about their lives and their dreams.

Christine says they talked about their passions all night long and into the morning.

Danny nods. They were some of the most important discussions in his life.

Christine says their night was about so much more than just talking.

Christine talks to Phyllis as Danny holds her.

Adam’s Apartment

Sally wishes she could take Adam and Connor’s pain away.

Adam wishes she could, too, but he’s starting to understand that there’s no easy fix. It’s going to be something that Connor has to manage for the rest of his life. Adam realizes that the sooner he can accept it, the more he can be there for his son.


Sally thinks that’s wise.

There’s a knock at the door, and Adam answers.

It’s Chelsea. She walks in and apologizes for showing up unannounced, but she can’t take it anymore.

Adam lets Chelsea in as Sally looks on.

Sally says she was just leaving. She says she’s sorry for what Connor is going through. She says Chelsea and Adam are doing amazing and navigating this situation with courage; she knows they’ll get Connor through it. She kisses Adam and leaves the apartment.

Chelsea tells Adam that she’s a mess; when anyone says anything nice to her lately, she bursts into tears.

Adam understands. He says he’s glad she’s there.

Adam rubs his face as he talks to Chelsea.

Chelsea says Sally said they were brave, but she doesn’t feel it. She says Billy tried to give her a pep talk earlier, but she just wants to scream.

Adam gets it. He hates that he keeps dumping his problems on Sally, and he resents the words of encouragement because in his head, it sounds like lies. He says that’s on him, though; not Sally.

Chelsea says she just cries to Billy lately; she’s sure he’s run out of things to say to her. It must be too much on him.

Chelsea Lawson.

Adam nods. He says it’s killing Sally that she can’t help him, but only Adam and Chelsea know what they’re really going through, and they have to talk to each other.

Chelsea says they didn’t talk to each other all the way back from Maryland… Adam was silent, and that’s why she’s there… She asks if Adam blames her for Connor’s problems.

Adam says he doesn’t blame her for any of it, and he’s trying not to blame himself for it either. He’s doing his best to listen to the doctors and hopes she is, too. He says it’s exhausting enough without beating themselves up over it. He realizes that was a terrible choice of words.

Chelsea and Adam.

Chelsea says it used to be just a figure of speech.

Adam says he doesn’t understand how it’s happening; Connor is literally beating himself up!

Chelsea cries and wonders how it can’t be their fault.

Adam says they can’t keep asking why. Blame isn’t going to get them closer to helping Connor.

Chelsea cries to Adam.


Devon tells Nate he doesn’t like that Lily is meeting with Billy… He wants to know what Billy is up to!

Devon talks.

Nate says Billy wanting to see Lily alone backs up Devon’s suspicion that he’s trying to work her in some way.

Devon figures Billy might have heard about Mamie and is trying to figure out how to work that situation to his advantage.

Nate asks how Billy would do that… Billy told Mamie that he agreed with Jill and sees her as trouble. He doesn’t think that Mamie would buy it if Billy tried to buddy up with her.

Nate talks to Devon.

Devon isn’t sure. He wouldn’t put it past Billy to try something… That’s how Billy works!

Nate wonders if Mamie was right in one thing… Maybe paranoia is taking over their thinking and doing more damage to them than Billy could.

Devon asks if Nate really thinks he’s being paranoid to be suspicious of Billy’s motives.

Devon talks with Nate.

Nate says Devon’s suspicious of Billy and Mamie, and just a few days ago, he was doubting Lily, too, thinking she was planning something with Billy, and was upset that Lily voted against bringing Nate onto the board. Devon thought he was losing control of the company because Lily didn’t agree with him; he spends a lot of time spinning conspiracy theories about internal threats when he should spend that energy on building bridges instead of blowing them up.

Devon admits he’s been caught up in corporate politics lately. He might be seeing threats that aren’t there or exaggerating ones that are, but either way, he wants to know what kind of bomb Billy is about to drop. He doubts it’s about building bridges, so they should go stand side-by-side with Lily and hear what it is!

Nate talks to Devon.


Lily walks into the office and asks Billy if he wants to talk about a personal matter or about work.

Billy says he mostly wants to talk about work, but everything around here always has some personal mixed in, too.

Billy talks to Lily.

Lily nods. It comes with the territory in a family business.

Billy says he wanted to tell her before he broke the news to anyone else; he feels like he owes it to her.

Lily has a feeling she’s not going to like what he has to say.

Lily sits at her desk.

Billy hopes she does, because they’re going to have to live with it. He says Jill made a major decision, has decided to step away from the business, and is handing over all of her decision-making powers to Billy!

Lily is shocked. She didn’t know Jill was thinking about something like that!

Billy says he didn’t know either.

Billy Abbott.

Lily isn’t sure about that… Isn’t that why he was trying to convince her to do a joint power grab with him?

Billy says he was as surprised as everyone will be when they hear about it.

Lily asks if that’s it for Jill… She’s gone?

Lily Winters.

Billy says he’s not sure… Jill handed him the reins, but she’s going to keep her board seat.

Lily asks if Jill said why she was doing this.

Billy grins and says Jill told him it was his time to shine.

Lily laughs. She says it’s very suspicious. Why didn’t Jill tell her and Devon about this directly? She says it feels like when Mamie first came to town… Full of secrets and acting suspicious! She didn’t like it then, and she doesn’t like it now.

Billy talks to Lily.

Crimson Lights

Chloe and Sally talk over coffee. Chloe tells Sally she’s busted; she knows she’s been paying their business bills from her personal account!

Chloe Mitchell holds up her hand as she talks to Sally Spectra.

Sally says she had to… The company would flatline if she hadn’t; their business account would be empty by the end of the month! She’s trying to buy them some time so they can survive and find a solution.

Chloe says she’s not angry, but investing her personal money is a big sacrifice, and the business will have to treat it as a loan to be paid back.

Sally’s fine with that; she’s not looking to be broke and a failure. She wonders how they’re going to find financing to save the company.

Sally smiles at Chloe.

Chloe can’t believe she’s saying it, but maybe Adam’s idea is their best shot… Maybe they should join Newman Enterprises. Desperation brings clarity!

Sally says it doesn’t matter anyhow… Victor shot the idea down and doesn’t seem to have reconsidered it.

Chloe says they need to find a way to change Victor’s mind.

Chloe Mitchell.

The GCAC Dining Room

Christine tells Phyllis that she realized there was no other choice for her after her “earth-shaking” night with Danny. There will always be other cases, and she didn’t want to lose out on their “romantic momentum.”

Christine talks to Phyllis.

Phyllis laughs that Christine wants to be a groupie. She says it’s a slap in the face for her; Christine knows that Phyllis is willing to show up for Danny, and she’s trying to block Phyllis from doing it.

Christine says going with Danny has nothing to do with Phyllis. They’re falling back in love.

Phyllis looks at Christine.


Billy tells Lily that he doesn’t know why Jill does what she does, but if Lily doesn’t trust him, she should call Jill and talk to her, though that might be difficult, as Jill is on a plane.

Lily says that’s awfully convenient.

Billy and Lily.

Billy asks if she thinks he’s stupid enough to make a move on Lily and his mother… What would he have to gain from it? He has everything to lose. He knows it’s a shock, but he’s not giving up on the opportunity, especially since he believes the company is heading in the wrong direction from Devon and Mamie’s warmongering.

Lily tells him not to go there right now.

Billy nods. He says it’s a lot to process, and Devon is not going to be happy about it.

Billy Abbott.

Lily just can’t believe that Jill would make a decision like this without discussing it with her first.

Billy says she should have, but they’re here now.

Devon and Nate walk in. Devon says he assumes his lack of an invite to this meeting was an oversight. What’s going on?

Lily says Devon and Nate might want to sit down for this shocker.

Nate, Devon, and Lily.

Crimson Lights

Chloe says it could work if they enlisted Adam’s help. She hates even saying that.

Sally shakes her head. Absolutely not. She says Adam is going through hell right now, and she’s not going to pull him into their problems.

Sally talks with Chloe.

Chloe says it was Adam’s idea to bring the design business under the Newman umbrella… Maybe he’d still be up to the challenge; it could be a good distraction for him.

Sally disagrees. It’s not going to happen.

Chloe asks about Nick. He knows their business is sound!

Chloe Mitchell.

Sally says that’s Chloe’s desperation talking.

Chloe says she’s giving Sally solutions but keeps getting shot down.

Sally says this might be a mistake.

Chloe asks if Sally thinks they should just give up and that their partnership is over.

Sally Spectra.

Adam’s Apartment

Chelsea says Adam’s right; they need a new plan. They can’t even talk to their son, who thinks he’s worthless… They need to figure this out!

Adam and Chelsea talk.

Adam says he didn’t mean that they needed to get closer to find an answer. As much as he hates to say it, he doesn’t think he or Chelsea are the people who can find the answer. They have to leave it to the people with the experience and education.

Chelsea asks if he’s giving up.

Adam says he’s not giving up… He’s giving in. He says their knee-jerk reactions and their parental instincts aren’t helping Connor and might be making it worse. They’re reacting the way any parent would, and the doctors told them as much… The doctors have parents questioning their techniques all the time! He says he was the one who was in the wrong and wanted to get Connor out of there.

Adam talks to Chelsea.

Chelsea thinks Adam might have been right; maybe Connor does need a new care team or a new facility.

Adam shakes his head. He says that Chelsea told him long ago to “trust the process,” and he finally sees it… He’s admitted to himself that he doesn’t know how to fix it, so they have to have faith in the doctors.

Chelsea smiles sadly. She knows he’s right; she had to trust that the doctors were going to help her, too.

Chelsea and Adam talk.

Adam says seeing what Connor is going through made him realize how much Chelsea must have suffered before she got better.

Chelsea nods. She says she can’t watch their son suffer anymore.

Adam hugs her and comforts her.

Adam hugs Chelsea.

The GCAC Dining Room

Phyllis can’t believe Danny and Christine have fallen back in love, but Danny nods. It’s true. Phyllis grabs her stomach and says she thinks she’s lost her appetite.

Phyllis holds her stomach and winces.

Christine asks if she’d like a muffin… She’s looking a little pale.

Phyllis says she may never eat again.

Danny tells her to take care.

Danny and Christine talk to Phyllis.

Phyllis nods and tells Danny to take care, too. She says she’ll look after their son and try to stop him from making any big mistakes… Unlike his father.

Danny sighs. Please.

Phyllis says at least she won’t have to run into Cricket anytime soon. She tells them to have a good tour and have fun. Break a leg! She leaves the club.

Phyllis talks with Danny and Christine.

Danny grins at Christine.

Christine says she doesn’t care that she ran into Phyllis; nothing can spoil her excitement!

Danny says Phyllis was right about one thing; being on the road can be tough!

Danny talks with Christine.

Christine says she can’t wait to for their road adventure… They’ll be on the road in love! She kisses him.

Danny smiles. “To the next chapter of our life together, my love!”

They kiss.

Christine and Danny kiss.

Crimson Lights

Sally tells Chloe their partnership isn’t a mistake; she meant that stepping out of their comfort zone might have been a mistake. They know fashion and are great at it… Maybe they shouldn’t have drifted so far from their calling!

Sally talks to Chloe.

Chloe asks if she’s suggesting they abandon their interior design business and go back to fashion… Again? With what money? What is Nick going to think about losing his investment in the design firm?

Sally says she doesn’t have all the answers; she’s only just started to think about it. They have to make a move fast, or Nick will lose his investment. They’re smart, experienced, and creative, and don’t need Nick, Adam, or Victor to do it. They can dig themselves out of their hole themselves!

Chloe says she’s on board… But they’re going to need some big shovels!

Chloe gestures as she talks to Sally.

Adam’s Apartment

Chelsea apologizes for crying on Adam’s shoulder. She says she “lost it” again… She seems to be doing that a lot, lately.

Adam shrugs and says her way of losing it is a lot different than his… Hers isn’t as destructive!

Adam and Chelsea smile as they talk.

Chelsea says she was impressed by the way he held it together at their facility visit; she was expecting him to run past the doctors, find Connor, and make a run for it!

Adam says he might have checked the exits and looked for a way to dodge security.

Chelsea laughs. Who knew that he’d be the calm one!

Adam says they have to trust the doctors; pulling Connor out now would mean they’d have to start all over, and that’s not fair to him. Their only option is to move forward.

Adam talks to a smiling Chelsea.


Devon can’t believe it… Jill is out, Billy is in, and Jill didn’t even discuss it with her partners first. He asks Billy if this is another of his power plays.

Lily says they shouldn’t make any accusations before they talk to Jill.

Devon gestures at Billy as Nate and Lily look on.

Devon says that’s impossible to do because she’s unreachable and traveling the world.

Billy says he was as surprised as Devon, but it’s happening, and they have to make it work.

Devon says they don’t have to do anything until they speak to Jill. They’re not just going to let Billy get away with this!

Devon looks serious.

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Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs in the USA on Monday, May 13, 2024, and airs one day ahead in Canada. We post our Y&R recaps every weekday! Last Episode Adam’s Apartment Adam comes home and looks at Connor’s photo on his mantelpiece. There’s a knock at the door, and he answers. CBS It’s Sally, and…