Y&R: Victor and Adam Argue Over Smear Campaign, Summer Gives Kyle an Ultimatum, and Billy & Chelsea Have a Revealing Heart-to-Heart

Y&R: Victor and Adam Argue Over Smear Campaign, Summer Gives Kyle an Ultimatum, and Billy & Chelsea Have a Revealing Heart-to-Heart

Crimson Lights

Summer thanks Kyle for wanting to meet with her. She hopes they can resolve their differences and put the focus on Harrison where it belongs.

Kyle and Summer.

Chancellor Park

Billy meets Chelsea and gives her a single, long-stem rose to welcome her back.

He’s happy to hear how much better Connor is doing.

Chelsea shares that Connor uses the tools he’s learned to battle the OCD, and Billy says she and Connor are in the right place despite what Adam says.

Chelsea wants to know when Billy spoke with Adam.

Billy and Chelsea.

Adam takes care of some business on the phone.

Victor walks in and is proud to hear how Adam is handling things. He asks about Connor and is happy to hear of his progress.

Victor tells Adam he put him in charge of handling things when the time comes, and that time is now.

Victor and Billy.

Crimson Lights

Summer informs Kyle she came in good faith and could’ve brought her lawyer. Kyle is surprised she didn’t.

She stresses how Harrison can feel the tension between them, and Kyle agrees. She wants them to be civil with each other.

Kyle and Summer.

Kyle thinks Summer enlisting Victor’s help is a new low for her.

Summer claims Victor only wants what’s best for Harrison.

Adam lets his father know he has stayed on top of work, even while dealing with Connor’s crisis.

Victor now wants him to focus on something else. He wants Adam to launch a full-scale negative campaign against Billy Abbott and Chancellor. Victor insists Adam rock Billy’s boat until it sinks.

Victor and Adam.

Chancellor Park

Billy tells Chelsea about running into Adam at Crimson Lights.

Chelsea is shocked by Adam’s territorial behavior. She says Adam must focus on Connor and not try to manage her.

Billy apologizes for pressuring her to open up. He tells her that it’s up to her when and if she wants to share anything with him.

Billy and Chelsea.

The couple change topics and Billy tells Chelsea that Lily has changed her thoughts on their original Abbott-Chancellor plans.

Chelsea insists Billy is brilliant and is stumped by how Lily wants him to leave his company. Chelsea remembers it was Billy who brought Lily on board.

Billy agrees he did but tells Chelsea that Lily will be the one to run Abbott-Chancellor.

Billy and Chelsea.

Adam tells his father he saw this coming from the time Victor shared his plans about Chancellor.

Victor says he’s determined to make things right at Chancellor and shares that Nikki is on board.

Adam is hesitant about the media hit job, and Victor wonders why, to which Adam replies that he doesn’t want to sleight Billy and hurt Chelsea.

Victor points out that he fought the entire family to give Adam his job. He now wonders if he made a mistake.


Crimson Lights

Summer tells Kyle she knows they haven’t been communicating well and she thought Victor could help. She notes that Victor has a lot of life and conflict resolution experience, and she thought he would be a great person to get advice from.

Kyle thinks Summer wanted Victor to intimidate him. Summer wonders how Victor could do that since he has no power over him.

Kyle claims he and Victor have mutual respect.

Kyle and Summer.

Summer tells Kyle he’s been using Claire to get at her for months.

Kyle doesn’t want to discuss that again and says everything he does is for Harrison.

Summer doesn’t think that’s true according to his decisions lately. She says they both failed Harrison; they didn’t stay together to raise him and now he’s caught in the middle.

Kyle agrees that is a terrible place for him to be. They agree they can’t fix all their issues immediately, but they can create a safe space around their son. Kyle is ready to do that if Summer is.

Kyle and Summer.

Adam informs Victor that he doesn’t want to be combative, but Chelsea relies heavily on Billy. Adam says Chelsea will see this as personal, and she will see through it.

Victor wants honesty from his son and asks if he believes Chelesea belongs with Billy.

Victor and Adam.

Chancellor Park

Chelsea is confused. She wonders why Billy doesn’t force Lily out.

Billy says they will still be good partners, but that wouldn’t be the right move. He understands how his business record could negatively affect Abbott-Chancellor. He notes that making this decision proves he can do what’s required to protect the company’s legacy.

Billy explains that he’s not quitting but will work behind the scenes. He says Lily will take credit for adding Abbott to the company name. He says he knows it appears selfish, but that is not his intention with the name change.

Billy and Chelsea.

Crimson Lights

Kyle and Summer agree they must find common ground. The parents know they need to find a way to function for Harrison as they did while they were divorcing.

Summer isn’t sure he’s willing to do the work.

Kyle tells her to try him.

Summer says Kyle must cut Audra out of his life for this to work.

Kyle and Summer.

Adam says it’s up to Chelsea to decide if Billy is right for her.

Victor claims this is nonsense and that Adam is avoiding his question. He tells Adam that these plans are critical to ensuring his continued position as head of Newman Media.

Victor orders Adam to get it done as he walks out.

Victor and Adam.

Chancellor Park

Billy and Chelsea discuss how Billy is going to step away from Abbott-Chancellor.

Chelsea still doesn’t see why Billy doubts himself and is doing this. She knows Lily is a strong businesswoman, but this is not right.

Billy and Chelsea.

Adam makes a call to get the scoop on the Abbott-Chancellor announcement.

Sally knocks as he ends the call. She can sense Adam is on edge and wonders why. Adam says it was his father.

Sally wants to know what dirty work Victor wants him to do now, but Adam says he can’t tell her.

Adam and Sally.

Genoa City Athletic Club

Victor sits alone at a table, and Michael greets him. Victor points out that their differences haven’t been settled.

Michael takes a seat and Victor insists he didn’t ask him to join him.

Michael wants to know how long until he can expect things to thaw between them. He says he and Cole did what they believed was right for his family concerning Jordan. He believes it’s time to move on and asks what he can do to regain Victor’s trust.

Victor warns him never to make a move to protect his hide again. That said, Victor has something Michael can assist with.

Victor and Michael.

Chancellor Park

Chelsea wonders if Lily values Billy as much as Billy values her.

Billy says it’s all a shame. Billy and Lily will still be partners even if he’s a silent partner.


Crimson Lights

Kyle thinks Summer is delusional to suggest he give up Glissade to appease her.

Summer tells him this is non-negotiable; she can’t trust Audra around Harrison! Summer blames Audra and Glissade for Kyle’s recent attitude change.

Kyle says Summer has no right to dictate who he works with and begs her to be reasonable.

Kyle and Summer.

Summer doesn’t care how he creates distance between him and Audra but orders him to do it. Kyle points out that this is not how to meet halfway. Summer reminds him he has more than halfway to go to prove himself.

Kyle says there has to be a solution that doesn’t blow up his life. He suggests a counteroffer. He thinks they should both drop their lawsuits and continue joint custody.

Summer can see he’s carefully choosing his words. She wants to know what Kyle is not telling her.

Kyle and Summer.

Sally tells Adam that it worries her more when he can’t tell her things.

Adam says Victor’s agendas demand discretion. He needs time to decide if he wants to do it. Sally points out that Victor doesn’t take no for an answer.

Sally wants to know if Adam still trusts her.

Adam, Chelsea, and Sally.

Chelsea stands in the doorway and interrupts the couple.

Sally leaves Chelsea and Adam to talk. Adam wants to know why Chelsea is there so early.

Chelsea shuts the door and demands to know why Adam told Billy to stay away from her.

Adam and Chelsea.

Crimson Lights

Kyle says forcing Audra out of Glissade is not an option, and again, Summer wonders if Adura has something on him.

Kyle circles back to his offer.

Summer says the current agreement allows Audra access to Harrison, and for whatever reason, Kyle seems to want to protect Audra.

Kyle and Summer.

Kyle gets irate and says he was trying to play nice. Summer doesn’t think he’s trying hard enough.

Kyle is done. He accuses Summer of trying to ruin his life and insists she won’t listen to reason. He walks away and tells her he will see her in court.


GCAC Dining Room

Michael relishes that Victor needs him.

Victor tells Michael he needs him to use his special skills to find dirt on Billy Abbott.

Michael and Victor.


Billy stands alone and looks at the new logo on the smart board. He calls and orders the meeting to be prepped. Billy says the world must be put on notice that Abbott-Chancellor means business.


Adam tells Chelsea he was protecting her and Connor.

Chelsea replies that he had no right. She suggests Adam worry about his relationship with Sally because it appears it’s not in a perfect spot. Chelsea informs Adam that Billy is dropping his pursuit.

Adam recognizes Chelsea wants to tell Billy that they slept together and wonders if she will.

Adam and Chelsea.

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Crimson Lights Summer thanks Kyle for wanting to meet with her. She hopes they can resolve their differences and put the focus on Harrison where it belongs. CBS Chancellor Park Billy meets Chelsea and gives her a single, long-stem rose to welcome her back. He’s happy to hear how much better Connor is doing. Chelsea…