Y&R Spoilers Shock Kyle realizes he still loves Summer – Will Skye return and take care of Harrison?

Y&R Spoilers Shock Kyle realizes he still loves Summer – Will Skye return and take care of Harrison?

**Title:** *The Heart’s True Compass: Kyle and Summer’s Emotional Reawakening*

In the latest twist of *The Young and the Restless*,

Kyle Abbott finds himself at a crossroads, as the relentless courtroom

battles over custody of young Harrison have left him emotionally

drained and questioning the very foundation of his life. The once-passionate relationship between Kyle and Summer Newman has deteriorated into a bitter struggle, each determined to prove themselves the more capable parent. But as the custody battle rages on, both begin to wonder if their fight is truly about Harrison or if it’s a reflection of something much deeper—unresolved feelings between them.

Kyle, caught in the turmoil of the courtroom, starts to reflect on the love he and Summer once shared. The intensity of their legal clash feels strangely personal, as if they’re not just fighting for Harrison’s future, but also for the remnants of their love. Every time he sees Summer standing fiercely in court, he can’t help but remember the woman he fell in love with—the woman who, despite everything, still seems to care deeply for him. Is Summer fighting not just for Harrison, but also for him?

On the other side, Summer is similarly conflicted. Her drive to win the custody battle has been all-consuming, but she starts to question whether victory would truly bring her happiness if it means losing Kyle forever. The prospect of life without him—the man she once envisioned spending her life with—becomes unbearable. As doubts creep in, Summer begins to realize that her fight may not be solely for Harrison’s sake but for a part of her that still longs for Kyle, despite all the pain and betrayal.

One evening, after yet another grueling day in court, Kyle and Summer find themselves alone together. Away from the tension of the courtroom and the prying eyes of others, they’re faced with the silence that’s been filled with unspoken emotions. Kyle breaks the silence, his voice heavy with emotion as he admits, “Summer, I’ve been thinking about us—about everything we’ve been through. I can’t help but wonder, what are we really fighting for?”

Summer, her own feelings bubbling to the surface, admits her own doubts. “I thought it was about Harrison, about being the best parent I could be, but now… I’m not so sure.”A youtube thumbnail with the maxres qualityA youtube thumbnail with the maxres quality

As the two share their uncertainties, Kyle makes a heart-wrenching confession: “I don’t think I ever stopped loving you.”

The admission hangs between them, the weight of it almost too much to bear. Summer, tears in her eyes, confesses that she too has never stopped loving him. The anger and hurt that have driven them apart were fueled by fear—fear that they had lost each other for good. But in this moment of raw honesty, they both realize that their love for each other never truly faded; it was simply buried under layers of pain and resentment.

Kyle, filled with regret, reaches out to Summer, vowing to make things right. He wants to be with her, to rebuild their family—not just for Harrison, but for themselves. Summer, overwhelmed by his sincerity, agrees. They both long to start anew, to move past the bitterness and find happiness together once more.

As they embrace, tears flow freely, washing away months of tension and heartbreak. It’s a moment of catharsis, a release of all the pent-up emotions that have been tearing them apart. Yet, this reconciliation brings with it new challenges. Kyle must face the reality of his relationship with Skye, the woman he’s been seeing during their separation. Though his feelings for Skye were never as deep as those for Summer, ending things with her will be complicated, especially after he had promised her a new beginning.

Kyle knows that the road ahead won’t be easy, but he’s certain of one thing: his heart belongs to Summer. Together, they must navigate the complexities of their past and the uncertainties of their future, but for the first time in a long while, they have hope—hope that they can rebuild what they once had and create a future filled with love and happiness.

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**Title:** *The Heart’s True Compass: Kyle and Summer’s Emotional Reawakening* In the latest twist of *The Young and the Restless*, Kyle Abbott finds himself at a crossroads, as the relentless courtroom battles over custody of young Harrison have left him emotionally drained and questioning the very foundation of his life. The once-passionate relationship between Kyle…