Y&R Star Courtney Hope Clarifies Her Social Media Hiatus

Y&R Star Courtney Hope Clarifies Her Social Media Hiatus

Courtney Hope with the Soap Hub logo across the bottom.Y&R’s Courtney Hope found taking a social media break was refreshing.

The Young and the Restless star Courtney Hope worried fans when she hadn’t been posting anything for a while. But, ever the generous spirit, the actress addressed their concerns in an insightful update on her private life.

Hope Needed a Mental Break

While some soap stars post all the time on social media, others refrain from using it. Some are new to it, like General Hospital‘s Michael Easton, and some don’t really have anything to say. In the midst of all that are actors who just need to take a break from the onslaught of posts and videos and memes and kitties and photos of meals and all that, and enjoy some “me” time every so often.

But pretty much all the soap actors also deeply appreciate their fans, without whom they’d be out of a job, and take time to respond to their concerns. This happened with Y&R’s Hope (Sally) because people had been wondering why she hadn’t been posting any new Instagram posts lately.

In a now-defunct Instagram story, as reported by Soaps in Depth, Hope posted a video in which she stated, “I am here because a lot of people have asked me where I’ve been on social media. I haven’t been posting as much and I’m here to address it. We each go through different seasons of our lives, and this season for me has been a lot about head down, nose to the grindstone working and really nourishing the relationships around me and with myself.”

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She explained that she’s barely on social media anymore, limiting herself to around 15 minutes a day, which leaves her more time to explore “My life and looking at who I need to be, what I want to be, what my life looks like for the next chapter, and how I can step up to that. So, lots of work. Been super busy this last month.” She added that her upcoming month is also packed with projects, but was all, “Good stuff. So yeah, this season is my working season.”

Using Her Newfound Free Time Wisely

She also uses this time to revitalize personal relationships that may have taken a back seat, remarking, “It’s easy to let those fall by the wayside because we are focused on all these other tasks or things you need to do or other people. So yeah, just calming my nervous system, giving myself the recovery that I need after working.”

Further explaining that she tries not to read other people’s posts because she tends to compare herself to their sentiments, she assured her followers that she was still there for them, stating, “I am here. I do see you. I do hear you. I love you all. I’m excited for the season where I’m posting, posting, posting, and sharing the good news.” (See what some soap stars posted on Mother’s Day.)

We’re glad it’s social media and not Y&R that she’s taking a break from!

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Y&R’s Courtney Hope found taking a social media break was refreshing. The Young and the Restless star Courtney Hope worried fans when she hadn’t been posting anything for a while. But, ever the generous spirit, the actress addressed their concerns in an insightful update on her private life. Hope Needed a Mental Break While some soap…