Y&R: Victor Plans to Use Jill’s Condition as Leverage, Audra Second-Guesses Her Decisions, and Chelsea Feels the Heat

Y&R: Victor Plans to Use Jill’s Condition as Leverage, Audra Second-Guesses Her Decisions, and Chelsea Feels the Heat

Last Episode

Victor, Phyllis, and Sally.

On the last episode of Y&R, Phyllis took on Victor, Billy confronted Chelsea about ‘That Night,’ and Sally demanded the truth from Adam.

Genoa City Athletic Club Dining Room

Nate supports Audra and wants to hear from Kyle how badly he threw her under the bus.

Kyle says this is private Glissade business and is only to be discussed by them. He insists he shouldn’t have to remind her as to why.

Nate can take the hint and knows it’s all about the mystery investor.

Audra, Nate, and Kyle.

Audra excuses herself so she can speak with Kyle.

Kyle wants to know what type of game Audra is playing with him. She calls out how he is the one having secret meetings with Victor. He accuses her of getting him to slip information with Nate present.

Audra denies his insults and claims she has her hands full trying to protect herself from him. Kyle wonders why she feels that way. Audra knows he is doing his best to sabotage her.


Newman Enterprises

Michael stops by Victor’s office, confident that Victor is about to reinstate his number one employee.

Victor hopes Michael didn’t come empty-handed. He has a report to make to Victor. Victor wants to know if it is damaging to Billy Abbott.

Michael and Victor.

Michael says Billy has been keeping his nose clean, and there’s nothing to report. He’s looked under every rock and says if something were there, he would have found it.

Victor finds this difficult to believe, but Michael insists it’s true. Billy’s personal and professional lives are scandal-free, aside from what Victor already knows.

Michael found one thing disturbing, but it’s not directly related to Billy. Victor wants to hear it, but Michael warns him he won’t like it.


Crimson Lights

Billy tells Chelsea he overheard her in the park and can’t push this aside.

Chelsea attempts to spin her words to correspond with the false fight with Adam. Billy shuts her down. He doesn’t want a scene but can see this secret is eating her up.

Billy and Chelsea.

Chelsea tells Billy how much she loves him. He knows this.

She says Connor is upstairs alone and turns to rush out. Billy stops her by reminding her this is important. She can’t give him an answer when she’ll be available to discuss this further.

What Billy hears is Chelsea saying she doesn’t have time for their relationship. Chelsea suggests maybe she does need a break. He agrees to give her space but reminds her this won’t just go away.

Chelsea and Billy.

Adam’s Apartment

Sally knows Adam and insists he is keeping something from her. She begs him to be honest with her.

Adam changes his nice tone and questions why she keeps pushing this.

Adam and Sally.

Sally won’t have this deception anymore and demands he tell her what’s happening. She accuses him of gaslighting her, and she’s tired of it. She knows the game and plays it well, which is why she knows he is lying to her.

Sally wants to know what happened that night to make Chelsea feel so guilty.

Sally and Billy.

Adam tries to spin his web of lies again. He says unforgettable and unforgivable things were said during his fight with Chelsea that night.

He tells Sally it wasn’t only him but also how Chelsea came back at him hard. Adam says it’s clear how Chelsea regrets that now.

Adam sees that Sally appears to be buying his story, so he steers the topic towards Connor. Both parents are stressed about how to spend every moment with Connor.

Adam apologizes for worrying Sally and promises he will get a handle on things. She wants to believe him but still believes he’s lying to her.

Adam and Sally.

GCAC Dining Room

Audra wants Kyle to spill the details about what Kyle and Victor spoke about. He says everything is not about her. His conversation with Victor was about the war Summer is waging against him.

Audra declares Kyle better not attempt to ruin her. Victor has made it clear they are to work together at Glissade. Kyle snaps back and insists she is the one trying to ruin him by having secret meetings with Victor. She won’t apologize for having one meeting without him.

Kyle and Audra.

Kyle says they must stop this mistrust they share for them to succeed.

Summer enters and approaches them. She apologizes for interrupting and requests to speak with Kyle alone.

Audra won’t go so easily. She tells Summer they must clarify a few things first.

Summer, Kyle, and Audra.
Kyle and Audra.

Adam’s Apartment

Adam says he would never lie to Sally. She says what she and Billy heard is not what he’s saying. She wants to know what it is that they are so worried Connor will discover.

Adam digs in deep and says Chelsea is struggling to deal with her guilt. They are both stressed about having to change every way they interact with Connor so the parents don’t upset his OCD.

Sally acknowledges that. Adam accuses Billy of hammering her and Chelsea with his paranoia. He asks Sally to promise she won’t allow Billy’s paranoia to get to her.

Sally and Adam.

Crimson Lights

Chelsea tells Billy she is not avoiding him. She is just trying to make her son her priority. He understands but is shocked that she doesn’t have a moment for them.

Billy says they both need this. Chelsea says she can’t do this right now. She kisses him and walks out.

Chelsea and Billy.

GCAC Dining Room

Summer tells Audra she isn’t the person she wants to speak with. She has nothing to say to her.

Audra is appalled at how Summer dragged her into their custody war about a boy she’s had zero contact with. Summer demands to know what Kyle has told Audra.

Kyle insists he only wanted to know if Audra did something to cause this. Audra interrupts and reiterates she did nothing. She hasn’t given Summer two thoughts, but Summer obviously can’t say the same about her.

Summer, Kyle, and Audra.

Summer says the only thing she thinks about Audra is that she wishes she didn’t have to.

Audra advises Summer to stop blaming her for their custody issues. She is not Summer’s problem unless she wants her to be.

Kyle steps in and claims that’s enough.

Summer, Kyle, and Audra.

Summer promises this private conversation with Kyle will be much more civil.

Kyle and Summer step out, while Audra returns to the table with Nate.

Audra thanks Nate for the wine. He informs her this isn’t going to work out.

Nate and Audra.

Jazz Lounge

Summer tells Kyle she can’t believe how unbelievable Audra is. He reminds her she claimed she wanted to be civil.

Summer says she hates the way their previous conversation went so far off the rails, and Kyle apologizes for the way he reacted as well.

Summer knows Kyle had some fair points and she believes he was trying to be sincere.

Kyle says he was but she went too far with the ultimatums about ridding Audra from his work and personal life.

Summer assumes he’s still refusing to do that, and Kyle says he wants an explanation as to why she hates Audra so much.

Kyle and Summer.

Summer says she does not trust her and wants her nowhere near Harrison. She can see the negative effect that Audra has on Kyle and she is to blame for him turning his back on the Abbotts.

Kyle says Diane was mostly the reason he left, but Summer recalls his first round with Audra. She says Audra stabbed Tucker in the back to get Glissade, and Kyle tells her she is making assumptions about things she knows nothing about.

Summer says she knows is that someone that untrustworthy doesn’t need to be around Harrison. She doesn’t understand why Kyle doesn’t see it.

Summer senses that Kyle doesn’t trust Audra either.

Kyle and Summer.

GCAC Dining Room

Audra can’t understand how her stepping away for a moment to speak with Kyle could signify to Nate that they won’t work out.

Nate says she has it all wrong.; he is referring to her ill-fated relationship with Kyle! Nate says that, unlike Kyle, he and Audra are oozing with potential.

Audra admits things are tense right now and she needs time to manipulate this to her advantage. Nate believes Kyle has already figured that part out for himself.

Audra and Nate.

Newman Enterprises

Victor wants more details.

Michael says he did some investigating and knows Jill is in London with Snapper dealing with cardiac issues.

Victor is sorry to hear this. The only update Michael can provide is that Jill is being treated. Victor believes Jill is testing Billy during her absence but he wishes the reigns were given to Lily.

Victor and Michael.

Michael says he upheld his part of their deal and wants to know why Victor is so interested in Chancellor.

Victor says Billy will tank the company on his own, and he will be there to rescue Katherine’s legacy. He shares that Nikki will be in charge, and Michael notes that this is a perfect idea.

Michael hopes Victor isn’t planning to weaponize Jill’s medical condition against Billy.

Victor and Michael.

Adam’s Apartment

Adam wonders if Sally trusts him. She says she wants to but knows he is keeping her at a distance. Adam promises there is no distance and says he’s sorry for making her feel this way.

She tells Adam how she feels further apart from him now versus when they lived apart.

Adam and Sally.

Sally wants to believe him that things will get better. She questions if he expects her to wait around until they magically do.

Adam has no answers.

Sally gets even more upset and walks out.

Sally and Adam.

GCAC Dining Room

Audra tells Nate that the mystery investor has put conditions on the Glissade deal, and she and Kyle must work together to meet them.

Nate wonders why this is.

Audra claims it’s a safety net thing, but Nate isn’t buying it. She thinks Nate is trying to get a name from her.

Nate says there’s no need… He knows the mystery investor is Victor Newman!

Audra and Nate.

Audra insists Nate doesn’t know anything and is back to his conspiracy theory again.

Nate says it makes the most sense and points to the rivalry between Jack and Victor.

Audra clarifies Nate’s theory. Kyle is Victor’s way of causing the most damage to Jabot and Jack. He agrees and claims that’s a Victor move, and Kyle would be a pawn if he were the mystery investor.


Audra wonders if Nate can keep a secret. He says he can, and Audra says he better not make her regret it.

She confirms that Victor is the mystery investor. She was thrilled at first, but now she doesn’t like where things seem to be headed. None of it is good.

Audra and Nate.

Chancellor Park

Billy sits alone, and Sally enters the park. Both are drained and upset.

Sally claims it’s more of the same with Adam.


Billy says Chelsea ran out as quickly as she could.

Sally knows Adam is lying and is tired of it. Billy agrees. He’s tired of it, too.

Adam’s Apartment

Chelsea and Adam discuss Sally and Billy. She tells him that she pushed Billy away hard this time and can’t keep doing this. He agrees and says he feels the same way about Sally.

Adam believes they would all benefit if Billy would back off, and Chelsea says he knows better than to think Billy will back off this easily.

Adam and Chelsea.

She tells Adam they are acting like something happened because something did.

Adam admits he lied directly to Sally, and he hates it. He says they must find a way to put this behind them.

Chelsea says it’s too late for that and insists there’s only one way out for them now; they must tell the truth.

Jazz Lounge

Kyle tells Summer his parents betrayed him, and he had reason to jump at the great job offer at Glissade. He doesn’t believe he and Audra have to like each other to work together.

Summer is still concerned. She knows Audra can’t be trusted.

Kyle says the job was tailor-made for him, but Summer isn’t buying it and says there’s more to it than what he’s saying.

Summer and Kyle.

GCAC Dining Room

Nate reminds Audra that he tried to warn her about Victor.

Audra says she thought Victor’s motives wouldn’t matter and he would see how capable she is at running Glissade.

Nate says he knows Victor and he always gets what he wants. He laughs when she claims she believed she could handle Victor. He has to hand it to her… She is fearless!

Audra and Nate.

Audra realizes Victor’s only reason for purchasing Glissade is to stick it to Jack and Jabot, and Nate wonders why that matters to her.

Audra says she has no desire to get caught in the middle of this age-old battle.

Newman Enterprises

Victor asks Michael to find out all the details about Jill’s condition. He suggests Michael approach Chance because Billy certainly won’t give it, and he isn’t above Michael using his wife to get the job done.

Michael has reservations but quickly relents. Victor tells him they will discuss their future once he brings him useful information.

Victor and Michael.

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Last Episode On the last episode of Y&R, Phyllis took on Victor, Billy confronted Chelsea about ‘That Night,’ and Sally demanded the truth from Adam. Genoa City Athletic Club Dining Room Nate supports Audra and wants to hear from Kyle how badly he threw her under the bus. Kyle says this is private Glissade business and is…