Y&R Recap: Nikki Learns Jordan Escaped, Diane and Kyle Argue Before Claire Makes An Accusation Against Kyle

Y&R Recap: Nikki Learns Jordan Escaped, Diane and Kyle Argue Before Claire Makes An Accusation Against Kyle

Thurs March 28, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Nikki confides in Jack. Sally gives Adam moral support, and Diane and Kyle navigate their relationship at Jabot.

Tuesday’s recap: Dismissing Billy’s Concerns, Lily Terminates Daniel & Heather, and Chelsea Convinces Adam to Send Connor Away

(This day ahead recap episode airs in the USA on March 28. Expect spoilers! Recaps go live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

Crimson Lights

At Crimson Lights, Chelsea and Adam tell Connor he’ll stay short-term at the facility.

It’s not for crazy people but people learning to navigate their issues.

Chelsea calls it beautiful and they think he’ll be surprised at how much it helps him.

Glum, Connor tells them he’s not going.

chelsea and adam tell connor he's going to maryland

Chelsea understands but that’s not how it works. Connor doesn’t care. He’s not going.

Chelsea suggests they look at the website. Connor doesn’t get why it matters.

They just want to send him away. Adam says he means everything to him and more.

Chelsea calls him the best thing that’s ever happened to them.

adam and chelsea worry about the kid

“Even if I’m crazy?” Adam says he is not. Connor doesn’t think he needs help.

He’s confused and isn’t sure what’s real or made up in his head.

Adam and Chelsea look concerned.

Adam’s sorry, knowing it’s hard.

They’d do anything to make things better. This place in Maryland is it. They explain there are kids his age with OCD.

Kids he can talk to about this. They’ll visit and go sight seeing.

adam wants to be there for connor

Connor decides to give it a shot but if he hates it, will they make him stay?

They agree to pull him out if he only gives it a chance. “Okay. I’ll try,” he says.

Chelsea calls him her sweet boy and Adam calls to confirm they’re on the way.

Adam hugs his son and promises life will get better.

“I love you.” Connor sadly nods and Chelsea takes him away.

connor is convinced

Sally appears at the door.

They sit together and he tells her what happened.

He doesn’t want this for him.

He wants Connor to be happy but feels guilty.

sally with adam

Sally assures Adam he’s a good parent but he doesn’t see it.

He thinks he passed dysfunction on to his kid. Sally denies it.

Adam says they’re leaving tonight. Chelsea is helping him to pack now.

Sally’s glad. He’s being brave and will get through this. Adam isn’t sure.

It’s tearing him apart. Chelsea returns and Sally’s glad she saw her before she left.

Chelsea thanks her for helping Adam through this.

sally and chelsea love in

Sally can’t imagine what they’re all going through. Connor’s a good kid.

Sally invites Chelsea to call her anytime for anything which Chelsea’s ever so grateful for.

She’s glad Sally’s in Adam’s life.

They hold hands and sing kumbaya before Chelsea goes back upstairs and Sally hugs Adam before he leaves.

sally hugs adam before he goes

Abbott mansion

Diane arrives home early, knowing she’d find Kyle there.

He’s still waiting to find a nanny and had to pick Harrison up from school.

He’s with Mrs. Martinez. Diane calls his son lucky to have a caring father.

Harrison wants him to be his nanny.

kyle listens to diane Y&R recaps

Kyle explained he has a full-time job and thinks transitions are tough for kids.

Diane agrees he’s had his fill. Talk turns to Kyle showing her up at work.

He rewrote some of the presentation she’s spearheading.

He can’t override her work and put his seal of approval on it. It’s unacceptable. What was he thinking?

He thought it felt rushed. This angers Diane off. He was proofreading and thought he was doing her a favor.

diane yells at kyle for underminding her Y&R

She says he should have come to her and shared his thoughts.

She’d have made changes if she wanted to. He blindsided her.

Kyle thinks she’s blowing this out of proportion.

kyle defends himself

“Excuse me?!” Diane yells. He didn’t think it was a big deal.

Diane says sure, if it was the first time it happened but it’s been one thing after another. Kyle claims he always has someone proof his work too.

She snaps that he’s looking over her shoulder at every turn.

He thought she welcomed that. She reminds him she’s his superior. “Forgive me if I overstepped,” Kyle says.

Diane calms down and apologizes. She shouldn’t have said things in the manner she did.

diane snaps at Kyle

She should have addressed her concerns sooner.

Kyle can’t get over her reminding him that she’s his superior.

She thinks he sounds like he resents her and he thinks he has advice worth taking. She agrees he does.

It’s why she’s cautious and wants to push through this.

She suggests they get lunch and discuss it but he takes off for the office instead.

diane huffs

Newman Ranch

At the ranch, Victoria and Claire sit on the sofa and talk about having a stress-free day.

This is a first, especially for Claire.

Victoria suggests a walk, a drive or shopping spree.

Claire suggests lunch without security guards.

victoria offers shopping spree Y&R recaps soapsspoilers

Nikki saunters in, very upset. Jordan’s had some kind of seizure and is in stable condition.

The medical emergency is delaying her transfer into the maximum security prison.

Claire worries she’s purposefully delaying this.

She’d have checked out the possible side effects of the toxin and would know it’d cause a seizure.

Victoria agrees she took it on purpose. Nikki thinks she’s trying to come up with her next move.

This is why Claire wanted to leave her in the dungeon.

nikki scoffs at jordan's being ill

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Jack turns up at the ranch and Victoria introduces Claire as her daughter, even though they’ve met.

He tells her he won’t let his decades-old issues with her grandfather affect their relationship.

The women head out and leave Jack with Nikki who tells her old friend that she saved Jordan’s life and may live to regret it.

jack being awkward Y&R

They discuss Jordan taking the poison and how Nikki couldn’t let her pass away.

She details calling 911 but now is worried she’ll use this against her. Jack still thinks she did the right thing.

Nikki thinks the world would be better off if Jordan had died. They hear a sound and Nikki clutches at her heart in distress.

Jack assures her it’s not Jordan. Victoria calls from the door with an apology.

Her purse got caught on the chair. They leave and Jack notices Nikki’s shaking like a leaf.

jack blathers about ashley

She needs a distraction and asks after his family. He talks about Jabot and Traci working on her book.

Nikki thinks she’s talented and can’t wait to read it. He needs advice on Ashley who is struggling with the end of her marriage to Tucker. Nikki snarks.

Why is he even still in Genoa City? Jack wishes he knew.

They talk about the Paris fight and the accusations, and denials and that Ashley vacillates between hating him and wanting him back.

Nikki’s so sorry and feels bad for leaning on him. Nikki tells him to stay out of it.

She knows Ashley doesn’t make the best decisions but if things blow up, she’ll want to lean on him, not hear “I told you sos.”

Jack says Diane agrees. He decides to listen.

nikki has tough love for jack


At Society, Victoria and Claire have lunch and Victoria asks what she’d have studied if it was up to her, not Jordan.

Claire has no idea. Victoria has a passion for art and Claire says she likes museums for the art and people watching.

Jordan can’t take away her future. Kyle walks in and Victoria gets a call.

claire likes museums

She leaves the table and Claire invites Kyle to sit.

He tells her he’s terrible company but she doesn’t mind.

She’s been around the worst. He takes a seat and grins.

“Oh yeah? Tell me more.” She jokes about having tons of experience with undesirables.

kyle meets with claire and victoria

They discuss who raised her and she says she was sheltered.

He talks about his marriage being over and co-parenting Harrison with Summer.

He worries about the kid since the divorce.

Kyle asks if she felt differently about the other kids in her class who had two parents.

Claire worries that someone warned him about her and assumes he’s wondering how terrible of a person she is.

Kyle agrees he did learn a lot and calls it shocking. She tells him to walk away. Nobody would blame him.

“I have a dangerous past.” he smiles. She’s not getting off the hook that easily and asks if she’ll tell him her side.

kyle picks claire's brain

Abbott mansion

Back at the Abbott manse, Jack talks to Diane about her argument with Kyle.

She thinks he still resents her but Jack reminds her Kyle recommended she take the job.

diane complains to jack

Diane thinks he’s having second thoughts.

What should she do? Jack doesn’t know.

The solution he thinks needs to come from her.

jack listens to diane babble about kyle wanting her job Y&R

Newman Ranch

Back at the ranch, Nikki reads Essential Elegance magazine until security calls.

nikki reads a magazine

She’s startled and picks up the landline.

She says, “No, Victor’s not here.” They leave a message which horrifies Nikki.

“What? Jordan escaped from the hospital? Oh my God. Oh my God, this can’t be happening,” she says, in shock.

nikki gets devastating news about jordan

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Thurs March 28, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Nikki confides in Jack. Sally gives Adam moral support, and Diane and Kyle navigate their relationship at Jabot. Tuesday’s recap: Dismissing Billy’s Concerns, Lily Terminates Daniel & Heather, and Chelsea Convinces Adam to Send Connor Away (This day ahead recap episode airs in the USA on March…